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Scope: All infectious waste generators at the ɫӰ main campus shall follow this procedure when creating, handling, and disposing of infectious waste. Definition: Infectious Waste Disposable equipment, instruments, utensils, bandages, bedding, towels, tongue depressors, and other materials in contact with disease-causing agents. This also includes ALL syringes and needles, whether contaminated or not. All laboratory, surgical, and autopsy waste; tissues, blood tissues; excretia, excretions, cultures, organs, body parts, dialysis unit wastes, laboratory animal carcasses, and bedding; or any other material that might be contaminated by pathogens (disease causing agents). Procedure: 1. One 1.5-mil (minimum thickness), red plastic biohazard bag, provided by the university, shall be used to line the waste containers in the areas where infectious waste is generated. If the infectious waste is sharps, it must be placed into a Sharps container. The person generating the waste is responsible for assuring that this bag (or sharps container) is in place. 2. The person generating the waste shall place it into these containers ONLY. The total thickness of the two bags must be 3-mil. At the present time, the vendor provides a bag which is 1.5-mil in thickness; therefore, the University must provide a bag that is at least 1.5-mil thick. In the future, if the thickness of the vendors bag changes, the university must supply a bag that will make the total thickness of the two bags 3-mil. 3. At the end of the day or when the container is filled (whichever comes first), the person generating the waste is required to seal/secure the bag by twisting, doubling over, and tying the top of it. EXCEPTION: Sharps containers can remain on the wall hanger until the container is full. They should then be placed into the box, inside the red plastic bag. 4. Once the bag is properly secured, it shall be placed into the box provided by the vendor. The generator is responsible for lining the box with a red plastic bag before depositing the first bag of waste into the box. NOTE: If the waste is composed of blood samples or materials soaked/saturated with blood, it must be refrigerated while in storage. The sealed bags can be stored in the freezer if the box does not fit inside. 5. When the first bag of waste is deposited in the box or freezer, the date of that deposit shall be clearly marked on the box. If it is placed in a refrigerator, the date must be recorded on the bag. 6. The waste can only be stored for a period of thirty days. At the end of the thirty-day period, the box must be sealed/secured by the waste generators. The generator or Housekeeping will be responsible for ensuring delivery of the box to the designated pick-up point. NOTE: If the box if filled in less than thirty days, the generator shall seal/secure the box and ensure the box is delivered to the pick-up point at this time. 7. Repeat steps 1 through 6. Site Reports: MEMORIAL FIELD HOUSE (Sports Medicine) Mr. Ron Trenney Mr. Trenney estimates that one box of waste will be generated per month. Presently they are storing the waste in a sharps container. He indicated that one of these containers usually is ample for the total amount of waste generated in one year. Mr. Trenney indicated that bloody bandages are a rarity. The majority of the waste generated in this area is sharps. No refrigeration will be required. Mr. Trenney had no objections to the proposed procedure for handling and disposing of the infectious waste. No laboratory animals are used in this area. This area is in close proximity to the Human Performance Laboratory in Zink Hall. Considering the small amount of waste generated in each area, it might be possible to consolidate the waste from these areas at the end of the month. This would reduce the number of containers that the vendor would have to dispose of each month. ZINK HALL (Human Performance Laboratory) Dr. Archie Moore Dr. Moore estimated that this area generates one box of waste per month, sometimes less. The waste consists of small vials of blood from cholesterol testing. Considering that the waste consists of blood, this area will need a refrigerator. He indicated that the waste could be put in the refrigerator currently in the lab, but the waste cannot be stored in the same area as food or other supplies. If in fact a refrigerator is needed, a small dormitory refrigerator would suffice. Dr. Moore expressed no objections to the proposed procedure for handling and disposing of the waste. No laboratory animals are used in this area. See suggestion under Memorial Field House for consolidating the waste from this area with Sports Medicine, located in the Field House. GORDON HALL (Psychology Department) Dr. Mary Lou Zanich The chairperson of the Psychology Department indicated that the animals in Gordon Hall are not contaminated by disease-causing agents, nor are sharps used for injections of any kind. There is no infectious waste generated in this area. JOHNSON HALL (Nursing Department) Mrs. Margaret Bellak Ms. Bellak estimates that there would be two boxes of waste generated during the spring semester when sophomores practice injections, around mid-semester. She said only one box would be generated in the fall semester. She identified the waste as being composed of sharps only; therefore, no refrigeration is required. Note: If sharps are stored in sharps containers on a wall bracket, the storage time does not begin until the container is removed from the bracket. Please refer to the standards/proposed standards. The number of boxes to be processed by the vendor can be greatly reduced without compromising safety and health principles. WEYANDT HALL (Biology Department) Dr. Allan Andrew Dr. Andrew estimates that this area will generate one box of waste per month since most of the waste is processed on site. There will not be any waste generated that will require refrigeration. Dr. Andrew indicated there will be animals that are injected with living pathogens. These animals and their bedding are sterilized (autoclaved) after they are sacrificed. Some animals are injected with dead (killed) pathogens. These preparations are checked for sterility before they are used and should pose no problem. Dr. Andrew has no objections to the proposed procedure. DESIGNATED PICK-UP AREAS Sports Medicine...............................................................Mechanical/AC Room on southeast corner of Zink Hall Human Performance Lab.................................................Mechanical/AC Room on southeast corner of Zink Hall Nursing Department.........................................................Weyandt Hall, Room 209 Biology Department.........................................................Weyandt Hall, Room 209 Pechan Health Center.............................................................Electric Utility Room BLOODBORNE PATHOGEN PROTECTION KIT Box #901 contains a disposable cap and gown. These should be used when cleaning blood/bodily fluid spills where there is a potential for splashing onto the individual is a possibility. Box #902 contains a pair of goggles, mask, and gloves. These should be used anytime the possibility of contact with blood/bodily fluids exists. Box #903 contains the I.L.S.C. powder, a scraper, and 2 additional pairs of gloves. The powder is used for blood/bodily fluid spills on solid surfaces that havent dried. The powder is not as effective on carpeting, or if the fluids have dried. Box #904 contains red bio-hazard bags with ties, towels and antiseptic wipes to be used for disposal of biohazard wastes. Box #810 contains CPR barrier to be used by individuals certified in CPR when performing resuscitation on individuals not breathing. The last item is a plastic lined scoop bag to be used for the absorbent powder that was used on the blood/bodily fluid spill. To use this kit, the first step is to put on the cap and gown if their use is desired, followed by the goggles, mask and gloves in that order. If the spill is on a hard surface, open the package of I.L.S.C. powder and sprinkle on the spill. Allow the powder to sit at least one full minute to absorb the liquid. Once liquid is absorbed, use the scraper to place this gel into the scoop bag. Roll the top of the bag shut and seal. Place the scoop bag into a red biohazard bag, clean and dry the area with a wipe and towel and place into the bag along with any other item used for cleanup including cap, gown, mask and goggles. Use another wipe to clean gloved hands before removing the gloves and place into the bag. Remove the gloves and place in red biohazard bag. Seal this bag and place inside the second biohazard bag. Wash hands. Bag must be brought to Pechan Health Center for disposal. For spills on carpeting, or spills that have dried, a quaternary disinfectant should be used to clean the area. Water from extraction can be poured into the drain. Gloves, goggles and mask should also be used during this cleaning but need not go into a red biohazard bag for disposal. 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