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The committee feels that it is important for ɫӰ to expand this service with a long term goal of offering 24/7 technical support to all on-line students and the faculty that teach on-line. The on-line technical support should also include such services as admissions, advising and an array of services that are available to on-campus students which will need to be duplicated for on-line students. Actions in 2007-08: On a pilot basis, IT Support Center expanded office hours to 7:00 a.m. 6:00 p.m., Monday Friday, an addition of 12.5 service hours during Fall 2007 and Spring 2008. Utilization rates showed that it is worth extending the IT Support Center hours of operation on a permanent basis. Also as a pilot, faculty and students were able to submit online learning support requests 6:00 p.m.11:00 p.m., Sunday - Thursday, at  HYPERLINK "http://www.iup.edu/itsupportcenter" http://www.iup.edu/itsupportcenter via a web form monitored by staff on call. Use of this web form was more modest but can be expected to increase when the service is better publicized and the number of online programs expands. Number of Support Calls, 8/24/2007 4/17/20087:00 a.m 8:00 a.m., M-F6854:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m. M-F1178Online Learning Off-Hours30Recommendations for 2008-09: OLC recommends that the extended office hours be made permanent and that the off-hours pilot be continued for a second year. 2. Virtual Campus Recommendation for 2007-08: ɫӰ should look very carefully at developing a Virtual Campus that would provide on-line services that mimic similar services on campus. This Virtual Campus would include services for recruitment, admissions, financial aid, major advising, course advising, library services, internships, graduation etc. In essence, the Virtual Campus would provide the necessary services in a virtual world to all on-line students. Included in the Virtual Campus would be an area with instructor resources. Actions in 2007-08: Educate the campus community about the need for a Virtual Campus, what it is, and the need for an office or committee to take ownership of it. (ACPAC is a technology committee. The success of this endeavor does not depend exclusively on the faculty members, IT Services staff and academic staff who sit on ACPAC, but rather on a cross-divisional collaboration of offices and departments.) OLC members brought the issue to the Dean of Continuing Education (met several times; Since he is retiring, his emphasis is simply on conversion of the existing DE site to the Ektron system; he did agree to work with the Student Operations Group (SOG) in order to improve the converted site, however.) Council of Deans and Vice Provost (The new Provost was not yet on campus. The group recommended taking the issue to the Student Operations Group.) Student Operations Group (Chair presented the issues to SOG. Members had been unaware of the number of potential online programs. They became very interested in participating in a Virtual Campus but wanted direction from a task force or office that would lead. Several members immediately began to design specific sections for distance learners on their web sites. Nick Kolb, Donna Griffith, and Dolores Brzycki met with SOG to discuss specific information for DE students.) Council of A-Deans (formed a sub-committee on distance education issues) EMUR (Enrollment Management Unified Report group may consider creating a DE portal) A list of desired content for the Virtual Campus was developed (see Appendix B). In March the Senate LESC raised issues surrounding distance education with the Provost and proposed that a work group or committee be created to deal with non-curricular subjects related to distance education. Recommendations for 2008-09: The OLC endorses the creation of a Distance Education Planning and Work Group, per the draft resolution in the 4/22/08 Senate Agenda. This measure is an excellent first step, but the University should move toward the creation of a permanent, central Distance Education unit that would coordinate and support the technical, instructional and administrative aspects of distance education. It would provide expertise in distance and distributed learning, teaching and learning resources, and support services for students, faculty and staff. 