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Betsy reported that Ira Goldberg, President of Student Congress was in the process of identifying undergraduate representative to ACPAC and the Student Computing Team. Mission, Goals, and Initiatives for 2002/2003 Betsy shared that the Mission and Goals statements (listed below) were developed by the Action Team in 1999/2000. Members were asked if they felt that the mission and goals were still relevant to the work of the team during 2002/2003. Since there were no objections, the Student Computing Team will continue to utilize these two statements as their operating guidelines in 2002/2003. Mission The ACPAC Student Computing Team serves student needs for academic, administrative and social purposes. Student computing needs may be met in a variety of locations: public labs, colleges and departments; classrooms, offices, and libraries; residence halls; off-campus sites; and branches and centers. The goals of the Student Team are to: Identify student computing needs Study and assess issues Advocate for student computing needs Develop and recommend guidelines and policies for student computing to the Senate Library Educational Services Committee Facilitate the implementation of recommendations Assist students by ensuring the availability of services Aim for consistency of access and services The team was asked to identify issues that would be addressed by the team in 2002/2003. The following issues were identified: The 2002/2003 issues for attention include: Continue to educate students about technology civility and appropriate use of computers in public university labs Continue to educate students on technology services available to them Educate faculty on how students/parents are educated on technology services available Identify ways to educate students on safe computing practices (virus updating, file sharing) Identify ways to educate students on copyright laws and unauthorized file sharing 3. Student Technology Services (Update from Nancy Evans) Nancy Evans shared with the committee that her office participated in or conducted the following training programs during the summer of 2002: Parent Orientation – 10 sessions – 900 parents Learning Center training – 40 sessions – 500+ participants CUSP training – 6 sessions – 150 participants CCAC/бЧЩЋгАПт – 20 orientations – 25 participants Disability – 1 session – 20 participants Armstrong – 2 sessions – 28 participants Punxsutawney – 4 sessions – 22 participants Graduate School – 1 session – 100+ participants Continuing Education 1 session – 100+ participants Nancy also reported that her office had updated the STS website this summer and shared two pages of the website to show how information has been organized. Nancy also shared a copy of the STS Student Computing Resources at бЧЩЋгАПт brochure that was developed and distributed to parents this summer and to students this fall. Paul Kornfeld suggested that it might be helpful to include sentence or two in this brochure that these were the “public” labs and that there are many specialized labs with specialized software for students in specific departments or colleges. Nancy indicated that during the summer of 2002, the Student help desk responded to approximately 343 help desk calls/contacts. Over 100 of these related to passwords. ResNet (Update from Patrick McDevitt) Patrick McDevitt shared with the team the handouts he distributed during the summer parent orientations AND the information/documentation given to residential students regarding Basic Ethernet Connection Setup Instructions for Windows 98/ME or Windows XP as well as instructions on бЧЩЋгАПт email and the network. At this point in time, 81% of residential students are paying for an internet connection in the residence halls (2954 connections). This is an increase from 74% in the Fall of 2001. Patrick also indicated that there were 3 networking night held in the residence halls at the beginning of the fall 2002 semester. Two hundred and thirty five students signed up in advance to receive help with their internet connection. Additional students who had not signed up were provided assistance during these networking nights as well. Since the fall 2002 semester has started the ResNet Help Desk has responded to 275 calls to the ResNet helpline. They have also conducted 120 in-room service calls. Most calls were because of network setup problems such as residents using the wrong kind of cable or not having a network card. Windows XP has both helped and hurt. PC’s running Windows XP Professional with a proper setup went on the network easily. Some XP machines were setup incorrectly and caused problems when hooked up to the network. At this point in the fall semester, there have been 93 ports disabled because of problems that need to be corrected. The types of problems causing a port to be disabled are: Copyright complaint - 15 Excessive load - 20 Multiple Hardware Addresses (XP configuration problem) – 28 Viruses – 22 Miscellaneous -8 Other issues/agenda items A number of other items were discussed briefly including the fact that there have been some problems in at least one public lab with students viewing pornography. Betsy asked about the problem of students downloading music files or movies off the internet. Both Paul Grieggs and Patrick McDevitt indicated that has been a problem at бЧЩЋгАПт as well and they are disabling ports until the student is contacted by McDevitt or his staff and the problem is corrected. Repeat violators will be judicially referred. Betsy recommended to the committee members to read/review the report recently released by the Pew Internet & American Life Project, The Internet Goes to College ( HYPERLINK "http://www.pewinternet.org/" http://www.pewinternet.org/) Questions were raised by committee members regarding student traffic in public labs. Evans indicated she could get information for the committee on the number of users in the labs. Students seem to still be using the labs. Oftentimes it is to check email, quick chat, etc. Joseph shared that Sherry Kuckuck had sent to all faculty a copy of the бЧЩЋгАПт Information Guide distributed to students when they arrived this fall. The Guide contains a lot of information on Technology resources available to students and should help faculty to understand what technology services are available to students. A brief discussion also ensued on the issue of proprietary software and whether it would be possible to have some of this specialized software on specific machines in public lab, and count/meter the number of copies in use at any point. The next meeting of the Student Computing Team is scheduled for Wednesday, November 6, 2002 from 1:30-2:30 p.m. in 202 Clark Hall. 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