ࡱ> PROQ bjbj00 >:ReiReit t d~$+(: *******$,/*****F'|(l@R'n**0+'_0+:_0$(_0(**e:+_0t X : Doctoral RETURNING STUDENT Graduate Assistantship Application ɫӰ Department of Counseling Due February 1 Returning/current doctoral students in the Department of Counseling Ph.D. program who will hold at least 6 credits in each of the upcoming academic year semesters, are encouraged to apply for a Graduate Assistantship (GA). Contact Dr. Stacy Carone ( HYPERLINK "mailto:scarone@iup.edu" scarone@iup.edu), Dept. of Counseling Assistantship Coordinator, with any questions. Complete this application using Microsoft Word and save it as: LastnameFirstname(academic year applying for)RETURINGDOCgaapp. Send it as an attachment to:  HYPERLINK "mailto:counselingdept-assistantships@iup.edu" counselingdept-assistantships@iup.edu. You may need to send it in multiple attachments since you will include your resume. In the subject line of the email, state: LastnameFirstname(academic year you are applying for)RETURNINGDOCgaapp. If you do not receive confirmation of receipt of your application within 2 weeks, please contact Dr. Carone. GA applications for RETURNING doctoral students are due no later than FEBRUARY 15 for the following academic year. Late submission of your GA application will decrease the likelihood of a GA offer. Thank you for your interest! Please note that you must hold at least 6 credits for a 10 hour/week GA position and at least 9 credits per semester for a 20 hour GA position. GA positions cannot be combined with other ɫӰ GA positions at ɫӰ and students must maintain good academic standing to hold a GA position. Note that second year doctoral students typically take 6 credits per semester and are therefore eligible for 10 hour GA positions. Third year doctoral students typically fall below the 6 credit per semester requirement and are therefore not eligible for GA positions. Name: Address: Cell Phone: E-mai: (this will be our primary mode of communication with you regarding graduate assistantships) Are you mostly interested in/eligible for (please check the appropriate lines): ___10 hour/week GA about $11,000 package (tuition reduction + stipend) ___I understand that I will need to take at least 6 credits in fall and 6 credits in spring semesters ___20 hour/week GA about $22,000 package (tuition reduction + stipend) ___I understand that I will need to take 9 credits in fall and 9 credits in spring semester Faculty are located at both campuses and many of them work remotely with their GAs. If in-person work is required, please indicate which campus in which you would be willing to work: ____Indiana Campus ___Pittsburgh East ____either campus Prior GA Experience Were you a GA during a previous academic year or years? ___Yes ___No If so, which faculty member was your supervisor? For the upcoming year which faculty member(s) would you like to consider you for their GA? Experience Rating: Using the scales below, please rate your prior experience and level of proficiency in the following areas: Prior Experience Scale Proficiency Scale No experience - 0 Not proficient - 0 A little prior experience - 1 A little proficient - 1 A great deal of prior experience - 2 Highly proficient - 2 Prior Experience Scale Proficiency Scale Library Electronic Databases ______ ______ MS Excel ______ ______ MS Publisher ______ ______ Organizational Skills ______ ______ Statistics ______ ______ Web Design ______ ______ Writing/editing ______ ______ Conducting Research: ______ ______ Coordinating events /programs ______ ______ Tracking/documenting data ______ ______ Audio/visual production ______ ______ Other Skills (Please list/explain): Briefly explain anything you would like us to know regarding your fit for a graduate assistantshsip: Curriculum Vitae Please copy and paste your vita here or submit it as an attachment with your application.  *=>?C[\]_klmovw~    . / 8 > A E F K M µ§~hhCJaJhhmCJaJhhL9CJaJhL9CJaJh4h5CJ\^JhL95CJ\^JaJhL^h5CJ\^JaJh]5>*CJ\^JaJ!hL^h5>*CJ\^JaJh5>*CJ\^JaJ/?lm #$,Zkl=> ^`gd%XL^gdggd~ggdRj^gdHZ'^gd$a$gdM f g s y | }    ! 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