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INTRODUCTION This procedure is designed to protect ɫӰ (ɫӰ) employees from injury where their job duties require entry into confined spaces. Periodically, confined spaces must be entered for inspection, cleaning, or repair. Since these spaces can store materials that are flammable, toxic, corrosive, or oxygen consuming, entry can be dangerous. To avoid accidents caused by entries into improperly prepared confined spaces, the Confined Space Entry Procedure has been developed. DEFINITION: A confined space is any area not intended for human occupancy and that also has the potential for containing or accumulating a dangerous atmosphere. The area may permit either the accumulation of hazardous gases, mists, fumes, vapors, dust, or the possibility of an oxygen deficiency. In addition, the means of egress may be restricted to such a degree that a person would have difficulty escaping in an emergency. Examples of confined spaces on the ɫӰ campus include: Storage tanks, open pits, sewers, manholes, towers, and pipe tunnels. A minimum of safety steps must be completed before entry into the confined space can begin. These steps can be categorized under three general areas: 1. Preparation of the confined space prior to entry. 2. Safety requirements for entry. 3. Emergency rescue procedures. Each area, vital to the development of a safe confined space entry procedure, will be discussed. II. PREPARATION OF THE CONFINED SPACE PRIOR TO ENTRY The following five steps must be completed before a confined space is safe to enter: 1. Conditioning 2. Ventilating 3. Isolating 4. Immobilizing power equipment 5. Testing the confined space atmosphere A. Conditioning the confined space 1. Before entering the confined space, empty (pump out or drain) all material in it as completely as possible. If this is not possible, the supervisor in charge of the work being done shall consult with the safety office to discuss alternatives. 2. If chemicals are present (i.e. storage tanks), flush the confined space with water or an appropriate cleaning solution and follow with a final water flush. It may be necessary to fill the space with water and to boil the water to soak out or deactivate certain chemicals. 3. If flammable or toxic gases are present, purge the confined space with air after washing. After the pressure in the confined space is at ambient pressure, the space is then conditioned and can be opened. All covers should be removed. B. Ventilating the confined space 1. Mechanical ventilation of the confined space can now be started. This can be accomplished by introducing fresh air into the confined space with a powered blower. 2. Ventilation of the confined space must continue until all pockets of dead air which may contain toxic, flammable, or inert gas have been eliminated and measurement establishes that there is sufficient oxygen in and around the confined space (not less that 20.8%) and that the air is free of any explosive or toxic mixture. Additional measurements must be conducted at 15-minute intervals during operations. 3. Only air should be used for ventilation, never nitrogen or oxygen. C. Isolating the confined space 1. Isolate the confined space by blocking off all pipes through which the toxic or potentially harmful materials can be introduced into the confined space. Include ALL liquid, gas, and vapor lines. Note: not all steams lines can be isolated at all times in the pipe tunnel or manholes. 2. The following are two general methods of isolation: a. The preferred method is total mechanical which includes: 1. Blanking off the entering line by using in-line or individual blinds which are often referred to as skillet or spectacle blinds. 2. Disconnecting pipes and closing the open ends with pipe caps, plugs, or blind flanges. 3. Removing a section of the pipe. b. The other isolation method is the double block and bleed. This method may only be used on water and steam lines and must be approved by the plumbing supervisor. The use of this technique is discouraged since it does not create a positive break between the confined space and the supply line. If this method is used, the two line valves must be chained, locked and tagged when the in the closed position. 3. Where discharge lines from relief valves enter the confined space, they must be disconnected and temporarily vented to a safe location. D. Immobilizing power equipment Whenever a confined space is equipped with power driven internal equipment, such as mixers, agitators, or conveyors, this equipment must be immobilized before entry is allowed. This is accomplished by following the University lockout/tagout procedure. E. Testing the atmosphere of the confined space 1. After all of the previous procedures for preparation of the confined space for entry have been completed, the confined space atmosphere shall be tested by the safety observer and entrants and monitored continuously while work is in progress. The safety observer will record readings every 15 minutes. 2. The confined space atmosphere shall be tested by the safety observer and entrants for the following: a. Oxygen deficiency Test for oxygen. If the atmosphere in the confined space is less than 20.8% oxygen, purge with air until sufficient oxygen is present. A test for oxygen content must be carried out in all cases of confined space entry, regardless of previous contents or prior preparation of the confined space. b. Flammable vapors and gases Test for possible flammable vapors and gases that could be present. If the atmosphere is flammable, purge with air and retest until atmosphere is safe. Additional measurements should be recorded at 15- minute intervals while work is in progress. c. Hydrogen Sulfide Test for H2S. If test levels exceed the established threshold limit values (TLVs), ventilation procedures must be continued until levels are below the TLV before anyone can enter the confined space. d. Carbon Monoxide Test for CO. If test levels exceed the established threshold limit values (TLVs), ventilation procedures must be continued until levels are below the TLV before anyone can enter the confined space. III. SAFETY