3. Prominent Link to Virtual Campus A link to this Virtual Campus should be prominently displayed on the main page for ɫӰ. The link to Distance Education is one level down from the new ɫӰ home page, under the Academics section. This is a more prominent location than on the old web site although not on the top level. Recommendation for 2008-09: The OLC recommends that the link to Distance Education be listed in the main menu of the ɫӰ home page. 4. Evaluation of Learning Management Systems (LMS) ɫӰ should, very quickly, set up a procedure to evaluate both Sakai and Blackboard, with a goal of choosing between the two Learning Management Systems during the 2007-2008 academic years. Those involved in on-line teaching and those who have an interest in the area should have an opportunity to study both the strengths and weaknesses of both systems, and have their input heard. Actions in 2007-08: The Sakai Pilot began on November 12, 2007. Web pages were created both for the committee and specifically for the Sakai pilot, with links to registration for test accounts, technical help, and resources, and an evaluation timetable was established. Some 50 Sakai accounts were established. Introductory workshops/demos of Sakai were provided to the ACPAC Online Learning Committee and the Emerging Technologies Committee and offered to the campus community. Membership in the Online Learning Committee was offered to the entire faculty. Several new members were added, including individuals from colleges that had not been represented, from Disability Services, and the ɫӰ faculty representative to the PASSHE DE Task Force. The online learning functions list was fleshed out by the OLC and ACPAC, and the functions were weighted by 14 faculty and staff members. The functions list and weighted functions list were both passed on to PASSHE, which began to consider issues in DE in Spring 2008. Faculty and student LMS evaluation instruments were created based on the functions list. OLC recommended and ACPAC approved an evaluation of Moodle, another open source LMS, which will begin in mid-summer. The faculty survey will be administered in Student Voice. PASSHE offered to set up test accounts in Blackboard after the next version is implemented in July 2008. Thus, although there could not be a full-fledged pilot, there could at least be a trial of Blackboard by interested faculty and staff. The IT Support Center hosted campus visits by faculty and staff from Indiana University (Sakai user), rSmart (a vendor of Sakai support services), and San Francisco State University (Moodle user). Attendance ranged from 8 to 28 faculty and staff for each visit; Bob Hails, a PASSHE DL Coordinator, also attended the Indiana University presentation. The Indiana University presentation was taped and made available on streaming video (at  HYPERLINK "http://old.www.iup.edu/irt/olc/iuponly/consulting" http://old.www.iup.edu/irt/olc/iuponly/consulting). Additional visits are planned for fall. The evaluation timetable has been revised to reflect the addition of the Moodle pilot and Blackboard trial ( HYPERLINK "http://old.www.iup.edu/irt/olc" http://old.www.iup.edu/irt/olc). Recommendations for 2008-09: Maximize participation in the LMS pilots through Summer contracts for faculty to test Moodle and Sakai Working with CIS, MIS, TST and COMM to see if faculty would find the testing of LMS to be worthwhile real-world assignments for courses Work with Disability Services to get LMS feedback from a group of students with disabilities. Continued publicity and support for the LMS selection process, both campus-wide and through relevant committees and work groups. Revise timeline to provide final recommendations to ACPAC and the Provost in December 2008. (See  HYPERLINK "http://old.www.iup.edu/irt/olc/LMSSelectionTimeline.shtm" http://old.www.iup.edu/irt/olc/LMSSelectionTimeline.shtm) Conduct separate evaluations of tools that could be either part of the LMS or a separate but integrated software, such as eportfolios, white board and synchronous classroom tools. Accept PASSHEs offer of test accounts in Blackboard when the new version is implemented in July. Invite Campus Management (a Moodle support vendor) and the Blackboard account representative to campus in Fall 2008 and hold demonstrations/discussions for faculty. In addition to the evaluation survey, conduct a focus group of faculty users to give in-depth feedback on the three potential LMS. 5. Content Management System ɫӰ should move aggressively toward the adoption of a Content Management System (CMS) for online material. The goal should be to have a universal standalone CMS or as a component of a Learning Management System (LMS). Recommendations for 2008-09: The