Academic Computing Policy Advisory Committee
Minutes of April 20, 2011
- In Attendance: Balint, Blood, Branthoover, Brzycki, Cunningham, Dadson, Fortushniak, Giever, Kornfeld, Lenze, P. McDevitt, McElroy, McGowan, O'Neil, Onyett, Pagnucci, Pankaj, Powers, D. Smith, J.B. Smith, VanWieren, Yuhas
- Excused: T. McDevitt, Mocek, Sherwood, Yost
- Absent: Asamoah, Gruber, Kemp, Mensch, Nelson, Papakie, Scandrett
- Guests: Anspacher, Staszkiewicz
Proceedings of the Meeting
- Approval of Minutes
- March 16, 2011 Meeting - The March 16, 2011 minutes were approved unanimously (M/S Brzycki/O'Neil).
- Financial Report
- The ACPAC balance is currently $12,804.92
- Announcements
- PASSHE Collaborative Software & Equipment Grants - handout about $325,000 available for equipment grants between two or more PASSHE institutions; May 13 deadline.
- Standing Reports:
- CIO Office (Balint)
- Introduction of Stephen Anspacher
- Degreeworks - The system will be installed during the week of May 16th. The Registrar's Office is the functional lead for this program. Work will begin in June, but will be a while before it's in place (about a one-year process). Early adopters could implement for advising in Spring 2012, but most likely won't be used for advising until Fall 2012.
- Project Prioritization - A list of projects was shown (overhead) by Cunningham for prioritization, that are either underway or will be set for Council of Deans meeting in October for implementation to be ready for Fall 2012. Projects discussed were D2L, Equella, Degreeworks, single sign-on (Shibboleth), PASSHE wide identity logins for system-wide collaborations. Projects not ranked by Council of Deans (Luminous portal, streaming service other than YouTube, etc.). Members re-ranked this list to pass on to Council of Deans in October. Action teams working on ideas should have more solid information to present before their projects are ranked and sent forward.
- Replacement of Webcal - Still continuing to look at this issue, Giever and O'Neil helping.
- Guest Wireless - Still working with AT&T on this issue.
- New Media Consortium (NMC) - 亚色影库 is a member of NMC, so faculty can create an account to access services. Check out to access. Balint suggested that an ACPAC member visit one of these meetings to bring back new ideas for us to use at 亚色影库.
- Student Pictures Action Team (JB Smith)
- motion to move agenda item (M/S Smith/Brzycki); approved.
- Report and demonstration on student pictures given by Smith and Staszkiewicz. Faculty can request a .zip file via URSA that will allow them to access the student pictures (I-card system) for their current classes. These pictures can then be used to create a seating chart, etc. Privacy issues were discussed, and faculty were advised to keep these pictures secure just as they would Banner IDs, grades, etc. Pictures are considered directory information, so as long as the student has not opted out of this process, their pictures are available to faculty of record of their courses.
- Student Computing Subcommittee (P. McDevitt) - no updates.
- Emerging Technologies Subcommittee (D. Smith)
- Plan to look at SmartBoards over the summer to identify possible products and vendors for Fall.
- Student Operations Group (Pankaj) - no updates.
- On-Line Learning (Brzycki)
- Handout regarding the guidelines for the charge of the committee, with revisions to the charges based on their activities in the past few years. Concerns were voiced by the committee that PASSHE's role in deciding on D2L minimized the role of the committee and ACPAC in general. A question was raised by Kornfeld asking if PASSHE's action with D2L was subject to a grievance in the CBA. Consensus was that no clear answer is yet available, but that ACPAC should still press to have input and guidance in technology matters that impact faculty and teaching (e.g., LMS, etc.). ACPAC agreed that OLC is still needed and that revisions were a good idea. Motion to approve revisions (by committee). Motion was unanimously passed.
- Brzycki discussed the pending lawsuit against Penn State regarding the accessibility of on-line services (students with disabilities). More work to come over the summer.
- DE Planning and Work Group (Brzycki)
- Anspacher's distance education plan in progress, seeking more support from the state to address issues. Ideas include a fee-based investment (by online credit count) to provide financial support. No set amount has been proposed.
