ࡱ> the April 10, 2003 LSC meeting.&lt;/p&gt;!"#$%&'()*+,-J123456789:;<=>?@EktTaxCategoryHI Root Entry FLm:/@ 1Table052CompObjyWordDocument$4   !"#$%&'()*+,-123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHI \ @ա@@@B+vCLSC Meeting Minutes 4-10-2003 Ms. Brittany Eileen Greene rgwp Ms. Brittany Eileen Greene rgwp@&lt;p&gt;Minutes from the ՜.+,D՜.+,<$  0,  $Liberal Studies Committee Minutes Titlex H P \ h l EktContentIDEktContentLanguage EktFolderId EktQuickLinkEktContentTypeEktFolderName EktCmsPath EktExpiryType EktDateCreated EktDateModified EktTaxCategory EktCmsSizeEktSearchableEktEDescriptRoot Entry FЩI/@ 1Table052CompObjyWordDocument$4  !"#$%&'()*+,- 123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHI . !"#$%&'()*+/014SummaryInformation(\DocumentSummaryInformation8@Bagaaqy23kudbhchAaq5u2chNd8((CONTENTS \ @ա@@@B+vCLSC Meeting Minutes 4-10-2003 Ms. Brittany Eileen Greene rgwp Ms. Brittany Eileen Greene rgwp@&lt;p&gt;Minutes from the ՜.+,D՜.+,ionEktShowEventsEktContentID64EktFolderId64 EktInPermekttaxonomyenabled # &e@&lt;p&gt;Minutes from the April 10, 2003 LSC meeting.&lt;/p&gt;@(@@J($$$$$$\$ \$ \$ \$ \$ \$  <$  0,  $Liberal Studies Committee Minutes Titlex H P \ h l EktContentIDEktContentLanguage EktFolderId EktQuickLinkEktContentTypeEktFolderName EktCmsPath EktExpiryType EktDateCreated EktDateModified EktTaxCategory EktCmsSizeEktSearchableEktEDescriptionEktShowEventsEktContentID64EktFolderId64 EktInPermekttaxonomyenabled # &e@&lt;p&gt;Minutes from the April 10, 2003 LSC meeting.&lt;/p&gt;@(@@J($$$$$$\$ \$ \$ \$ \$ \$  #&HSummary &lt;p&gt;Minutes from the April 10, 2003 LSC meeting.&lt;/p&gt;#&DownloadAsset.aspx?id=47139, 2003 LSC meeting.&lt;/p&gt; April 10, 2003 LSC meeting.&lt;/p&gt;@&lt;p&gt;Minutes from #&HSummary &lt;p&gt;Minutes from the April 10, 2003 LSC meeting.&lt;/p&gt;#&DownloadAsset.aspx?id=47139, 2003 LSC meeting.&lt;/p&gt; April 10, 2003 LSC meeting.&lt;/p&gt;@&lt;p&gt;Minutes from S@  bjbj $4lllllll    ,4 .\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ -------$/RU1-l \ \  -ll\ \ -sss rl\ l\ -s -ssj(0ll+\ P *2wC })$--0.)D1 R1H+llll1l+\ > ,s $ !\ \ \ -- ] Liberal Studies Committee Minutes April 10, 2003 1st Floor Lounge Gordon Hall 3:15 pm Members present: M. Sadler, G. Wilson, C, Young, M. Swinker, C. Zoni, F. Slack, M Dively, E. Mannikka Guest: Dr. Penny Rode Excused: R. Rearick, T. Warman Meeting called to order at 3:15 p.m. Minutes from March 27 meeting were approved on a Wilson/Swinker motion; April 3 meeting were approved on a Zoni/Swinker motion. On a Wilson/Zoni motion provisionally approved Liberal Studies revisions for the following programs: BS Physical Education & Sport /Sport Administration Track (5-Yes; 1-No; 0-Abs) BS Physical Education & Sport/Aquatic Track (5-Yes; 1-No; 0-Abs) Related to adding HPED as a choice for their majors, the department will need to show that this can be accomplished without the need for additional resources in their department. On a Young/Swinker motion, approved LBST 499 Surviving the World of Work: Labor Relations, Dr David Piper, with the following recommendations: 1) consider bringing in some other perspectives to the course, such as a guest from the Safety Science dept, 2) consider issues related to globalization as they relate to the course, 3) correct typos, 4) remove the sentence that this section of LBST represents all the topical areas of the major, since this suggests a limited disciplinary view of the topic. (5-Yes; 1-No; 0-Abs). On a Young/Mannikka motion approved LSBT 499 Genji to Godzilla, Dr. Penny Rode with a recommendation to change the grading scale to one that is consistent with the ɫӰ grading system. It was suggested that new faculty need