ࡱ> mber 7, 2000 LSC meeting.&lt;/p&gt;EktTaxCatego!"#$%&' ryRoot Entry Fn:@ 1Table CompObjyWordDocument+  !"#$%&' @@eW@eWLSC Meeting Minutes 12-7-2000 Ms. Brittany Eileen Greene rgwp Ms. Brittany Eileen Greene rgwpB&lt;p&gt;Minutes from the December 7՜.+,D՜.+,<$  0 d{ $Liberal Studies Committee Minutes Title L T ` l t EktContentIDEktContentLanguage EktFolderId EktQuickLinkEktContentTypeEktFolderName EktCmsPath EktExpiryType EktDateCreated EktDateModified EktTaxCategory EktCmsSizeEktSearchableEktEDescriptRoot Entry FR@ 1Table CompObjyWordDocument+  !"#$%&' . !"#$%&'()*+,/014SummaryInformation(PDocumentSummaryInformation8HBagaaqy23kudbhchAaq5u2chNd8D(3S(CONTENTS @@eW@eWLSC Meeting Minutes 12-7-2000 Ms. Brittany Eileen Greene rgwp Ms. Brittany Eileen Greene rgwpB&lt;p&gt;Minutes from the Decemb՜.+,D՜.+,ionEktShowEventsEktContentID64EktFolderId64 EktInPermekttaxonomyenabled ; &eB&lt;p&gt;Minutes from the December 7, 2000 LSC meeting.&lt;/p&gt;@lA@fs($$$$$$\$ \$ \$ \$ \$ \$ R <$  0 d{ $Liberal Studies Committee Minutes Title L T ` l t EktContentIDEktContentLanguage EktFolderId EktQuickLinkEktContentTypeEktFolderName EktCmsPath EktExpiryType EktDateCreated EktDateModified EktTaxCategory EktCmsSizeEktSearchableEktEDescriptionEktShowEventsEktContentID64EktFolderId64 EktInPermekttaxonomyenabled ; &eB&lt;p&gt;Minutes from the December 7, 2000 LSC meeting.&lt;/p&gt;@lA@fs($$$$$$\$ \$ \$ \$ \$ \$ R ;&JSummary &lt;p&gt;Minutes from the December 7, 2000 LSC meeting.&lt;/p&gt;#&DownloadAsset.aspx?id=47163, 2000 LSC meeting.&lt;/p&gt; er 7, 2000 LSC meeting.&lt;/p&gt;B&lt;p&gt;Minutes from the ;&JSummary &lt;p&gt;Minutes from the December 7, 2000 LSC meeting.&lt;/p&gt;#&DownloadAsset.aspx?id=47163, 2000 LSC meeting.&lt;/p&gt; , 2000 LSC meeting.&lt;/p&gt;B&lt;p&gt;Minutes from the Dece[@ f bjbj44 +ViVif$$$$$$$8||||  8c$9R$$$$$$$ _\#W|30c  88$$$$ $(88D|88|Liberal Studies Committee Minutes December 7, 2000 201A Mc Elhaney Conference Room 3:15 pm Members present: M. Sadler, W. Foran, J. Hanson, G. Wilson, C. Young Excused: C. Zoni, M Swinker, R. Soni, B. Carter Minutes from November 30, 2000 were approved on a Wilson/Foran motion. Discussed the request from Nursing & Allied Health Professions department for BS students to be exempt from the Health & Wellness requirement since the content is taught within the major field of study. Reviewed syllabi of record objectives for HPED 143 and FDNT 143 for similarities in nursing course objectives provided to us by the Nursing & Allied Health department. The objectives and content of HPED and FDNT and the nursing courses do not appear to have a lot of similarity. Letters from Health and Physical Education dept and Food and Nutrition have not yet been provided. Discussion on this request is continued until next semester. Discussed BIOL 118 The History of Pain, Dr. David Pistole, a new course proposed for the non- laboratory science category. The topical outline needs to reflect weeks or hours rather than lectures and the first item under evaluation needs to be stated more clearly. Due to a lack of quorum, no action was taken on this proposal. LSC members will be asked to review the proposal and submit a mail vote before December 13th. Adjourned at 4:05 pm _`! " E G y { d f hfy#hfyB*CJOJQJ^JaJph#hfyB*CJOJQJ^JaJphhfyB*CJaJph hfyhfyhfyB*ph#5V_`! " M N d e f $a$gdfydgdfygdfygdfygdfy $a$gdfyf )0P:pfy/ =!"#$%  !"#$%&'()*+,  F'Microsoft Office Word 97-2003 Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89q ]8O8m008@H DAV:getcontentlanguageen-usOh+'0 0Lx @@@ NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH DA@D Default Paragraph FontRiR  Table Normal4 l4a (k@(No List XOX Default1$7$8$H$!B*CJ_HaJmH phsH tH 0O0 CM2 B*ph2O2 CM1d B*ph0O0 CM3! B*phf#5V_`!"MNdeh<;0<;0<;0<;0<;0<;0<;0<;0<;0<;0<;0<;0<;0<;0<;0<;0<;0<;0f f f mmccarty~Gfylx'G@$f`@UnknownS: Times New RomanTimes5SymbolG& : ArialHelvetica"h\&\&  "xxdd3?lx"Liberal Studies Committee Minutes mmccartymmccarty