ࡱ> the March 13, 2003 LSC meeting.&lt;/p&gt;!"#$%&'()*+,-.I23456789:;<=>?@EktTaxCategoryH Root Entry F0Sm:0@ 1Table1|.CompObjyWordDocument$6   !"#$%&'()*+,-.23456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGH \ @@^.@3l@CLSC Meeting Minutes 3-13-2003 Ms. Brittany Eileen Greene rgwp Ms. Brittany Eileen Greene rgwp@&lt;p&gt;Minutes from the ՜.+,D՜.+,<$  0/  $Liberal Studies Committee Minutes Titlex H P \ h l EktContentIDEktContentLanguage EktFolderId EktQuickLinkEktContentTypeEktFolderName EktCmsPath EktExpiryType EktDateCreated EktDateModified EktTaxCategory EktCmsSizeEktSearchableEktEDescriptRoot Entry FɌ0@ 1Table1|.CompObjyWordDocument$6  !"#$%&'()*+,-. 23456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGH . !"#$%&'()*+/014SummaryInformation(\DocumentSummaryInformation8@Bagaaqy23kudbhchAaq5u2chNd8` `s CONTENTS \ @@^.@3l@CLSC Meeting Minutes 3-13-2003 Ms. Brittany Eileen Greene rgwp Ms. Brittany Eileen Greene rgwp@&lt;p&gt;Minutes from the ՜.+,D՜.+,ionEktShowEventsEktContentID64EktFolderId64 EktInPermekttaxonomyenabled  &e@&lt;p&gt;Minutes from the March 13, 2003 LSC meeting.&lt;/p&gt;@@@ $$$$$$\$ \$ \$ \$ \$ \$  <$  0/  $Liberal Studies Committee Minutes Titlex H P \ h l EktContentIDEktContentLanguage EktFolderId EktQuickLinkEktContentTypeEktFolderName EktCmsPath EktExpiryType EktDateCreated EktDateModified EktTaxCategory EktCmsSizeEktSearchableEktEDescriptionEktShowEventsEktContentID64EktFolderId64 EktInPermekttaxonomyenabled  &e@&lt;p&gt;Minutes from the March 13, 2003 LSC meeting.&lt;/p&gt;@@@ $$$$$$\$ \$ \$ \$ \$ \$  &HSummary &lt;p&gt;Minutes from the March 13, 2003 LSC meeting.&lt;/p&gt;#&DownloadAsset.aspx?id=47133, 2003 LSC meeting.&lt;/p&gt; March 13, 2003 LSC meeting.&lt;/p&gt;@&lt;p&gt;Minutes from &HSummary &lt;p&gt;Minutes from the March 13, 2003 LSC meeting.&lt;/p&gt;#&DownloadAsset.aspx?id=47133, 2003 LSC meeting.&lt;/p&gt; March 13, 2003 LSC meeting.&lt;/p&gt;@&lt;p&gt;Minutes from S@ *"bjbj $6*lllllll((((,Tb*||||||||)))))))$N+R-*l||*ll||*'''l|l|)')''5%ll(|p o("&")2*0b*&8.:8.D(llll8.l(|Z@'4JU|||** $ $ Liberal Studies Committee Minutes March 13, 2003 1st Floor Lounge Gordon Hall 3:15 pm Members present: M. Sadler, E. Mannikka, G. Wilson, M. Dively, T. Warman, C, Young, M.Swinker Excused: R. Rearick, J. Myers, F. Slack Guest: Dr. Brenda Mitchell Meeting called to order at 3:15 p.m. Minutes from February 27 meeting were approved on a Wilson/Dively motion. Report from M Sadler on the Asheville Institute: the proposal was sent on Wednesday and notification about acceptance is March 28th. Approved Liberal Studies revisions for the following programs: Approval of BS Nutrition/Dietetics Track and BS Nutrition/Nutrition Track on a Swinker/Wilson motion provided they address the issue of the 21 credit option. It was the committee sentiment that this does not need to be in the catalog, but rather on advisement sheets especially since it is a rare occasion for a student to choose this option. If there is rationale for keeping it in the catalog, then it should be designated as a footnote and remove the 21 credits from those numbers in the 120 credit column. BS Human Resources Management on a Swinker/Warman motion. BS Education Family and Consumer Sciences Education on a Young/Dively motion with the recommendation to correct the left column by eliminating reference to MATH 151 or higher since that is not in the current catalog and to correct the number of credits for CDFR 419 from 3 sh to 4 sh. We also ask that they right flush the total number of credits for each section of the program to make to easier to read/add for a total and to specify 6 cr. beside Liberal Studies Electives. BS Education Mathematics Education on a Wilson/Swinker motion. BS Education Secondary Spanish Education on a Swinker/Young motion with recommendations to 1) specify Mathematics: 3 cr; 2) specify 9 cr. Liberal Studies Electives; 3) right flush totals so they can be more easily identified/added. BS Education Physics on a Mannikka/Dively motion. Tabled the following proposals until questions can be answered: BS Education-Social Science Secondary Education/Anthropology Concentration proposal - 1) included HIST 202 as an option for Humanities History while this course has not been proposed for the LS Humanities category by the History department; 2) needs to specify 3 cr of Liberal Studies Electives; 3) for specified Liberal Studies Electives SOC 383 should be corrected to read SOC 363; 4) indent