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The second hour featured a presentation by the Provost summarizing the status of technology initiatives and emphasizing the need to plan for the future. Also featured were short presentations about the Cybersecurity Grant, Electronic Portfolios, and the Information Commons in the library. The third segment of the morning allowed participation in roundtable discussions that were summarized in the last session of the meeting by sharing notes from each group. Five topics were provided for discussion: Undergraduate Instruction, Graduate Instruction, Distance Education, Scholarship and Research, and Support of the Academic Mission. Each group was asked to answer four questions that address future plans and support for technology. A total of seven discussion groups were held (2 for Undergraduate Instruction and 2 for Distance Education). The full text of the notes from each group is available on the ACPAC web site:  HYPERLINK "http://www.ats.iup.edu/acpac/tt4-groups.doc" http://www.ats.iup.edu/acpac/tt4-groups.doc SUMMARY OF DISCUSSION GROUPS The following is a summary of the suggestions provided by the groups categorized by the general questions given to the groups: 1. What technology services and support should be provided to improve _____? several comments about orientation for students, ways to assess technology competency of students, a possible non-credit course for students (particularly graduate students), coordination and planning for computer literacy courses, consideration of ways to provide skills to students when reevaluating Liberal Studies requirements need for documentation, perhaps handbook, information about helpdesks, information on software (for students) mechanism to identify, learn about, announce new technologies, share ideas (for faculty) specialized software support technology support for distance education 2. What would you like to be able to accomplish with technology in regard to _____? incorporate video and other delivery methods into distance education courses assuring testing integrity in distance education improvements to WebCT (e-mail, chat, etc.) videoconferencing/digitized supervision 3. How will the use of technology benefit our students and the university? students become more accustomed to technology goal of creating independent, life-long learners admissions and retention job placement 4. Do you have any specific policy-level recommendations in regard to technology and _____? review of copyright issues quality control for distance education courses production team support for distance education ad-hoc committee to review distance education practices and make recommendations consolidated student assistance center review centralized and decentralized services and role of ACPAC and AOG clarify value of technology and research in faculty evaluation require technology workshop for graduate programs establish a student employee training center/assist faculty with administrative tasks performed infrequently assign staff to troubleshooting, provide help for administrative processing UNIVERSITY ACTIVITIES ADDRESSING SUGGESTIONS The suggestions and ideas created by the discussion groups at the town meeting can be discussed in the following broad categories: Technology experience for students The Student Technology Services (STS) unit of Academic Technology Services (ATS) is available to deliver orientation and training to students as requested. The student staff is capable of providing necessary information to students regarding e-mail services, network services, determining username and password, information on computer labs and information about services available from STS. Technology orientations have been provided to a subset of the entering freshman class, specifically CUSP students and Learning Center students. STS or ATS typically participate in a short sessions for parents during the freshman orientation schedule. Most entering freshmen are not given an opportunity to attend a technology orientation or training session. ATS will continue to work with Student Affairs to determine a means by which information about technology services can be widely provided for all students. Discussions with the library staff have determined a similar need to reach students to provide guidance for information literacy. ATS will also continue to work with the Admissions office to inform potential students of the technology offered to бЧЩЋгАПт students. In the last admissions cycle, the Director of ATS sent a letter with a brochure and additional information to each admitted student. ATS would like to see this program expanded to include providing each student an бЧЩЋгАПт e-mail address as soon as they are accepted. All students should be aware of these fundamental issues regarding technology: individual access to technology e-mail username & password network username & password network home directory and web space Project directory space as appropriate support services Student Computing Helpdesk hardcopy and web-based documentation URSA/Banner support (Clark Hall) facilities five University Computer Labs HUB lab over 50 college and department labs Residence Hall