OLC recommends waiting until the Ektron system is fully implemented and the new LMS is selected before the implementation of a CMS. 6. Features List of Online Tools ɫӰ should, with input from all stakeholders, develop a features list of online tools that will be available to faculty and students, and be supported by ɫӰ and the technical staff. The goal would be to have the necessary tools for instructors and students involved in online learning. Actions in 2007-08: The OLC completed this functions list, solicited input on weighting the relative importance of the functions in an LMS, and used it to create an LMS evaluation instruments for faculty and students. (See Appendices C and D.) The surveys will be administered in Student Voice. The list and weightings were shared with the PASSHE Distance Education Task Force. No further recommendations are offered, since the functions list is complete. The committee will update the list as needed. Appendix A: Online Learning Action Team Recommendations to ACPAC for 2007-08 From the ACPAC minutes, 5/2/07 ACPAC endorses the recommendations from the On-line Learning Action Team. The specific recommendations are: 1. For on-line programs to truly flourish at ɫӰ, there is a need to expand the service hours for technical support for on-line students and the faculty that teach those courses. The committee feels that it is important for ɫӰ to expand this service with a long term goal of offering 24/7 technical support to all on-line students and the faculty that teach on-line. The on-line technical support should also include such services as admissions, advising and an array of services that are available to on-campus students which will need to be duplicated for on-line students. 2. ɫӰ should look very carefully at developing a Virtual Campus that would provide on-line services that mimic similar services on campus. This Virtual Campus would include services for recruitment, admissions, financial aid, major advising, course advising, library services, internships, graduation etc. In essence, the Virtual Campus would provide the necessary services in a virtual world to all on-line students. Included in the Virtual Campus would be an area with instructor resources. 3. A link to this Virtual Campus should be prominently displayed on the main page for ɫӰ. 4. ɫӰ should, very quickly, set up a procedure to evaluate both Sakai and Blackboard, with a goal of choosing between the two Learning Management Systems during the 2007-2008 academic years. Those involved in on-line teaching and those who have an interest in the area should have an opportunity to study both the strengths and weaknesses of both systems, and have their input heard. 5. ɫӰ should move aggressively toward the adoption of a Content Management System (CMS) for online material. The goal should be to have a universal standalone CMS or as a component of a Learning Management System (LMS). 6. ɫӰ should, with input from all stakeholders, develop a features list of on-line tools that will be available to faculty and students, and be supported by ɫӰ and the technical staff. The goal would be to have the necessary tools for instructors and students involved in on-line learning. Appendix B: What Should Be on the ɫӰ Distance Ed Web Site? OLAT, 11-26-2007 Information in this document was compiled from a review of the web sites below and comments of the ACPAC Online Learning Action Team on 10-24-07. A check means an item exists now in ɫӰ DE site. What the university offers online List and links to ɫӰ DE programs " Links to DE course catalog " Non-credit Virtual Tour (for marketing purposes) Sample course in WebCT or future Learning Management System Online Services Links to IUP student services offices (Or summary info on the DE site + link to source? Should the relevant student service web pages have a clearly delineated section for online programs?) Admissions Applying " Tuition and Fees " Transfer Credit FAQ s What to look for in an online university Bursar Financial Aid Advising and Testing URSA " Current schedule of offerings " Registrar Colleges, Graduate School, departments, programs Online Writing Lab Applied Research Lab Disability Services Counseling services Military/Veteran services Career Services Student resources Online tutoring Study Skills Modules Library Services Brief general info " Online orientation to library services E-Reserve Databases (link to databases & log-in directions) " Reference services " (chat & phone #) Support, resources and facilities in student s geographical area  could use proctor model Alumni/mentors Proctors Resources in industry and other organizations near student Getting Started Is DE right for me? " Minimum hardware, software and connectivity (some faculty recommend raising minimum) Hardware specs (+ special requirements of some programs) " Standard software (+ special requirements of some programs) " Could the bookstore offer online students a standard hardware/software package, including headset, mic, webcam, etc.? Ordering textbooks " Orie:;@FGHko. / ? e   2 3 4 5 6 ? 