all the credits associated with courses from the column that has all the totals. BS Education-Social Science Education/Geography Track 1) included HIST 202 as an option for Humanities History while this course has not been proposed for the LS Humanities category by the History department; 2) needs to specify 3 cr of LS Electives. BS Business Technology Support 1) left column needs math changed to read MATH 115, and 2) the committee questions the practice of listing the BTED 101 as a possible LS Elective since this violates the rule of not permitting the major prefix to be used as LS Electives. BS Management Information Systems - 1) the committee questions the request to list the IFMG 101 as a possible LS Elective since this violates the rule of not permitting the major prefix to be used as LS Electives. BS Education- Music Education tabled because there is a new course in the program that requires both LSC and UWUCC approval (not yet on the docket) and further discussion is needed about the proposed reduction to 7 cr of Natural Science requirements. **At approximately 4:40 we lost quorum because Dively and Warman left for their classes. Those present agreed to proceed with the work of the committee to review the 120 credit revision proposals and review ARHI 207 since Dr. Mitchell was there to answer questions. Final approvals on proposals reviewed after 4:40 are provisional until a majority of LSC members can review and vote on the proposals. The following proposal was provisionally approved with the following recommendations and pending approval by a majority of LSC members Dr. Brenda Mitchell presented the new course ARHI 207 Renaissance through Modern Art and explained that it represents a collapsing of two previous courses ( ARHI 206 and 211) into one course in an effort to comply with the 120 credit mandate. Both ARHI 206 and 211 are approved LS Electives and the dept is requesting LS Elective approval for ARHI 207. Committee provisionally approved ARHI 207 Renaissance through Modern Art on a Mannikka/Wilson motion with recommendations to, 1) rework the 3rd objective and consider making that 2 separate objectives, 2) address the reference to speaking skills in the course objectives - is there an oral presentation assignment and will students get feedback and/or a grade on their oral presentation? and 3) use a consistent style in the bibliography since students should be able to use the syllabus as a model for how to cite a reference in their own work. The Liberal Studies sections for the following programs were provisionally approved pending approval by a majority of LSC members: BS Education- Earth and Space Science on a Swinker/Mannikka motion. BS Education-General Science Education on a Swinker/Mannikka motion. BS Marketing on a Young/Wilson motion. Committee agreed to extend the meeting to complete the review of the 120 credit proposals. BA Religious Studies on a Mannikka/Swinker motion with the recommendation to change Free Electives to 31-37 instead of 29-37 and to specify 9 cr of Liberal Studies Electives BA Sociology on a Young/Wilson motion with recommendations to 1) include the College Foreign language requirement of 0-6, 2) specify 9 cr. of Liberal Studies Electives and 3) change Free Electives from 29-37 to 31-37. BA Sociology-Applied Social Research Track on a Mannikka/Swinker motion with recommendations to 1) include the College Foreign language requirement of 0-6, 2) specify 9 cr. of Liberal Studies Electives and 3) change Free Electives to 19-25. BA Sociology/Human Services Track on a Swinker/Young motion with recommendations to 1) include the College Foreign language requirement of 0-6, 2) specify 9 cr. of Liberal Studies Electives and 3) change Free Electives to 19-25. The Information Literacy Task Force is requesting (once again) the endorsement of the LSC on the Information Literacy Standards adopted by the committee. They ask that we endorse and forward to the UWUCC. Since these standards were discussed at a previous meeting, an electronic ballot regarding endorsement will be sent to LSC committee members. Tabled reviews of CHEM 113, 114, COSC 101 and agreed to review these first at the next meeting. Adjourned at 5:20 pm #+1235CNOTWX_u  ! " : ; ݻƠƐxph`xXhbCJaJh}sCJaJhtCJaJh71{CJaJhN&CJaJh?]zCJaJh=d CJaJhg8CJaJh8CJaJhCJaJh6dCJaJhAXhN&CJaJhAXhAXCJaJh[ hM-CJaJhKhKCJH*aJhKCJaJhyCJaJhNCJaJh[ hN&CJaJ!#2OXY! 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