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Miller is a member of Student Congress and is employed in Student Technology Services. Meeting time – date Joseph shared that the Friday afternoon 2:15-3:15 p.m. meeting time was going to be problematic for Kornfeld due to another committee responsibility. She indicated that discussion would need to occur on whether to have someone take his place. The Friday afternoon meeting time for Troyer is also potentially problematic because of work responsibilities. Now that Miller has joined the group, we will need to review again a good meeting date/time for committee and ex-officio members. Joseph will review availability information provided by Team members and identify meeting date and time. Student Technology Services – UPDATES Evans provided the Student Computing Team with an update on the type of activities that Student Technology Services has been working on this semester. She reported that they have responded to 1744 tickets so far this semester. Approximately 1350 of those contacts have been with students. The primary student calls or walk-in contacts have been related to resetting passwords, reports of ports being disabled. Evans reported her area is making a concerted outreach to graduate students this year. She has been working with Donna Griffith in the Graduate School on this outreach. ResNet – authenticated SMTP for Residential Network The following email was sent to all ResNet users on Tuesday, October 7: The Technology Servicing Center will begin enforcement of authenticated SMTP on бЧЩЋгАПт's mailserver effective Wednesday 10/8.  If you use Outlook Express or other email client software to access бЧЩЋгАПт email you will need to setup your software to authenticate using your email username and password.    For most email client software you will simply be prompted to enter your username and password when you send mail.  After the first time you are prompted it should retain your email setting and you won't need to re-enter it again.  Check your mail client software to see the correct way to setup SMTP authentication.  Go to the following website for instructions on how to setup SMTP authentication using Outlook Express.  HYPERLINK "http://www.iup.edu/house/resnet/smtp.shtm" http://www.iup.edu/house/resnet/smtp.shtm If you use the website  HYPERLINK "http://imail.iup.edu" http://imail.iup.edu to check your mail you will not be affected. If you have any other questions about this feel free to email  HYPERLINK "mailto:iup-resnet@iup.edu" iup-resnet@iup.edu or call 7-2596. A decision was made to begin enforcement of authenticated SMTP because the TSC was seeing a lot of compromised machines on the residential network that were sending out messages both internally and externally (spam email) that made it look like the mail was coming from the бЧЩЋгАПт system. Grieggs reported that his area has not seen any relays since this was implemented and they are not seeing a lot of messages being refused. TUC meeting followup – Joseph reported that Rick McFerron had forwarded to her information about a discussion held at the most recent TUC meeting. As part of this discussion a suggestion was made that all ResNet users install client that would enable university to push updates to student machines. The Student Computing Team discussed this suggestion. Concern was raised regarding the practicality of taking administrative control over personally owned student PC’s and pushing updates on to these machines as well as issues of privacy. There are a variety of PC’s on the residential network and this would be extremely difficult to do. Grieggs reported that he is currently working on a proposal for next semester (and next fall) that would require a registration process whereby ResNet users would need to register prior to being put on the residential network. As part of this registration process, the PC would then be scanned to make sure it was not infected with a virus and was not vulnerable. If the PC successfully passed the scan the user would then be given a real IP address. Grieggs also reported he was working on proposal to physically separate ResNet from the бЧЩЋгАПт network. This would involve the purchase and installation of more updated routers. Other A. Survey - A brief discussion ensued regarding developing an on-line Banner survey for students regarding their technology use, needs, and computer literacy. More discussion on what this survey would actually address will occur at upcoming meetings this fall. B. Communication/planning semester startups – Evans stated that it would be important for us to have better communication and advance planning on how to address the types of problems we had at the beginning of the fall semester with student PC’s not having updated virus protection and appropriate patches. She indicated that it would be extremely helpful if time could be found during the summer orientation meetings for STS and ResNet personnel to talk directly to students as well as continuing the parent presentations. Evans also reported that her area is no longer supporting 95 and 98 PC’s. ResNet personnel are still trying to help students get these PC’s on the network but are finding that it takes an inordinate amount of time and personnel to work with these older machines. PAGE  PAGE 3 J_–АтюІ Н  4 {Џљ—˜ЪЫ,-FGij~ьэ'(9х§уїѓ   "#$ќѕќѕќ№ы№ќ№ќѕќфќфйфйайфйфйайфйфйайфќѕќѕќѕќѕќѕќЦРЦРќЦРЦЕЦРќБќh™BШh™BШ0JmHnHu hFQ0JjhFQ0JUhFQ0J6]jhFQ6U] hFQ6] hFQ\ hFQ5 hFQ5\hFQ;0IJ–рстЇ Ј Н  4 z{ЏАјљ9:фх§јјіііііёыёхіёхіёххххіуіёі„а^„а„h^„h & F$a$ #§§стуъыђѓ   !"#$љїїђьљљљьусїусїїь„ќџ„&`#$„h^„h & F„а^„а 1hАа/ Ар=!А"А# $ %Аœ@@ёџ@ NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH DA@ђџЁD Default Paragraph FontViѓџГV  Table Normal :V і4ж4ж laі (kєџС(No List 4U@Ђё4 Hyperlink >*phџFV@ЂF FollowedHyperlink >*B* ph€€DC@D Body Text Indent „а^„а2>@"2 Title$a$5\4 @24 Footer  ЦрР!.)@ЂA. 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