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FOR INFORMATION: LESC conversation this semester has focused on several main topics: бЧЩЋгАПт’s distance education initiative, recent бЧЩЋгАПт website conversion, an initial draft of an Acceptable Use Policy for technology services, and бЧЩЋгАПт’s presence in Second Life. With respect to бЧЩЋгАПт’s distance education initiative, LESC wishes to summarize committee discussion and bring this report before the Senate for the purpose of generating broader cross-disciplinary and cross-divisional dialogue. Statement of the Problem: As distance education relates to бЧЩЋгАПт’s library, technology, and other educational services, LESC believes this is a critically important topic but also recognizes that development of distance education policies and procedures reaches far beyond the scope of the committee. While there are a variety of ways to potentially frame distance education conversations, LESC began constructing a framework with four distinct categories of issues. Each category has one or more stakeholders who may already be discussing a limited subset of distance education issues. The four categories outlined by LESC members are as follows: IT start-up and on-going support—i.e., the nuts and bolts of providing IT services to support a distance education initiative including web connectivity, servers, other hardware, software, etc.; Curricular/pedagogical oversight and support—i.e., policies governing how distance education individual courses and entire programs will move through the curriculum approval processes (potential relevant policies in this category may cover a range of issues from basic course content to delivery mechanisms to outcomes assessment to academic integrity), as well as, professional development training for instructors and other faculty resources and support services; Creation of a virtual campus environment, particularly as undergraduate degree programs are being developed—i.e., defining what university services will be provided to which subsets of the enrolled student population (e.g., if a student living out of the region, say Wyoming or India, enters a fully online бЧЩЋгАПт undergraduate program with no intention of ever physically being on campus, will counseling services, cognitive or physical disability services through Advising and Testing, student organization access, etc. be made available to that student?—if yes, to what degree? how? by whom?); and Faculty compensation for developing and teaching online courses, particularly in programs which do not have well-defined start and end dates and/or well-defined cohorts of students—i.e., both minimum and maximum class size restrictions for distance education courses, faculty load issues in an environment in which faculty lines are continuing to disappear due to budgetary constraints even in the midst of new program development and sustained enrollment levels on the бЧЩЋгАПт physical campus, defining expectations regarding whether or not primarily distance education faculty are to be physically present on campus, etc. Particularly in the environment of turnover among various Provost and Vice Presidential management positions that has affected бЧЩЋгАПт in recent years, LESC is concerned that there is a lack of focused “big picture” leadership guiding the development of a sound distance education plan. For each of the enumerated categories of issues, there are recognized efforts by different campus entities focused on single distance education issues (say, the UWUCC and UWGC with respect to Category 2); however, LESC is concerned that such focus on the “trees” in the current environment risks a multitude of oversight issues regarding the “forest” as a whole. Additionally, given the progress towards development of distance education programs being made by some departments, concrete discussion about distance education policy issues and procedures should be happening now on a university-wide level rather than waiting until some unknown future date when open administrative positions may be filled. A lack of current conversation may result in a lack of preparedness to deal with inevitable problems that will occur as distance education programs are launched and will result in either a smorgasbord of approaches across different departments and/or penalization of departments which have been early developers of such programs if they are subsequently required to make significant changes. Call for Response: Hence, LESC would like other бЧЩЋгАПт university stakeholders in distance education to join us and request that the Provost’s Office take the following action: A cross-disciplinary, cross-divisional Strategic Planning for Distance Education Work Group should be formed and given the charge to more fully investigate the range of issues and possible strategies associated with expansion of бЧЩЋгАПт’s distance education programs. This work group should be formed this semester and begin work as soon as possible. This work group should report to the Provost’s Office and to the University Senate. Work group membership should include a mixture of faculty and administrative staff who collectively are able to reflect the interests of both the undergraduate and graduate teaching missions of бЧЩЋгАПт. Furthermore, work group membership should include but not be limited to, constituencies such as the University Senate’s UWUCC, UWGC, and LESC; ACPAC; various services of the Academic Affairs Division, Administration and Finance Division, and Student Affairs Division; and APSCUF.   +6<FGHŠŽ‘’M O P іяшреЩРЩЛЃŽЃŽЃ|kWk@,h AШh =)6B*CJOJQJ^JaJph&h AШh =)6CJOJPJQJ\^J h =)6CJOJPJQJ\^J#h =)B*CJOJQJ^JaJph)h =)5;B*CJOJQJ^JaJph/hHJh =)5;B*CJOJQJ^JaJph h =)5h =)CJ\aJhЃ+Жh =)CJ\aJhЃ+Жh =)CJaJh =)CJaJ hЃ+Жh =) h =)5\hЃ+Жh =)5\ GH‘P Q b c U V ; < V Х Ц ‰Š\]ГД їыццццццццццццццнененеце & Fgd =)„h^„hgd =)gd =) $ Цha$gd =)$a$gd =)ЯўP Q ` b c < T V рщ‹”œžЮЯъмЯъСАœС‹СœАœС‡h =) hкh =)CJOJQJ^JaJ&hЈ{€h =)56CJOJQJ^JaJ h =)56CJOJQJ^JaJh =)CJOJQJ^JaJhС=Пh =)5B*phџhС=Пh =)5>*B*phџ)hHJh =)B*CJOJQJ^JaJph !ЊЋŠ‹ž9:DEЮЯіёёёёёёёіііяgd =)„h^„hgd =) ,1hАа/ Ар=!А"А# $ %ААаАа а†œ@`ёџ@  =)NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH @`@  =) Heading 1$@& 5CJaJDAђџЁD Default Paragraph FontViѓџГV  Table Normal :V і4ж4ж laі (kєџС(No List Я*џџџџ GH‘PQbcUV;<VХЦ‰Š\]Г Д ! 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