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COURSE OBJECTIVES: Upon completing this course, students should be able to Understand basic principles of feminism, especially as applied in academic disciplines, social action, and everyday life. Analyze the impact of gender and sex on human experiences and events Recognize and appreciate the diverse experiences of women in terms of intersections of gender with race and ethnicity, social class, sexualities, age, ability and nationality. COURSE TEXT & MATERIALS (Required): Bates, U., Denmark, F., Held, V., Helly, D., Hune, S., Lees, S., Mascia-Lees, F., Pomeroy, S., & Somerville, C. (Hunter College Womens Studies Collective) (2005). Womens Realities, womens choices: An introduction to womens studies. New York: Oxford University Press. (bring this to class everyday) Other articles will be available as needed. 3 Ring notebook for your FINAL AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL PORTFOLIO Composition notebook for reflective journaling (bring this to class everyday) GROUP PRESENTATION & DISCUSSION FACILITATION (Choose a novel, fiction, non-fiction, biography, or a series of newspaper/magazine articles related (preferably) to your academic disciplines AND womens issues). Below is a list of major areas of concentration represented in this class: Communications Media (2); Elementary Education, Child and Family Studies & Art Education (5) Criminology/Pre-law & Criminology (3); Sports & Exercise Science (1) Sociology (4); Journalism (1); English/Pre-law & English (5); Psychology (4) Below are some examples of, but are not limited to the types of genre you can select for your group presentation & discussion facilitation. Your selection should be a fairly current publication (2000+) unless you are looking at a historical figure or a literary piece. Once you have made a selection, please inform Dr. Park of your groups choice. If you group decides to do a series of related articles, then it would be important for you to find at least 10-12 articles and synthesize them. The number of articles you select should be comparable to a novel selected by another group, etc. Sharma & Josephs (2006). Whose news? The media and womens issues. Tooleys (2003). The miseducation of women Burns (2007). Violence against women Ethridge & Arterburns (2009). Every young womans battle Wagner & Ackers (2008). Whose university is it, anyway? Power and privilege in gendered terrain Wieners (2007). Womens issues in Amy Tans The Joy Luck Club Perils (2006). College girls Ehrenreich, B. (2001). Nickel and dimed. A series of articles on womens issues from  HYPERLINK "http://www.feminist.com" www.feminist.com Womens Issues around the world such as  HYPERLINK "http://arabnews.com/35thanniversarysupplement/article45262.ece" http://arabnews.com/35thanniversarysupplement/article45262.ece Womens Sports Foundation from  HYPERLINK "http://www.womenssportsfoundation.org/Content/Articles/Issues/Media-and-Publicity/M/Media--Images-and-Words-In-Womens-Sports-The-Foundation-Position.aspx" http://www.womenssportsfoundation.org/Content/Articles/Issues/Media-and-Publicity/M/Media--Images-and-Words-In-Womens-Sports-The-Foundation-Position.aspx Womens Issues in Communication and Media around the world such as  HYPERLINK "http://dawn.thot.net/kamala_sarup1.html" http://dawn.thot.net/kamala_sarup1.html Women and politics such as  HYPERLINK "http://monadnockstories.org/curriculum/passionate_politics/Passion_and_Politics.htm" http://monadnockstories.org/curriculum/passionate_politics/Passion_and_Politics.htm (this site also provides activity suggestions) Media coverage of women and womens issues such as  HYPERLINK "http://www.media-awareness.ca/english/issues/stereotyping/women_and_girls/women_coverage.cfm" http://www.media-awareness.ca/english/issues/stereotyping/women_and_girls/women_coverage.cfm