Computing Centers off-campus services FTP and web access to networks virus protection software for home PCs agreement with Stargate for ISP software familiarity with office suite knowledge of specialized software The computer literacy course offered to students is a logical place to provide much of this information to students. A staff member of ATS serves on the organizing committee for the 101 Computer Literacy courses. Many of our students take these courses as part of the Liberal Studies requirements, but most or many do not take the course in the first semester at бЧЩЋгАПт. Plans are in place to allow more students to test out of the course. If changes are made to the liberal studies structure, these issues should be considered. The University Senate and its committees, particularly the Liberal and Educational Services Committee, may serve as useful vehicles to discuss technology related to curriculum. ACPAC may need to study this issue and make some recommendations. If a mechanism can be developed to insure a minimum level of technical awareness with all students, instructors can build upon that experience in other courses that teach or utilize technology. Increasingly, technology skills are becoming as essential to a student’s success as other skills such as reading, writing, and analysis. Documentation and information for students and faculty A survey conducted of students in the spring of 2000 reports that at least 61% of our students own a PC yet many students do not use their бЧЩЋгАПт e-mail accounts and are unaware of technology services provided to all students. Student Technology Services (STS) will continue to promote the availability of services through ads and articles in the Penn, posters and flyers, notifications on tables in the dining halls, notices written in chalk on campus sidewalks, e-mail messages and other means. Faculty members will be notified periodically of the services, which can be conveyed to their students. A project to supply students with an e-mail alias may increase the use of бЧЩЋгАПт e-mail accounts. STS and the Student Computing Helpdesk maintain an informative website for students (http://www.iup.edu/ats/sts/). That site is being reviewed and redesigned to increase its usefulness and effectiveness. On-line documentation is constantly under review with efforts mounted to provide all the documentation required by students. Hardcopy documentation for specific topics such as learning how to login and logoff the network are distributed to the public labs. The Academic Technology Helpdesk maintains a website for faculty and academic staff (http://www.iup.edu/ats/helpdesk/). Extensive documentation has been created and is maintained for e-mail, the Project Directory Service, website maintenance, network resources, and Banner. Information about faculty and academic staff training workshops is also posted at this site. ATS will continue to work in cooperation with the IDC to develop a consistent and accurate presentation of information regarding technology and related training. ATS will consider developing a forum where faculty can share ideas and post questions. It is possible that the ATS website may be enhanced to provide more general information to faculty and provide a forum to announce new technologies. Alternate methods of delivering technology training and education will be explored. The Academic Technology Helpdesk is open from 8 AM - 4 PM weekdays and can be contacted by telephone at: 724-357-6100 or via e-mail at:  HYPERLINK "mailto:Academic-Helpdesk@iup.edu" Academic-Helpdesk@iup.edu. The helpdesk can assist with any technology question or concern. If necessary, information will be shared with college technology staffs to address problems that are the responsibility of the CTM. The helpdesk will also contact other university units and departments as necessary, including the Administrative Helpdesk. The academic helpdesk will attempt to assist faculty and staff with questions regarding administrative processing such as grade entry, accessing class lists, etc. Structure for delivering technology support The Provost and the Vice Provost for Administration and Technology guide the technology support structure with consultation from the Council of Deans. Over the past few years, the university has been carefully determining an appropriate balance between centralized and decentralized support. The technology committee structure has played a pivotal role in establishing a suitable working model. The Academic Computing Policy and Advisory Committee (ACPAC) serves as the primary academic advisory body with faculty and administrative representatives from each of the colleges and technology support units. The Academic Operations Group (AOG) reports to the Council of Deans and has direct responsibility for the five university computer labs and addresses technology issues that affect more than one college. The Administrative Computing Oversight Committee (ACOC) is the group that directs administrative computing issues. The Technology Utilities Council (TUC) addresses those aspects of technology that need to be provided centrally or that need to be coordinated between the academic and administrative