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Do we have videoconferenced courses as well as online? Should off-campus programs/courses be included in the DE site? Sample Sites Current ɫӰ site  HYPERLINK "http://www.iup.edu/distance" www.iup.edu/distance  HYPERLINK "http://www1.cuny.edu/online/" http://www1.cuny.edu/online/  HYPERLINK "http://www.worldcampus.psu.edu" http://www.worldcampus.psu.edu  HYPERLINK "http://rce.csuchico.edu/online/" http://rce.csuchico.edu/online/  HYPERLINK "http://ecampus.oregonstate.edu/online-degrees/" http://ecampus.oregonstate.edu/online-degrees/ (part of extended campus-off-campus programs)  HYPERLINK "http://www.umuc.edu/online_ed.shtml" http://www.umuc.edu/online_ed.shtml  HYPERLINK "http://distance.tamu.edu/" http://distance.tamu.edu/  HYPERLINK "P2MpԈ KXYH7׋EFG & F gdOZgdOZ & FgdOZ & F gdOZ1nKWlmىډۉ&'(FGHIvwx֊׊؊78޿޿޿޿w޿#j huthOZCJUaJ#j huthOZCJUaJ#jhuthOZCJUaJ#jhuthOZCJUaJhuthOZ0JCJaJ#jhuthOZCJUaJjhuthOZCJUaJhuthOZCJaJhOZCJaJ.8ijkԋՋ׋؋!"#BCEIy|j]UQMh+BhhCJaJhyXhOZ0JCJaJ#j hyXhOZCJUaJhD#hOZCJaJUh,`hOZ0JCJaJ#j h,`hOZCJUaJhThOZCJaJjhOZCJUaJhOZCJaJhuthOZ0JCJaJjhuthOZCJUaJ#j huthOZCJUaJhuthOZCJaJhttp://www.cup.edu/go/index.jsp" http://www.cup.edu/go/index.jsp Appendix C Faculty LMS Evaluation Instrument See attached Appendix D Student LMS Evaluation Instrument See attached     PAGE  PAGE 3 GHIyzŔǔȔʔ˔͔ΔДєڔ۔ܔh]hgdtQ. &`#$gd6otgd+BgdgdOZĔŔƔȔɔ˔̔ΔϔєҔؔٔڔ۔ܔݔhtQ.0JmHnHuhtQ. htQ.0JjhtQ.0JUh6otjh6otUhOZhh+B h+Bh+B21h:pOZ/ =!"#$% 21h:pOZ/ =!"#$% DyK #http://www.iup.edu/itsupportcenteryK ^http://www.iup.edu/itsupportcenteryX;H,]ą'c$$IfW!vh5#v:V l  t 065aWp $$IfW!vh5x 5x #vx :V l t065x aW$$IfW!vh5x 5x #vx :V l t065x aW$$IfW!vh5x 5x #vx :V l t065x aW=DyK 2http://old.www.iup.edu/irt/olc/iuponly/consultingyK dhttp://old.www.iup.edu/irt/olc/iuponly/consultingDyK http://old.www.iup.edu/irt/olcyK >http://old.www.iup.edu/irt/olcqDyK 9http://old.www.iup.edu/irt/olc/LMSSelectionTimeline.shtmyK http://old.www.iup.edu/irt/olc/LMSSelectionTimeline.shtmyX;H,]ą'cDyK www.iup.edu/distanceyK 8http://www.iup.edu/distanceDyK http://www1.cuny.edu/online/yK :http://www1.cuny.edu/online/DyK http://www.worldcampus.psu.eduyK @http://www.worldcampus.psu.edu/DyK  http://rce.csuchico.edu/online/yK @http://rce.csuchico.edu/online/1DyK /http://ecampus.oregonstate.edu/online-degrees/yK ^http://ecampus.oregonstate.edu/online-degrees/DyK $http://www.umuc.edu/online_ed.shtmlyK Hhttp://www.umuc.edu/online_ed.shtmlDyK http://distance.tamu.edu/yK 4http://distance.tamu.edu/DyK  http://www.cup.edu/go/index.jspyK @http://www.cup.edu/go/index.jsp@@@ NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH Z@Z  Heading 1$<@&5CJ KH OJQJ\^JaJ \@\ ]/ Heading 2$<@& 56CJOJQJ\]^JaJV@V  Heading 3$<@&5CJOJQJ\^JaJDA@D Default Paragraph FontVi@V  Table Normal :V 44 la (k(No List B^@B  Normal (Web)dd[$\$B'B Comment ReferenceCJaJ<<  Comment TextCJaJ@j@ Comment Subject5\H2H  Balloon TextCJOJQJ^JaJ6U@A6 %< Hyperlink >*B*phjSj C Table Grid7:V04@b4 OZHeader  !4 @r4 OZFooter  !FV@F TFollowedHyperlink >*B* phbOb nHeading 1 Char.5CJ KH OJQJ\^J_HaJ mH sH tH .)@. tQ. 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In February 2008, t&lt;/p&gt;T&lt;p&gt;Report to Provost from the ACPAC Online Learning CommitteeMay 1, 2008On May 2, 2007, ACPAC endorsed the six recommendations of the Online Learning Action Team provided below. These recommendations were used as the OLAT planning document for 2007-08 and as the organizing mechanism for this report. In February 2008, t&lt;/p&gt;EktSearchableEktEDescriptionAH06! http://www.cup.edu/go/index.jsp LRoot Entry FPZy@Data N1TableVnWordDocumenth՜.+,D՜.+,L  4@w!A' 4ACPAC Online Learning Action Team Recommendations Titlexlt|    $     _PID_HLINKS EktContentIDEktContentLanguage EktFolderId EktQuickLinkEktContentTypeEktFolderName EktCmsPath EktExpiryType EktDateCreated EktDateModified EktTaxCategory EktCmsSizeEktSearchableEktEDescriptionEktShowEventsEktContentID64EktFolderId64 EktInPermekttaxonomyenabledAH06! http://www.cup.edu/go/index.jsp Lhttp://distance.tamu.edu/ b$http://www.umuc.edu/online_ed.shtml 53/http://ecampus.oregonstate.edu/online-degrees/ /& http://rce.csuchico.edu/online/ ?