Fairness and accuracy in reporting:  HYPERLINK "http://www.fair.org/index.php?page=1442" http://www.fair.org/index.php?page=1442 Census report on women and education:  HYPERLINK "http://www.boston.com/news/education/higher/articles/2010/04/20/census_women_equal_to_men_in_advanced_degrees/" http://www.boston.com/news/education/higher/articles/2010/04/20/census_women_equal_to_men_in_advanced_degrees/ Others deemed appropriate Course Requirements and Evaluation Attendance, Class Participation, and Reflective Journaling (10 points X per day: 28 sessions: 280 points): You are required to come to every class and have your readings and assignments completed before you walked into the classroom. Each day is worth 20 points for both attendance and completed homework assignment. This course builds upon discussions of the readings (i.e., whole class discussion, group work, and in-class activities leading to individual final project) and in-class, interactive activities emerging from the readings, which will be difficult to make up. Here is the policy on attendance: After 4-6 absences you lose up to 10% of the total points for the course After 7-12 absences you lose 15% of the total points After more than 12 absences you risk failure. Current Event Journal (20 points each: Total 200 points) (Note: I will not be collecting your journal each week, probably twice this semester. However, on selected Wednesdays, we will take turns sharing your journal entries.): In your weekly journaling (at home or sometimes it will be done in class), youll reflect on a selected current event article from a newspaper, news magazine (hard copy or on-line), and other current event documents that are at your disposal. These current event pieces you select, of course, should be related to womens issue (either directly or implied) and the weeks discussion, etc. The contents of your journal will be public unless you request otherwise; i.e. well start class by sharing ideas from the journals (on selected Wednesdays). When evaluating these for a grade, Ill pay particular attention to depth of thought invested and the usual expectations for good writing at the college level. Also, please be mindful that I will be reading 25 students journals so please try to pay attention to your penmanship for legibility. The Format: In your composition notebook, include the following: (a) write a brief summary of the article (no more than 120 words); (2) list the issues related to womens studies; (3) your reflective response to the articles position (about 120-150 words); and (4) include a copy of the article. An Autobiographical Narrative Inquiry (30 points) In a 2-3 page narrative form, please respond to the following (i.e., story-telling genre): What is your understanding of womens issues, feminism, and social justice for women? How important is this topic in your life, and what does it mean to promote gender equity in our lives? Group Oral Presentation and Discussion Facilitation (100 points) It is an opportunity for you and a partner (no more than 5 per group) to facilitate a discussion/presentation on a selected current event text (i.e., refer to the description on page 1 of the syllabus). Sign up for one of the Wednesday sessions to do your group presentation and discussion facilitation (try to connect your text selection to the reading discussions scheduled for that week); By mid-September, let me know what book you have selected; On the day of your group presentation, do a summary of the book since most people might not have read it (use an outline form to highlight the summary of the book); Highlight the major points from your book that are related to womens issues; Create an activity that the entire class or small groups can participate in