areas and can be perceived as technology utilities. The roles of the technology committees, particularly ACPAC, have been evolving and impact the types and levels of service delivered by the operational technology units: The Technology Services Center, Academic Technology Services, and the College Technology Managers and their staffs. With the creation of the Student Computing Help Desk and the Academic Technology Help Desk a more centralized focus for troubleshooting, documentation, and training for standard technologies has been established. By design, ATS and the Academic Technology Helpdesk provide support for software and processes that are common across most colleges. Examples are the Microsoft Office Suite, e-mail, network services, and interaction with Banner. Each college has a College Technology Manager (CTM) and perhaps other technology support staff. These personnel in the colleges are charged with providing specialized support to faculty in the college. If specific issues regarding support for specialized software are raised with the CTM and the college dean, ATS and AOG may be able to assist in providing additional resources such as training for support staff or identifying other on-campus expertise. With the guidance of the Provost’s office, the interaction of the technology committees and operational units will be monitored carefully to determine the correct balance between centralized and distributed services. Distance Education and the Instructional Design Center Responsibility for promotion and management of distance education initiatives rests with the School of Continuing Education. The Instructional Design Center of the library provides support to faculty in the use of technology to support both distance education and traditional courses and provides the infrastructure for these technologies. An appointment has recently been made for a position assigned to the IDC which will take a role in fostering distance education courses as well as incorporating technologies into other courses. The director of the IDC has formulated plans to provide a broad base of support for faculty utilizing a team of personnel from the library. The IDC provides assistance in designing, implementing and evaluating learning activities that incorporate information technology. Specific suggestions regarding usability of software such as WebCT can be addressed by the IDC. The IDC staff has some recommendations regarding testing integrity in distance education courses. Suggestions such as incorporating other technologies into distance education offerings with the possibility of creating hybrid distance education courses should be discussed with the IDC and the School of Continuing Education. Matters related to review of distance education practices and quality of courses should be discussed with the School of Continuing Education. ACPAC can make recommendations regarding this issue as they are brought forward. Actions regarding other suggestions from discussion groups Copyright issues The IDC has sponsored workshops that have been conducted by Dr. Carl Rahkonen of the Music Library. ATS will work with the IDC to raise visibility of these offerings and possibly expand the workshops to include topics related to software use, ethics, good practices, and institutional policies and guidelines. Faculty evaluation Criteria associated with faculty evaluation associated with promotion and tenure review are established by the collective bargaining agreement and applied by university-wide and department committees. ACPAC should initiate a discussion with the Provost’s office to determine ways that technology-related activities can be given fair consideration for faculty credentials. Student employee training center This idea will be discussed with the Provost’s staff and if appropriate, a plan will be developed to be considered by ACPAC and ACOC. The concept of providing a pool of potential student workers that are thoroughly trained in various administrative and technology processes could provide an invaluable service to faculty and administrators. If students who are eligible for Federal Work Study funds can be included in the program, this would be an additional value to the university. Technology workshop for graduate students ATS will work with the Graduate School to determine whether this service is necessary and who can provide the training. ~™  V W X ƒ „ † Є ‰З;_ђ*ƒ ‡ —'˜'Ц'Ч'Ш'с'т'Э)њ)4@4ѓ9/:@:x;‹;=#= ?4?Ќ?ќїяїьїќќъъцїоїьїъъъќќќќj%U6]>*0JjU jU5\(*+U|}~˜™HI]^… † Ѓ Є # $ r s О , … Ђ Ь Э њњњњјјјјјјјјјјјјјјјјјјѓѓѓѓѓј & F$a$Ќ?§Э " # p Ё Ь є ѕ Ao ЙЧШ%@ožя^Я<ˆ‰ЖЗ:§§јјјј§§ѓѓѓѓ§§јјјјјјјјјј§§§§ & F & F:;^_хцўџNn‰ЅЪёBcnŒ”Ийэ 3S\z§§§§§§§§јѓѓѓѓјѓѓѓјѓѓѓѓјѓѓѓјѓ & F & Fzœёђ)*т!у!Г#Д# ' 'Ы)Э)њ)‰.}0/34?4@4-8.8ђ9ѓ9.:/:@:њјјјјјјјјјјјјјјііііјјјјјјјјј & F@:w;x;‹;==#= ? ?4?Ќ?§§§§§§§§§§ 1hАа/ Ар=!А "А # $ %А%DаЩъyљКЮŒ‚ЊKЉ ,http://www.ats.iup.edu/acpac/tt4-groups.docрЩъyљКЮŒ‚ЊKЉ Xhttp://www.ats.iup.edu/acpac/tt4-groups.docыDаЩъyљКЮŒ‚ЊKЉ Academic-Helpdesk@iup.eduрЩъyљКЮŒ‚ЊKЉ Bmailto:Academic-Helpdesk@iup.edu i8@ёџ8 NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH <A@ђџЁ< Default Paragraph Font.U@Ђё. 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