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The graduate student identified to replace Adam Primi, was never able to participate this semester, and Student Congress was never able to identify a student for 02/03. Joseph indicated that she hoped that by starting early, student members could be identified and actively participate on ACPAC and the Student Computing Team in 03/04. Update from Student Technology Services: Nancy Evans provided committee members with information regarding the types of activities occurring in Student Technology Services. She indicated that as of this time, approximately 8,000 – 10,000 students have not yet converted to the бЧЩЋгАПтMSD network account. STS has initiated a variety of publicity and marketing to students regarding this issue. STS will need to be prepared to respond to returning students when they return in the fall, on how to access their network account since the бЧЩЋгАПтMSD account will have their initial password set. Evans also shared that STS is completing documentation on how to map a drive from off campus (remote access using Virtual Private Network on Windows XP); has handled approximately 1000 calls to the helpdesk this spring; has been involved in College Exploration days marketplace sessions; has been developing training program for lab workers; and is in the process of updating documentation and planning for the summer orientation programs. Information about STS can be found at:  HYPERLINK "http://www.iup.edu/ats/sts/" http://www.iup.edu/ats/sts/ 3. Update from ResNet: Patrick McDevitt shared that approximately 2900 students have active ports this semester. He finalized the safe computing brochure and placed it on the ResNet website:  HYPERLINK "http://www.iup.edu/house/resnet/safety/" http://www.iup.edu/house/resnet/safety/ McDevitt sent out email to all residential students with an active connection informing them of this resource. He shared that he had approximately 400 hits. McDevitt also shared that his office has been following up with students who have been identified by the recording industry of sharing copyrighted materials. His staff is also showing students how to keep from distributing copyright material by disabling file sharing.  They have provided information on the ResNet website on how to disable some common file sharing programs:  HYPERLINK "http://www.iup.edu/house/resnet/fileshare.shtm" http://www.iup.edu/house/resnet/fileshare.shtm Deep Freeze software and RCC’s: Joseph indicated that at the last ACPAC meeting discussion was held on the purchase of a site license for Deep Freeze software that would be placed on college and library open PC labs and classroom labs used by students and faculty. She asked if having this software on the PCs in the Residential Computing Centers would be advantageous. McDevitt indicated he had talked with Brad Smith, Coordinator for Technical Services in ATS, and had communicated he would like to put this software on the PCs in the RCCs if a site license was obtained. Public labs – any upgrading of equipment, etc. planned for summer: A question was raised as to whether there were any plans to upgrade any of the public labs this summer. Evans shared that she was aware that discussions were occurring related to reducing the number of seats in the Mack Computer Center and making this site a training lab. File sharing: This agenda item had been discussed during the presentation by McDevitt. Grieggs and McDevitt indicated the procedures in place seemed to be addressing the problem. There have been very few (1 or 2) repeat violators. Once students are made aware of the problem, they discontinue the activity. Grieggs shared that the “packet shaper” product has reduced the number of problems with excessive bandwidth; the majority of the problems have to deal with the issue of copyright infringements and student file sharing. Digital Repositories: Kornfeld shared information with the group about a meeting of the Ad Hoc University Digital Repository Task Force held on April 11, 2003. He indicated that the Ad Hoc group is considering setting up a pilot program to test how a digital repository could be best utilized. The group will be meeting again to talk about a pilot or test repository. The group will also continue to explore the best software product or tool to use. Miscellaneous: Joseph asked Grieggs if anything further was occurring related to the Internet RFP. Grieggs indicated that the issue was currently being reviewed at the Associate Provost level. Grieggs also indicated that the university may be changing the personal internet service provider. Stargate is the current service provider with whom the university has a relationship. NO`™Егдќ6Y Z 9 : c d e €  ƒ š C D y z { Ђ Ѓ КЛМјљ'()*JhѓьчлалаЪлалалаЛаЉЛœЛалаЛаŠЛœЛа…thtœt…ала>*CJOJQJ^JaJ j>*CJOJQJU^JaJCJaJ#jхCJOJQJU^JaJ0JCJOJQJ^JaJ#jCJOJQJU^JaJjCJOJQJU^JaJ 5CJ aJ CJOJQJ^JaJ5CJOJQJ^JaJCJ aJ OJQJ^J5CJOJQJ^JaJ(.MN˜гдY Z ƒ )*ijkТУФжзžњњњњјјјѓэѓэчгјЮјјЮјјЮэЮј & F$„а„˜ўЄdЄd[$\$^„а`„˜ўa$„а^„а„h^„h & F$a$ўhikЎСТФажэžЌѓшѓшѓшѓшѓшѓшCJOJQJ^JaJ5CJOJQJ^JaJ žњє„h^„h & F 1hАа/ Ар=!А"А# $ %АхDаЩъyљКЮŒ‚ЊKЉ http://www.iup.edu/ats/sts/рЩъyљКЮŒ‚ЊKЉ 8http://www.iup.edu/ats/sts/DаЩъyљКЮŒ‚ЊKЉ (http://www.iup.edu/house/resnet/safety/рЩъyљКЮŒ‚ЊKЉ Phttp://www.iup.edu/house/resnet/safety/ i8@ёџ8 NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH <A@ђџЁ< Default Paragraph Font.U@Ђё. 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