as a way to understand the points being made in the book and connect those issues to our daily lives and experiences (present, past, future); Use handouts (have enough copies for the class and have 2 copies for Dr. Park) and visuals to make your presentation and discussion facilitation more engaging and participatory; Spend no more than 40 minutes on the entire presentation/discussion facilitation; and as a concluding activity, Provide a writing prompt for the class to journal in class upon the completion of your presentation. Each person in the group will be graded separately. Please make sure the roles and responsibilities of each person in the group are transparent. An Autobiographical Portfolio (Give it a title) (400 points-100 points per each section) For your final project, youll create an autobiographical portfolio with multiple components/sections. Each section will focus on some aspect of your own life as viewed through the lens of gender and/or other feminist issues (refer to the topics we have discussed in class or the book selections via group presentations). Youll be using narrative and personal experiences and examples to analyze how feminist issues operate in your own life. The sections in the final portfolio (about 4 sections) should be an extension of what you have thus completed for this course. For example, one of the components of your portfolio could be your written autobiographical narrative. So, the title could be : An Epilogue to my Autobiographical Narrative Inquiry-You would simply add an epilogue to what you have completed in the beginning of the course. Now that the course is at its end, what are your thoughts on womens issues? Have any of your views shifted as a result of this course? Overall, your autobiographical portfolio should represent your ideological orientation, your thoughts, your values, and your interpretations on womens issues that are pervasive in our society, thus affecting all of us. This portfolio should be accompanied by a reflective letter describing not only the contents of the portfolio but also your responses to having had the opportunity to create them. (we will talk more about this portfolio in class). EXTRA CREDIT: On selected Mondays (unannounced), I will have a short quiz prepared for you on the readings due for that week. These quizzes will be no more than 2-3 short answer questions. The points will be determined at the completion of grading each quiz. Updated as of September 15, 2010 WEDNESDAY WEEKCOMPLETED READINGS (all readings should be done by Monday sessions) & IN-CLASS ACTIVITIESGROUP PRESENTATION & DISCUSSION FACILITATION (WED Only)ASSIGNMENTS DUEAug 30 Sep 1Introduction, discussion of the syllabus & course assignments, etc Opening Activity on Womens Issues Visual/discoursal depiction of images, symbols, words, phrases, etc. related to your understanding of womens studiesSep 6/8Sept 6: NO CLASS Introductory Chapter (pp. 1-13)Sep 13/15PART I: DEFINING WOMEN Chapter 1: Imagery and symbolism in the definition of women (pp. 15-45)Current Event Journal (Wed) Sep 20/22Chapter 2: Issues and Theories about women (pp. 49-74) Current Event Journal (Wed) Sep 27/29Chapter 3: Womens Bodies (pp. 78-102) Current Event Journal (Wed) Oct 4/6Chapter 3: Womens Bodies (pp. 78-102) Group 1: Keri, Morgan, Katherine, LaurenCurrent Event Journal (Wed) Oct 11/13Chapter 5: Diversity among Women: Gender, Race, and Class (pp. 138-164) Current Event Journal (Wed) Oct 18/20Part II: FAMILIES Chapter 6: Daughters and sisters (pp. 169-195) Group 2: Rita, Dave, Daisy, KaraCurrent Event Journal (Wed) Oct 25/27Chapter 7: Family Configurations: Wives, Partners, Alternatives (pp. 198-227) & Chapter 8: Motherhood (pp. 230-261) Group 6: Alicia, Sam, TiffanyCurrent Event Journal (Wed) Nov 1/3PART III: WOMEN IN SOCIETY Chapter 