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In addition, we will spend time looking at each others writing: teacher feedback and peer-feedback, and share some of the commonly made mistakes as weekly focal writing lessons. For instance, many international students from certain parts of the world make common mistakes due to the ways in which their first language is structured differently compared to the English language. In most of the Asian languages, there are no articles used, so many Asian students make these article related mistakes. These are just some examples of writing lessons (i.e., grammar, usage, punctuation, etc.) we will focus on throughout the semester as we develop different types of essays. Finally, through different types of writing strategies employed and types of feedback we receive on our writing, we will be more attuned to revising our papers and editing one anothers papers. The final product for this semester will focus on a compilation of your writing produced in this course into a portfolio entitled, WRITING for LIFE. II. Required Materials Henry, D. J. (2011) (second edition). Writing for Life: Paragraphs and essays. Pearson and Longman Publishers. (Please purchase this book at the University Coop Store). A 3-ring binder and a supply of college ruled paper to do in-class writing. (you will use this binder to keep all the handouts and all your writing assignments with feedback from Dr. Park and peers). Internet Resource:  HYPERLINK "http://bcs.bedfordstmartins.com/writersref6e/Player/Pages/Main.aspx" http://bcs.bedfordstmartins.com/writersref6e/Player/Pages/Main.aspx  HYPERLINK "http://www.dianachacker.com/writersref"  for writing samples and writing exercises. III. Course Requirements and Evaluation Attendance and Class Participation (10 points X per day) You are required to come to every class and have your readings and assignments completed before you walked into the classroom. Each day is worth 10 points for both attendance and completed homework assignment. Here is the policy for attendance: After 4-6 absences you lose up to 5% of the total points for the course After 7-12 absences you lose 10% of the total points After more than 12 absences you risk failure. Book Presentation, Designed Activities, and Book Review It is an opportunity for you to facilitate a discussion/presentation on a selected short novel of your choice. You can coordinate this book review presentation as a pair or as an individual. I am hoping that you will form pairs according to your areas of interests since you will both have to select a book for presentation, designed activities to facilitate/discuss in class, and write a short book review (the book review is written separately, and handed in on the day of the book presentation). Sign up for one of the dates marked on the syllabus for Book presentation, Designed Activities, and Book Review (b) Lead the class in comprehending the book you have selected and design activities to facilitate discussions, questions, and analyses. outline of the major points of the book in a 1-2 page handout (i.e., goals and points you want to cover during your presentation) activities (i.e., any hands-on or visual activities that provide your classmates with reflecting, learning, applying) to facilitate the discussion and enhance understanding of main ideas in the book delivery of information to the class (how did you get your classmates attention?) no more than 30-40 minutes per presentation/activities/discussion. Current Event Journals (10 points each) Each Wednesday, starting from September 8th, you will bring in a written response to a current event piece found in the newspaper. The newspapers can be from on-line sources, local Indiana Gazette, or even the ɫӰ the PENN newspaper. Find an article that interests you from one of the newspapers of your choice Read the article Cut the article out to hand it in with your journal entry Write a one-page double space response to the current event article selected: 1. Why did you select this specific article? 