= http://www.worldcampus.psu.edu/ E[http://www1.cuny.edu/online/ 37 http://www.iup.edu/distance   9http://old.www.iup.edu/irt/olc/LMSSelectionTimeline.shtm 38http://old.www.iup.edu/irt/olc \T2http://old.www.iup.edu/irt/olc/iuponly/consulting +0#http://www.iup.edu/itsupportcenter { %e@ؽ9@u$$$$$$\$ \$ \$ \$ \$ \$ T {%\Summary &lt;p&gt;Report to Provost from the ACPAC Online Learning CommitteeMay 1, 2008On May 2, 2007, ACPAC endorsed the six recommendations of the Online Learning Action Team provided below. These recommendations were used as the OLAT planning document for 2007-08 and as the organizing mechanism for this report. In February 2008, t&lt;/p&gt;T&lt;p&gt;Report to Provost from the ACPAC Online Learning CommitteEktTaxCategory՜.+,L  4@w!A' 4ACPAC Online Learning Action Team Recommendations Title        _PID_HLINKS EktContentIDEktContentLanguage EktFolderId EktQuickLinkEktContentTypeEktFolderName EktCmsPath EktExpiryType EktDateCreated EktDateModified EktTaxCategory EktCmsSizeEktSearchableEktEDescriptionEktShowEventsAH06! http://www.cup.edu/go/index.jsp Lhttp://distance.tamu.edu/ b$http://www.umuc.edu/online_ed.shtml 53/http://ecampus.oregonstate.edu/online-degrees/ /& http://rce.csuchico.edu/online/ ?= http://www.worldcampus.psu.edu/ E[http://www1.cuny.edu/online/ 37 http://www.iup.edu/distance   9http://old.www.iup.edu/irt/olc/LMSSelectionTimeline.shtm 38http://old.www.iup.edu/irt/olc \T2http://old.www.iup.edu/irt/olc/iuponly/consulting +0#http://www.iup.edu/itsupportcenter { %javascript:void window.open('/WorkArea/showconte  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMOPQRSTUWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~eMay 1, 2008On May 2, 2007, ACPAC endorsed the six recommendations of the Online Learning Action Team provided below. These recommendations were used as the OLAT planning document for 2007-08 and as the organizing mechanism for this report. In February 2008, t&lt;/p&gt;%DownloadAsset.aspx?id=48507ations of the Online Learning Action Team provided below. These recommendations were used as the OLAT planning document for 2007-08 and as the organizing mechanism for this report. In February SummaryInformation(DocumentSummaryInformation8xCompObjqBagaaqy23kudbhchAaq5u2chNd80*{90}9 IJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\  FMicrosoft Office Word Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89q ]8O8m008@H DAV:getcontentlanguageen-usOh+'0x@0 H<CONTENTS Pl@ԭ@@@I 7&OLC-2008-05-01-Report-to-ACPACProvostMr. Brian M. Petersen petersenMr. Brian M. 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These recommendations were used as the OLAT planning document for 2007-08 and as the organizing meRoot Entry FEFv:@Data N1TableVnWordDocumenth՜.+,D՜.+,L  4@w!A' 4ACPAC Online Learning Action Team Recommendations Titlexlt|    $     _PID_HLINKS EktContentIDEktContentLanguage EktFolderId EktQuickLinkEktContentTypeEktFolderName EktCmsPath EktExpiryType EktDateCreated EktDateModified EktTaxCategory EktCmsSizeEktSearchableEktEDescriptionEktShowEventsEktContentID64EktFolderId64 EktInPermekttaxonomyenabledAH06! http://www.cup.edu/go/index.jsp Lhttp://distance.tamu.edu/ b$http://www.umuc.edu/online_ed.shtml 53/http://ecampus.oregonstate.edu/online-degrees/ /& http://rce.csuchico.edu/online/ ?= http://www.worldcampus.psu.edu/ E[http://www1.cuny.edu/online/ 37 http://www.iup.edu/distance   9http://old.www.iup.edu/irt/olc/LMSSelectionTimeline.shtm 38http://old.www.iup.edu/irt/olc \T2http://old.www.iup.edu/irt/olc/iuponly/consulting +0#http://www.iup.edu/itsupportcenter { %e@ؽ9@u$$$$$$\$ \$ \$ \$ \$ \$ l {%\Summary &lt;p&gt;Report to Provost from the ACPAC Online Learning CommitteeMay 1, 2008On May 2, 2007, ACPAC endorsed the six recommendations of the Online Learning Action Team provided below. These recommendations were used as the OLAT planning document for 2007-08 and as the organizing mechanism for this report. In February 2008, t&lt;/p&gt;T&lt;p&gt;Report to Provost from the ACPAC Online Learning CommitteeMay 1, 2008On May 2, 2007, ACPAC endorsed the six recommendations of the Online Learning Action Team provided below. These recommendations were used as the OLAT planning document for 2007-08 and as the organizing mechanism for this report. In February 2008, t&lt;/p&gt;%DownloadAsset.aspx?id=48507SummaryInformation(DocumentSummaryInformation8xCompObjqBagaaqy23kudbhchAaq5u2chNd80*{90}9