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Hrs; web form for WebCT)non-tech supportITS/University Relationstesting Movable Type testing Flashprogram facultyComments&needs to be expanded to virtual campusOnline Writing Lab, ?(Need variety of tutoring services onlinedatabases - yesorientation - norenew books - yesE-reserve - yesunless overduedeliver books - noe.g., test software, etc. tfeedback on grammar, lexicon, syntax, spelling (better than Word) so instructor can help students with bigger issues1DE web site maintained by Associate Provost staff easy to useWebCT; P: driveQuiz/exam functionSelf-study quizzes rubrics, ???+Organizational tools (like content modules)variesDCaptivate, Flash, Excel, Second Life, proprietary networked software+alumni, proctors, mentors, internship sites assessment#Dean's DE Task Force was disbanded.Common look for online courses;Common hardware and software package available at bookstore$Hardware specs listed on DE web site$include head set, web cam, mic, etc.dautomate like YouTube so non-technical users can capture, edit, render, encode and publish capabiltypUsing tools like wiki, allow students to create, edit and link web pages, forming personal learning environment wikis could also play a role0Common tools and guidelines for content creationfor students' ease of useStudent feedback on teaching Eportfolios HTML, other? Animation development Assessment Assignment drop boxBloggingCalendarChatCourse email distribution listsDemonstrationsDiscussion forumEmail Exam conversion/development tool Game/review activiities creation!Study Mate; WebCT Self-study quiz GradebookLibrary services - databasesLibrary services - orientationLibrary services - renew booksLibrary services - E-reserve*Library services - check out/deliver booksCLive classroom (audio, white board, document display, chat, video?)Plagiarism prevention Simulations,Simulations - advanced gaming and simulationStreaming audioStreaming videoStudent H: driveText management/feedback tools Tutoring online Whiteboard Advising onlineVirtual campus0Define and market ɫӰ online learning initiative3Proctor model for resources near the remote studentStudent services onlineAudio production consultingGraphic arts consultingLearning elements database#Minimum hardware/connectivity specsOnline course consultingOnline program consulting$Tech orientation for online studentsTechnical supportVideo production consulting!Learning/peer group communicationVideo on demand4WebCT; Imail; Movable Type is being tested for blogsCaptivate; FlashSecurityWebCT; Banner; ITSDWebCT survey tool is for standard surveys, not quick and spontaneousWebCT; Studymate-Studymate can create files independent of LMSWord processor Presentations DatabasesFileMakerPro in COEETGDE site links to WebCT browser tuneup page http://www.webct.com/tuneup {relevant offices & divisions - Registrar, Bursar, Financial Aid, Admissions, Student Life, colleges, advising/testing, etc.Graphics editingPhotoShop, PhotoElements, GIMPDesktop publisherMS Publisher, Word, InDesign HTML editor .pdf creator audio editing)Sound Forge, Acid Pro, Audition, Audacity video editingstatistical analysisSPSSdiagramming/concept mappingSpreadsheets/charts#Inspiration, Kidspiration, FreeMind Critical Important#cannot deploy without this function8can deploy without this but want solution in near future Desirable 8can deploy without this although it may limit some users#Key to Priority of Function - Draft Second Life pilot is in progressVendor supportQuick system response timeBSystem should be responsive without delays for pages to load, etc.5MS Office; Desktop; Inspiredata; Open Office in COEET(MS Office; Desktop; Open Office in COEET6Clickers are available for testing; have web interfaceVegas; MS Movie Maker Accessibilityjcomply with Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (required for federal web pages but not private)*Adobe Acrobat, CutePdf Writer, PDF Creator;FrontPage, Dreamweaver, Nvu, KompoZer, Open Office, MS WordAPopulates automatically from Banner or future student info system-Customizable learning environment for student%Customizable environment for faculty InstructionalConversion tool from WebCTDeveloped by ITS for Sakai$Integrates with publisher cartridges3Integrates with digital repository of T&L resourcesCostWebCT, network, web servers, P: UniversityView as student function to test course from student viewLocation - LMS or OtherOtherLMS&internal or integrated with ext. email Journal/Notesprivate; sharedHelp/orientation My Grades BookmarksWork offline/synchronizeSearchStudent trackingTemplates for coursesTemplates for quizzes/lessonsCompany/vendor profilecapable of integration with LMSFile storage/managementupload/downloadLicensing/contract provisionsacceptable to PASSHE host location!Quiz/exam function-multiple types)Quiz/exam function-integrated w gradebook Quiz/exam function-randomization$Quiz/exam function-controled release/Priority (Critical-3, Important-2, Desirable-1)Issues include how to access networked proprietary software in online programs; amount of time/resources required to create simscreate content accessible through gaming systems (Playstation, Nintendo, Xbox, iPod, iPhone, PDA, etc.) AMSGC & ITS collaboration?BView content on TV. Collaboration between ɫӰ TV and local cable?RatingPointsDefinintion of Ratingassessment/instructional Virtual world?text generation/publishing; need capacity to integrate with LMS#Need capacity to integrate with LMSeither YNeed capacity to integrate with LMS; ɫӰ is doing separate evaluation of eportfolio toolsSeparate Evaluation 6 z < _b<)e Q H N  CjYNTJ m"R#Tcc  3%.:A  dMbP?_*+%[X&L&"Arial,Bold"&12Functions for Online Teaching and Learning and Ratings (Draft 1-23-08)&LOLAT 1-23-08&R&P&?'q= ףp?(333333?)= ףp=?MKhp psc 2200 series200 series,L!@m߀dBe@RLd7eBeںں\\D7257Z81\hp psc 2200 series,LocalOnly,DrvConvert"PXffffff??U} m"} $} } m"} } DLocation - LMS or OtherTypeDesired Function/Characteristic3      @  $ $ ' ) %    + >  & +    + @   + A   + 0  8 +    , B    +    +     5 +  D    +  E    +      ,  I   +     ,   & -    ,    , g  i 6 + O    +    + *   +    +    + '   +    +    +    +    +    + (  n o +D lTLLBLLLLLBLLPPLBBLLPPBLBLLLLLLB !"#$%&'()*+,-./012     +  ! ! !! !+! 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Bennett cbennett$Mr. Christopher G. Bennett cbennettArchived