- Reports from the Action Teams:
- Optical Test Scoring (McElroy)
- A new scanner arrived. More testing will occur over the summer.
- New Business:
- ACPAC Innovation Funds Recommendation (Onyett/McElroy) - Discussed the rankings of the committee for Innovation awards, including three that were not recommended for funding, and provided list of the award winners in Categories 1 and 2. Motion for approval (by committee), unanimously approved.
- Proposed Amendment to ACPAC Bylaws regarding Co-Chair term (McElroy) - Currently the term for the faculty co-chair is one year, renewable for an additional year. At the March ACPAC meeting, a proposed amendment to the ACPAC Bylaws was distributed that would change the one year term to a two year term. The rationale is that it would then provide a staggered set of terms for the administrative co-chair and the faculty co-chair so that we would not have both finishing their terms at the same time, and thus create a break in leadership. A motion was made in March (Brzycki/Pagnucci) and passed unanimously that the amendment be placed on the agenda for today's ACPAC meeting for a vote. We will have the vote before having the faculty co-chair election, so that if the amendment passes, then the newly elected faculty co-chair can be elected to a two year term. The exact wording of the proposed amendment is on the next page of these minutes. Note that changes are in bold and text to be eliminated shows with strikeout. Only the sections with changes are shown below. Today's vote required 22 votes to pass via a 2/3rd majority. Motion to approve changes (M/S Giever/Pagnucci), passed unanimously.
- Election of Faculty Co-Chair (Onyett) - Nomination of McElroy for faculty co-chair (M/S Giever/O'Neil). Motion to close nominations (M/S JB Smith/Giever). McElroy unanimously elected as faculty co-chair for a two-year term (2011/12 and 2012/13).
- Old Business:
- Cunningham talked about Legacy version of I-mail (now unsupported) and the new mobile skin version and Lite skin version. He gave a demonstration on the overhead and asked to send the links/information to the committee to try out. More information will be sent out this summer.
- Other Business:
- Onyett asked that members serving next year have schedules that allow them to attend meetings because there were several low-attendance meetings during the 2010/11 year.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:30 PM.
Suggested Changes to the Constitution and Bylaws of the Academic Computing Policy Advisory Committee of 亚色影库
III. Officers and Duties
- The officers of ACPAC shall be the Elected Faculty Co-chair and the Administrative Co-chair. The Elected Co-chair shall be a faculty representative to ACPAC and shall be installed at the end of the final meeting of the academic year and shall serve until the final meeting of the following year. The term of office is one year with re-election possible, but for no more than two consecutive terms. The Faculty Co-chair shall be a faculty representative to ACPAC and shall be installed at the end of the final meeting of the academic year and shall serve for a term of two years. After one term, the Faculty Co-chair may be elected to serve one additional two-year term. A Faculty Co-chair may not serve more than two consecutive terms. The ACPAC Administrative co-chair shall be an Assistant Dean of Technology of a College Technology Manager nominated by the Chief Information Officer and ratified by a majority vote of ACPAC members. The administrative co-chair shall serve for a term of two years, and this term can be repeated if he/she is nominated and ratified as above.
- Duties of Elected Faculty Co-chair:
- Set the meeting agenda.
- Appoint committees and action teams when needed.
- Appoint ACPAC representatives to other committees.
- Communicate ACPAC actions to appropriate university constituents.
- Duties of Administrative Co-chair:
- Record the minutes of each meeting.
- Maintain the ACPAC website.
- Assist in preparing the meeting agenda.
- Following ACPAC guidelines, manage monetary funds that have been allocated to support academic technology and provide a report at each meeting.
V. Elections
- A nominating committee shall be formed to produce a slate of candidates from the faculty representatives for the position of the Elected Faculty Co-chair and shall be presented at the last meeting of the year.
- A paper ballot vote shall be conducted at the last meeting of the year with the winner selected by a majority vote of ACPAC members present.
VI. Amendments and Bylaws
- Proposed amendments must be distributed at least one month prior to the scheduled vote.
- Approval requires a two-thirds majority of the membership, which may be accomplished in person at a meeting, electronically, or by paper ballot.