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Complete this application using Microsoft Word and save it as: LastnameFirstname(academic year you are applying for)MastersINCOMINGgaapp. Send the completed form as an attachment to:  HYPERLINK "mailto:counselingdept-assistantships@iup.edu" counselingdept-assistantships@iup.edu. You may need to send it in multiple attachments since you will include your resume. In the subject line of the email, please state: LastnameFirstname(academic year you are applying for)MASTERS INCOMINGgaap. If you do not receive confirmation of receipt of your application within 2 weeks, please contact Dr. Carone. Once received, your application will be reviewed, and you may be asked to participate in a group interview in early March (the GA interviews occur on the same day as Department of Counseling admissions interviews). GA decisions are made within 2 weeks of the admissions workshop/GA interviews. Thank you for your interest! Please note that students must hold at least 6 credits for a 10 hour/week GA position and 9 credits for a 20 hour/week GA position. We typically have up to 3, 20 hour/week positions and up to 12, 10 hour/week positions each year. Students must maintain good academic standing to hold graduate assistantships. A graduate assistantship cannot be combined with another graduate assistantship at ɫӰ. Incomplete applications may not be considered. For which academic year you are submitting this application (e.g. 2024-25): _____ Name: Address: Cell Phone: E-mail: (this will be our primary mode of communication with you regarding graduate assistantships): Program Applied To: M.A. Clinical Mental Health Counseling M. Ed. School Counseling Certification Only Campus Applied To: ___ Pittsburgh East ____ Indiana Campus Many faculty work mostly remotely with GAs, however which campus would you consider working as a GA if the position requires in-person work: ____Pittsburgh East ____Indiana Campus ___either campus If admitted to the Department of Counseling, do you plan to enroll: _____ Full Time (hold at least 9 credits) ____ Part time (hold at least 6 credits) Are you interested in: ___10 hour/week GA ___20 hour/week GA ___either 10 or 20 hour/week GA Educational Background: Institution Major Year Grad. GPA Experience Rating Using the scales below, please rate your prior experience and level of proficiency in the following areas: Prior Experience Scale Proficiency Scale No experience - 0 Not proficient - 0 A little prior experience - 1 A little proficient - 1 A great deal of prior experience - 2 Highly proficient - 2 Prior Experience Scale Proficiency Scale Audio/visual production ______ ______ Library Electronic Databases ______ ______ MS Excel ______ ______ MS Publisher ______ ______ Organizational Skills ______ ______ Statistics ______ ______ Web Design ______ ______ Writing/editing ______ ______ Coordinating events ______ ______ Tracking/documenting data/info ______ ______ Other Skills (Please list): ______________________________________________________ Interpersonal and Communication Skills (Please list):________________________________ Other information you would like us to know regarding your fit for a graduate assistantship: Resume Please copy and paste your resume here (or submit as a second attachment if your application will not send via email:  $%4GHIMefgvw   ⶶynnnncXXXnh4hCJaJh4h3iCJaJh4hmCJaJh4h)}?5CJ\^Jh6W%CJ^JhL^h0JCJ^JjhL^hCJU^JhL^hCJ^JhL^h5CJ\^JaJh5>*CJ\^JaJh6W%5>*CJ\^JaJ!hL^h5>*CJ\^JaJh5>*CJ\^J"IgZ [ ,-Kdgd6W%gd4gd9^gdHZ'^gd4$a$gd6ju$a$gd   # , 0 1 7 < M Y ` b v ~    * J O ] b p z { | ɾ߶߫ߠ}qeqh4hV>*CJaJh4hrm>*CJaJh4h6ju>*CJaJh4hzh>*CJaJh4h?CJaJh4h)CJaJh4h4CJaJh6W%CJaJh4hkCJaJh4hCJaJh4hVCJaJh4hCJaJh4hCJaJh4hmCJaJ$            - ; ? 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