9: Women and Religion (pp. 263-299)Group 3: Lydia,. Kirsten, Mark, NicoleCurrent Event Journal (Wed) Nov 8/10Chapter 10: Women and Education (pp. 303-334)Current Event Journal (Wed)Nov 15/17Chapter 11: Womens Health (pp. 340-371)Group 4:Jackie, Elizabeth, Chelsea, KailinCurrent Event Journal (Wed) Nov 22/24THANKSGIVING BREAKBegin compiling your final portfolioNov 29 Dec 1Chapter 12: Women and Work (pp. 376-409) Dec 6/8Chapter 13: Women and Political Power (pp. 413-444)Group 5: Donyea, Liz, Leigh, AshleyDec 13Work on your final portfolio Dec 15 2:45-4:45FINAL EXAM DAY Final presentation of your Autobiographical Portfolio; Course DebriefingFINAL PORTFOLIO DUE       PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 4 +5EFu  "   øxxgxXG h&wh96B*OJQJphh&wh9B*OJQJph h&whG=c5B*OJQJph h&wh95B*OJQJphh&wh3ZB*OJQJphh&wh3ZCJOJQJaJ h&wh3Z5B*OJQJphhh3ZB*phhh9B*phhzMB*phh9B*ph h9h95B*CJaJph h9h3Z5B*CJaJph+5EF`  \  K & Fgd9 & Fgd3Z & Fgd3Zgd3Z ^`gdgd9$a$gd9 K ^gt   Nbtv|~ʿʴʿʿʬttttth Ah ACJOJQJaJh Ah77CJOJQJaJh Ah9CJOJQJaJh&wh AOJQJh3ZOJQJh&wh77OJQJh&whzMOJQJh&wh9OJQJh&wh95OJQJh&whG=cB*OJQJphh&wh9B*OJQJph)O6zfS l & F gdG=c 8^8gd & F gd9 gd3Z8^8gd9q?56Pzfw?@PQS{ȸȸȸȸȸȸȸwwfwWh AhCJOJQJaJ h AhG=c0JCJOJQJaJ%jh AhG=cCJOJQJUaJh Ah6CJOJQJaJh AhCJOJQJaJh Ah9CJOJQJaJh AhG=c6CJOJQJaJh AhG=cCJOJQJaJh&wh@OJQJh AOJQJh&whG=cOJQJh&whOJQJ!{|()jk *+EF 34ij67ݽݽ|"h&wh775>*CJOJQJaJh&wh@OJQJ h Ah@0JCJOJQJaJ%jh Ah@CJOJQJUaJh Ah@CJOJQJaJ h Ah0JCJOJQJaJh AhCJOJQJaJ%jh AhCJOJQJUaJ.Q$%H4"".#^gd ^gdl & Fgd  & F 0*$gd77^gd77 & Fgd77gd77 8^8gd@ & F gdG=c !"#589BOQ&8FHjlȻȮȖzzk\k\kJ"h&wh7756CJOJQJaJh AhCJOJQJaJh Ah77CJOJQJaJh&whzM5OJQJaJh&wh5OJQJaJh&wh775OJQJaJh2 OJQJaJh hOJQJaJh h OJQJaJh h77OJQJaJh&wh776OJQJaJh hzM>*OJQJaJh h77>*OJQJaJ  34B ' < S!]!!!""""-#.#9#vnvnfvfvfvfvn^Ph/h/5>*OJQJhOJQJh/OJQJh AOJQJh&whOJQJhlh6CJOJQJaJhlh/6CJOJQJaJhlh 6CJOJQJaJhlhl6CJOJQJaJhlhlOJQJh2 5OJQJhl5OJQJh 5OJQJh&wh5>*OJQJh A5>*OJQJ.#:#W$$$%%%&&o''P((x)****+++ & Fgd(ygd3Z & FgdzM & Fgd77h^hgd77 & Fgd77gd77 & Fgd77^gd/`gd/9#:#W$}$$$$$$$$$$%;%%%%%%%%%%&&&+&X&a&s&&&&&źzlzaaaYaah OJQJh&whzMOJQJh h5>*OJQJh h 5>*OJQJh h775>*OJQJh&wh775>*OJQJh&whOJQJh&wh77OJQJh&wh(yOJQJhlh77CJOJQJhlh>*OJQJhlh>*OJQJh/OJQJh/h 5>*OJQJ"&'m'(O(k(((w)x)****++++++++++,l,,*-^-_----.ڿpdhlCJOJQJaJhh(yCJOJQJaJh&wh(yOJQJh h 5>*OJQJh h(y5>*OJQJh hr5>*OJQJh&wh3ZOJQJh&wh/OJQJhlOJQJhOJQJh/OJQJh&whOJQJh OJQJh&whzMOJQJ!+--//112222223Q3a3$ $Ifa$gd$ $Ifa$gdl$ $Ifa$gd< & Fgd A gd3Z^gd^gd(y../00@0P00Q1S11111222223b333ӵ⢚|xth_hPDh&wCJOJQJaJhR@h&wCJOJQJaJhl5CJaJhR@h&w5CJaJhYh<h&wh AOJQJh AOJQJh A5>*OJQJhSDh3Z5 h*h3ZhCJOJQJaJhhCJOJQJaJhhrCJOJQJaJhh(yCJOJQJaJhlCJOJQJaJ"hlhl5>*CJOJQJaJa3b3i3o333[NNA4 $IfgdR@ $Ifgd< $Ifgd&wkd$$Ifl\l")3  t0644 lalytR@3%4J4K4V4g44445555R5S5T5U5p5q5s5}5ȼȭȝxiZxȝGx%hR@hlB*CJOJQJaJphhYh&wCJOJQJaJhYhYCJOJQJaJ"hkKh&w56CJOJQJaJ%hR@h&wB*CJOJQJaJphhlB*CJOJQJaJphhR@hCJOJQJaJhlCJOJQJaJhR@h&wCJOJQJaJhR@h/CJOJQJaJh/h/5>*OJQJh/CJOJQJaJ3K4L4M4N4V4Akd$$Ifl\l")3  t0644 lalytR@ $Ifgd< $Ifgd/V4g444444kd$$Ifl\l")3  t0644 lalytR@ $Ifgd< $Ifgd2 $IfgdR@4444455 $Ifgd= $Ifgd&w $Ifgd2 $Ifgd<555S5T5U5[NANN $Ifgd= $Ifgd<kd[$$Ifl\l")3  t0644 lalytR@U5q5r5s5}55A4 $IfgdkKkd$$$Ifl\l")3  t0644 lalytR@ $Ifgd< $Ifgdl}555555555556686966666666677775767777777778H8I8J8ͽ͛͛͏ͽͽs͏ͽg͏ͽshR@CJOJQJaJh/CJOJQJaJhR@h&w5CJOJQJaJhkKCJOJQJaJhR@h CJOJQJaJ%hR@hlB*CJOJQJaJphhlB*CJOJQJaJphhR@h&wCJOJQJaJ"hkKh&w56CJOJQJaJ"hkKhkK56CJOJQJaJ(5555554kd$$Ifl\l")3  t0644 lalytR@ $Ifgdl $Ifgd< $IfgdkK5555696:6 $Ifgdl $Ifgd  $Ifgd<:6;6E6666[NAN4 $Ifgd  $Ifgd= $Ifgd<kd$$Ifl\l")3  t0644 lalytR@666666A4 $Ifgd=kd$$Ifl\l")3  t0644 lalytR@ $Ifgd< $Ifgdl6676777874kdH$$Ifl\l")3  t0644 lalytR@ $Ifgdl $Ifgd/ $Ifgd<87B777777 $Ifgdl $Ifgd  $Ifgd= $Ifgd<7778B8[NA4 $IfgdR@ $Ifgd&w $Ifgd<kd$$Ifl\l")3  t0644 lalytR@J8h8i8888899999:9U9V9|9999:::5::::::::::::;;;; 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