2. What are your thoughts after reading this article? Hand in the article and the typed journal response to Dr. Park on Wednesdays starting from September 8th Five Major Essays Due to the nature of this course with its goals and objectives in introducing undergraduate students to college writing genres, you will develop four major essays in addition to the Autobiographical Inquiry essay completed in the beginning of the semester. (Each essay with its prewriting, drafts, peer review forms, final drafts, etc. will be discussed in more detail in class). Essay #1: An Autobiographical Narrative Essay (Final Draft Due Date: 9/27/2010 ) In a 2-3 page narrative form, please respond to the following in a narrative form (story-telling genre): Describe your educational journey in your home country, and what motivated you to begin/continue your education in the United States, especially at ɫӰ? What is your understanding of educational system in the United States? What are your short term and long term goals in the United States, at ɫӰ, in this course? What questions/issues do you have about learning (especially writing in English) while studying at ɫӰ? Essay #2: Descriptive Essay (Final Draft Due Date: 10/15/2010 ) Essay #3: Comparison and Contrast Essay (Final Draft Due Date: 10/29/2010 ) Essay #4: Cause and Effect Essay (Final Draft Due Date: 11/18/2010 ) Essay #5: Persuasive Essay (Final Draft Due Date: 12/6/2010 ) IV. Writing Center Please make use of the Writing Center resources (WC: 724-357-3029) located in Eicher Hall 218. Its hours are M-Th 8:00-4:00pm and 6:00-9:00 pm; F 8:30-3:00pm. Visit  HYPERLINK "http://www.wc.iup.edu" http://www.wc.iup.edu. There are writing specialists and tutors available to help you with your writing assignments. In addition, throughout the semester, I will reserve the writing center for a variety of writing workshops available for students. Each student will be required to visit the WC and work with a writing tutor at least once a semester. V. Grading Scale The total points will be determined and the grading scale will be provided as such: 90-100% A; 89-80% B; 79-70% C; 69-60% D; Below 59% F VI. Tentative Course Schedule (please refer to the weekly schedule for specifics) WEEKCOMPLETED READINGS & IN-CLASS ACTIVITIESREADINGS/ASSIGNMENTS DUE & Group PresentationsAug 30 Sep 1Introduction, discussion of the syllabus & course assignments, etc Opening Writing Activity (In-Class, Pre-Course Writing Assessment); Pre-Writing Strategies Current Event Journal Sample BRING YOUR BOOK ON WEDNESDAYSep 6/8; Sep 13/15; No Class on Monday, 9/6 Essay #1--Narrative Essay Begin WED: Current Event Journal (CEJ) DueSep 20/22; Sep 27/29ESSAY #2: Descriptive Essay Begin WED: CEJ Due Oct 4/6; Oct 11/13; Oct 18/20 Essay #3: Comparison & Contrast Essay Begin WED: CEJ Due Oct 25/27; Nov 1/3; Nov 8/10 Essay #4: Cause & Effect Essay Begin WED: CEJ Due Nov 15/17Essay #5: Persuasive Essay Begin WED: CEJ Due Nov 22/24THANKSGIVING BREAK-NO CLASSESSNov 29 Dec 1; Dec 6/8 Persuasive Essay Continued Dec 13 Final Portfolio Compilation Discussion Dec 17 8:00-10:00amFinal Portfolio Due & Course Debriefing  Policies Grades: 100-90 ~~ A 89-80 ~~ B 79-70 ~~ C 69-60 ~~ D 59 and below F Standard Conventions: You are responsible for handing in essays that conform to the standards of grammar & usage and conventions of documentation. Essays with excessive errors or with incorrect use of the formats for research writing (use of quotation or citation) will be returned, without a grade, for proofreading and editing. If you need help with proofreading your paper, etc, please visit the writing center. Due Dates: All work should be submitted on the due dates. Late essays are marked down half a letter grade unless you talk with me about your need for an extension. I will accept no papers more than a week late, and, at the end of the semester, I will not accept late papers without penalty, except from students who have discussed their situation with me. Personal Electronics: Turn them off and put them away while class is in session. If not, you will be marked absent. Plagiarism: See your Student Handbook and the University Catalogue for university policy on plagiarism ( HYPERLINK "http://www.iup.edu/registrar/catalog/acapolicy/index.shtm" www.iup.edu/registrar/catalog/acapolicy/index.shtm). It is not acceptable and can lead to expulsion from the university. In Writing and Reading Across the Curriculum, Laurence Behrens writes: Plagiarism is generally defined as the attempt to pass off the work of another as ones own. Whether born out of calculation or desperation, plagiarism is the least tolerated offense in the academic world. The fact that most plagiarism is unintentionalarising from ignorance of conventions rather than deceitfulnessmakes no difference to many professors. 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