ࡱ> VUX` d2bjbjss 4B8 42228jD4 AsssW@Y@Y@Y@Y@Y@Y@$Ah>D}@]ss}@@!!!W@!W@!!6;=O? <Ї/2^>W@@0 A7>D) D8O?DO?s^!UL~sss}@}@A!dsss A d What Should Be on the ɫӰ Distance Ed Web Site? Information in this document was compiled from a review of the web sites below and comments of the ACPAC Online Learning Action Team on 10-24-07. A check means an item exists now in ɫӰ DE site. What the university offers online List and links to ɫӰ DE programs " Links to DE course catalog " Non-credit Virtual Tour (for marketing purposes) Sample course in WebCT or future Learning Management System Online Services Links to IUP student services offices (Or summary info on the DE site + link to source? Should the relevant student service web pages have a clearly delineated section for online programs?) Admissions Applying " Tuition and Fees " Transfer Credit FAQ s What to look for in an online university Bursar Financial Aid Advising and Testing URSA " Current schedule of offerings " Registrar Colleges and Graduate School Online Writing Lab Applied Research Lab Disability Services Counseling services Military/Veteran services Career Services Student resources Online tutoring Study Skills Modules Library Services Brief general info " Online orientation to library services E-Reserve Databases (link to databases & log-in directions) " Reference services " (chat & phone #) Support, resources and facilities in student s geographical area  could use proctor model Alumni/mentors Proctors Resources in industry and other organizations near student Getting Started Is DE right for me? " Hardware specs (+ special requirements of some programs) " Standard software (+ special requirements of some programs) " Some faculty advised raising the minimums for hardware and software Could the bookstore offer online students a standard hardware/software package, including headset, mic, webcam, etc.? Ordering textbooks " Orientations to WebCT (or future LMS) Technology /01   ) - . 9 :    8 > T V X p |qf^heCJaJhuthmBCJaJhuthCJaJhuthUgCJaJhuth5CJaJhuth_CJaJhuthq3CJaJhuth2-CJaJhutho_CJaJhutheCJaJhThCCJaJh/oCJaJhK(CJaJhCCJaJhCh|$h LhQfh2-#01  @ X  >  2 >  & Fgdg & F gdUg & FgdP & FgdmB & FgdmB & FgdUg & F gdUggdUggdCgdg1b2 : < > H N V x  2 8$ĹĮwϘlĘawlhuth MCJaJhuth1UCJaJhuth8.CJaJhuthgCJaJhuthq3CJaJhuth5CJaJhuthCJaJhuth_CJaJhuth]aCJaJhuthUgCJaJhutho_CJaJhuthPCJaJhuthmBCJaJheCJaJhd[CJaJ! 8L(\~>  & Fgd_ & Fgd_ & F gd_ & F gd8^ & F gd[} & F gd8. & Fgd M & F gdUg$Zz|~>NXP\j~*,x~uj_TjjIhuthCJaJhuth`CJaJhuth2-CJaJhuthUgCJaJhuth zCJaJh2-CJaJheCJaJhCCJaJhvCJaJhuthJCJaJhuth\HCJaJhuthKCJaJhuth(bCJaJhuthuCJaJhuth1UCJaJhuth_CJaJh_ CJaJhuth[}CJaJ Z.@r<&b& & FgdK( & FgdP & FgdP & Fgd[} & Fgd]a & FgdUg & Fgd` & FgdUggd2- & Fgd_ & FgdJ & FgdJ~pr&:&<&&&& '2''''''(ĹߣߘxߣmbWbhuth 2CJaJhuth[}CJaJhuthJCJaJhuthK(CJaJhPCJaJUhuthJCJaJhuthPCJaJhuthuCJaJhuthq3CJaJhuth{BCJaJh{BCJaJh]aCJaJhuth]aCJaJhuthCJaJhuth_CJaJhuthUgCJaJ used in the course & support Accessing email " Accessing course " Library Services Student Information Student Responsibilities " Academic Handbook Info for regular students signing up for an online course " Technical Support WebCT/LMS Other Campus Atmosphere for Online Program Students Undergrad/Graduate Student Association links Features on faculty teaching online Features on students taking courses online Features on graduates of online programs Online newspaper, newsletter, blog, chat, Second Life History/description of IUP Virtual living/learning community Faculty and Staff Training and Information Questions Should it be a better web site or a portal? Do we have videoconferenced courses as well as online? Should off-campus programs/courses be included in the DE site? Sample Sites Current IUP site   HYPERLINK "http://www.iup.edu/distance" www.iup.edu/distance  HYPERLINK "http://www1.cuny.edu/online/" http://www1.cuny.edu/online/  HYPERLINK "http://www.worldcampus.psu.edu" http://www.worldcampus.psu.edu  HYPERLINK "http://rce.csuchico.edu/online/" http://rce.csuchico.edu/online/  HYPERLINK "http://ecampus.oregonstate.edu/online-degrees/" http://ecampus.oregonstate.edu/online-degrees/ (part of extended campus-off-campus programs)  HYPERLINK "http://www.umuc.edu/online_ed.shtml" http://www.umuc.edu/online_ed.shtml  HYPERLINK "http://distance.tamu.edu/" http://distance.tamu.edu/  HYPERLINK "http://www.cup.edu/go/index.jsp" http://www.cup.edu/go/index.jsp     OLAT/Brzycki Rev. 11-24-07  PAGE 1 b&&&&&'4''''''T(((N)) *B** & Fgdu & F gd8. & FgdA  & Fgdu & F gdTgd 2 & FgdUg & FgdugdP & FgdP & FgdK((R(T(((( )L))) **2*B********:,<,>,V,Z,,,,,,ǿ{papOa#jhuthCJUaJjhuthCJUaJhuthCJaJh$ CJaJhuth5CJaJhuth_CJaJhuth2-CJaJhuth7CJaJh[}CJaJh@CJaJhTCJaJhuth@CJaJhp}CJaJhutho_CJaJh8^CJaJhuthuCJaJh_ CJaJ*****P++>,X,Z,--8..00V111222 2 222gd5 & Fgd5 & Fgd2-gd2- & F gd2-,----Z-\-^--------4.6.8.:........T/V/X///00μΪΘΉ~l_~huthJ0JCJaJ#jhuthJCJUaJhuthJCJaJjhuthJCJUaJ#jhuthCJUaJ#jhuthCJUaJ#jhuthCJUaJhuthCJaJhuthTCJaJjhuthCJUaJhuth0JCJaJ 00z0|0~00000001111P1R1T1V1X1p11111徲xldYdGl#jhyXhD#CJUaJhD#hD#CJaJhD#CJaJjhD#CJUaJh8^CJaJh,`hT0JCJaJ#jh,`hTCJUaJhThTCJaJhTCJaJjhTCJUaJhCJaJhuth0JCJaJ#jhuthCJUaJhuthCJaJjhuthCJUaJ1111112222 222H2J2V2X2Z2\2`2b2d2ǽhQf0JmHnHu hQf0JjhQf0JUhQfhajhaUhCCJaJhD#CJaJjhD#CJUaJhyXhD#0JCJaJ2^2`2b2d2gd521h:p{B/ =!"#$% DyK www.iup.edu/distanceyK 8http://www.iup.edu/distanceDyK http://www1.cuny.edu/online/yK :http://www1.cuny.edu/online/DyK http://www.worldcampus.psu.eduyK @http://www.worldcampus.psu.edu/DyK  http://rce.csuchico.edu/online/yK @http://rce.csuchico.edu/online/1DyK /http://ecampus.oregonstate.edu/online-degrees/yK ^http://ecampus.oregonstate.edu/online-degrees/DyK $http://www.umuc.edu/online_ed.shtmlyK Hhttp://www.umuc.edu/online_ed.shtmlDyK http://distance.tamu.edu/yK 4http://distance.tamu.edu/DyK  http://www.cup.edu/go/index.jspyK @http://www.cup.edu/go/index.jsp@@@ NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH Z@Z g Heading 1$<@&5CJ KH OJQJ\^JaJ DA@D Default Paragraph FontViV  Table Normal :V 44 la (k(No List 6U@6  Hyperlink >*B*ph4@4 JHeader  !4 @4 JFooter  !.)@!. 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A check means an item exists now in IUP DE site.What the u niversity offers onlineList and links to IUP DE programs "Links to&lt;/p&gt;T&lt;p&gt;What Should Be on the IUP Distance Ed Web Site?Information in this document was compiled from a revRoot Entry F CcʃyaData "1Table**EWordDocument4B  !#$%&'()+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLSWQR]Tb^_`ecPM՜.+,D՜.+,H  0<2  0What Should Be on the ɫӰ Distance Ed Web Site Title x<DLp T\  h p |    d   _PID_HLINKS EktContentIDEktContentLanguage EktFolderId EktQuickLinkEktContentTypeEktFolderName EktCmsPath EktExpiryType EktDateCreated EktDateModified EktTaxCategory EktCmsSizeEktSearchableEktEDescriptionEktShowEventsEktContentID64EktFolderId64 EktInPermekttaxonomyenabledA006 http://www.cup.edu/go/index.jspLhttp://distance.tamu.edu/b$http://www.umuc.edu/online_ed.shtml53 /http://ecampus.oregonstate.edu/online-degrees/iew of the web sites below and comments of the ACPAC Online Learning Action Team on 10-24-07. 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A check means an item exists now in IUP DE site.What the u niversity offers onlineList and links to IUP DE programs "Links to&lt;/p&gt;%\Summary &lt;p&gt;What Should Be on the IUP Distance Ed Web Site?Information in this document was compiled from a review of the web sites below and comments of the ACPAC Online Learning Action Team on 10-24-07. A check means an item exists now in IUP DE site.What the u niversity offers onlineList and links to IUP DE programs "Links to&lt;/p&gt;%  FMicrosoft Office Word Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89q ]8O8m008@H DAV:getcontentlanguageen-usOh+'0h0p x 8,CONTENTS @\@@6~@/? OLAT-2007-11-25-IUPDEWebSiteMr. Brian M. Petersen petersenMr. Brian M. Petersen petersenT&lt;p&gt;What Should Be on the IUP Distance Ed Web Site?Information ?@u$$$$$$\$ \$ \$ \$ \$ \$  T&lt;p&gt;What Should Be on the IUP Distance Ed Web Site?Information in this document was compiled from a review of the web sites below and comments of the ACPAC Online Learning Action Team on 10-24-07DownloadAsset.aspx?id=48517rs onlineList and links to IUP DE programs "Links to&lt;/p&gt;2  ion in this document was compiled from a review of the web sites below and comments of the ACPAC Online Learning Action Team on . A check means an item exists now in IUP DE site.What the u niversity offers onlineList and links to IUP DE programs "Links to&lt;/p&gt;%\Summary &lt;p&gt;What Should Be on the IUP Distance Ed Web Site?Information in this document was compiled from a review of the web sites below and comments of the ACPAC Online Learning Action Team on 10-24-07. A check means an item exists now in IUP DE site.What the u niversity offers onlineList and links to IUP DE programs "Links to&lt;/p&gt;%DownloadAsset.aspx?id=48517rs onlineList and links to IUP DE programs "Links to&lt;/p&gt;2  in this document was compiled from a review of the web sites below and comments of the ACPAC Online Learning Action Team on 10-2