REQUIREMENT FOR ENTRY A. Safety Observer: This procedure requires that a safety observer be present wearing the appropriate personal protective clothing, having available: a meter, tripod with retrieval line, blower and radio. The duties of the safety observer are: a. Perform radio test with Campus Police before work begins at every confined space. b. Ensure safety and retrieval equipment is set up and ready for use. c. Keep continuous visual and voice contact with the people inside the confined space. d. Assist in necessary equipment changes. e. Ensure that rubber coated, explosion proof extension cords along with ground fault circuit interrupters are used with power tools, including electric lights. f. Respond to any unusual behavior of the people inside the confined space. g. Protect entrant from external hazards. h. Continuously monitor atmosphere and record results every 15 minutes. i. Ensure that all torches and electrodes are removed from the confined space when not in use. B. Entrants: Any person entering the confined space must wear personal protective clothing and equipment that is appropriate for the work being performed and the condition of the confined space. Wearing appropriate safety equipment is mandatory for every person who enters a confined space and for people who are assigned to be safety observers. Appropriate safety equipment may include: Two-piece rain suit, rubber gloves, rubber boots, face shield or hood, fire extinguisher, first aid kit, hard hats, ground fault circuit interrupter, body harness, and a mechanical means of retrieval. Lifelines should be attached to a fixed object outside of the confined space. C. Unit Supervisor: The unit supervisor will ensure that all materials and equipment are available, the safety equipment is in proper working order, the space has been tested, radio communications completed, and the entry permit is completed. The supervisor will also ensure that all safety measures, including any extra measures deemed necessary, are followed. D. Unit Manager: The unit manager will discuss the procedures and scope of work with the unit supervisor. IV. CONFINED SPACE ENTRY PERMIT NOTE: A CONFINED SPACE ENTRY PERMIT IS REQUIRED BEFORE ENTERING ANY CONFINED SPACE. A. Responsibilities 1. Unit supervisor: After checking the job to see that all safety measures and all fire prevention precautions have been taken, the supervisor has the prime responsibility of completing the Confined Space Entry Permit, which he will sign. 2. The entrants performing the work shall handle the equipment safely and use it as to not endanger lives and property. 3. The safety observer will assist in preparing the area and remain in continuous contact with entrants. *The entrants and safety observer will sign the permit certifying that they have been instructed in the proper confined space entry procedures. 4. The unit manager will discuss the scope of the job to be performed with the supervisor that and ensure confined space permit is completed. B. Procedure 1. The employee wanting a confined space entry permit shall first contact the unit supervisor for permission to perform the work. If it is necessary to burn or weld in the confined space to perform the work, extra work precautions must also be followed. 2. After receiving permission from the unit supervisor to proceed with the work, the safety observer and entrants will prepare the equipment and/or area for a confined space entry permit. 3. After completing the permit, the unit supervisor will review to ensure that all permit requirements have been satisfactorily completed. The safety observer and entrants will perform the atmosphere tests to rule out any explosive, flammable, oxygen deficient or toxic atmospheres in the area. After the inspection and atmosphere test, the unit supervisor shall certify that all of the safety precautions listed on the permit have been considered and will sign the permit in the space granting the permit. V. EMERGENCY RESCUE PROCEDURE Emergency Rescue will not be performed by the Indiana Fire and Rescue Squad. The safety observer must not enter the confined space. Use radio to notify campus police in the event of an emergency. *Refer to the Confined Space Emergency Rescue Procedure for details and responsibilities. ɫӰ CONFINED SPACE ENTRY PERMIT Date and Time Issued: Date and Time Expires: Job Site/Space I.D.: Job Supervisor: Work to be Performed: Unit Manager: Unit Supervisor: Safety Observer: 1. Atmospheric Checks: Time O2 % LEL % CO ppm H2S ppm 2. Testers Signature: 3. Source isolation (No entry): N/A Yes No Pumps or lines blinded, ( ) ( ) ( ) Disconnected, or blocked ( ) ( ) ( ) 4. Ventilation Modification: N/A Yes No Mechanical ( ) ( ) ( ) Natural Ventilation Only ( ) ( ) ( ) 5. Atmospheric Check After Isolation and Ventilation: O2 % LEL % CO ppm H2S ppm Time Testers Signature: 6. Radio Check Time: 7. Rescue Procedures:*See attached Confined Space Rescue Procedures 8. Supervisor, unit manager, safety Yes No observer and entrants successfully completed training? ( ) ( ) 9. Equipment: N/A Yes No Direct reading gas monitor tested ( ) ( ) ( ) Safety Harness and lifelines for entry and standby persons ( ) ( ) ( ) Hoisting equipment ( ) ( ) ( ) Powered communications ( ) ( ) ( ) All electric equipment listed Class 1, Division 1, Group D and Non-Sparking tools ( ) ( ) ( ) 10. Periodic atmospheric tests: *use attached chart 11. Special conditions: We have reviewed the work authorized by this permit and the information contained herein. Written instructions and safety procedures have been received and are understood. Entry cannot be approved if any squares are marked in the No column. This permit is not valid unless all appropriate items are completed. Permit Prepared By: (Supervisor) Approved By: (Unit Supervisor) Reviewed By: (Safety Observer) (entrants) (printed name) (signature) This permit is to be kept at the job site. Return job site copies to Safety Office, Unit Supervisor and Unit Manager following job completion. Emergency Medical Service Safety Department Campus Police 911 357-5705 357-2141 Periodic Atmospheric Tests. 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