mentored with the development and teaching of synthesis sections. A table at the Oak Room for synthesis faculty and those interested in teaching synthesis will be considered for the fall. The Liberal Studies components for the following programs were approved: BS Business Technology Support was approved on a Wilson/Young motion. BA German for International Trade was approved on a Zoni/Dively with some revisions 1) need side-by side table showing current and proposed, 2) other program changes require UWUCC approval, 3) adding ECON 122 and BTED/COSC/IFMG 101 as LS Electives, therefore these depts. need notified, 4) rationale for the change in math from 121 to any LBST math course except 217, 5) show Social Science requirement on current and proposed table. BS Education-Secondary German Education was approved on a Wilson/Zoni motion with the following recommendations, 1) need side-by side table showing current and proposed, 2) other program changes require UWUCC approval, 3) suggest for math category, that MATH 101 or higher be specified. BS Education-K-12 French Education was approved on a Swinker/Mannikka motion with a recommendation to add MATH 101 or higher in the mathematics category. BS Education Vocational-Technical Education was approved on a Zoni/Wilson motion with a recommendation to change LS credits to 50 and Free Electives to 7. BS Interior Design approved on a Young/Swinker motion with the following recommendation: ARHI 206 is being deleted and the new course is ARHI 207, so LS Electives will list ARHI 205 or 207. BFA Studio approved LS component on a Wilson/Young motion with a recommendation:1) to make the side by side table consistent with the catalog, 2) need to specify 3 cr for math category and 3 cr. for LS Elective category, 3) delete statements that say LS courses are also counted in the major and add statement that no courses with an ART prefix is allowed for LSE category, 4) other changes will need to be addressed by UWUCC. BA Studio approved on a Mannikka/Swinker motion with the following recommendations: 1) to make the side by side table consistent with the catalog, 2) need to specify 3 cr for math category, 3) delete statements that say LS courses are also counted in the Art History requirement and add statement that no courses with an ART prefix is allowed for LSE category, 4) other changes will need to be addressed by UWUCC. BS Education/ Social Science Education/Anthropology Concentration approved on a Young/Zoni motion with the following recommendations 1) specify that it is History that is fulfilled by the major 2) was Soc dept notified of additions to LS Elective category, 3) specify mathematics 3 cr., 4) other changes require UWUCC approval. BS Management Information Systems approved on a Swinker/Zoni motion. BS International Business approved on a Mannikka/Slack motion. BA Computer Science Computer Science/Applied Computer Science Track ; BA Computer Science approved on a Young/Mannikka motion. BS Human Resource Management approved on a Young/Wilson motion with the following recommendations: 1) remove the line about Other Requirements, 2) other changes require UWUCC approval. BS Hotel Restaurant and Institutional Management approved on a Zoni/Young motion with the following recommendations: 1) change LS credits to 48, 2) specify mathematics 3 cr. , 2) Free Electives to 1-3 cr. 3) other changes require UWUCC approval. BA Music/Theory and Composition; BFA Music Performance; BA Music/General Studies Track (was Music Performance Track); BA Music/History and Literature Track approved LS component on a Young/Mannikka motion with the following recommendations: 1) The LS sections for all the proposals should list Math 3 cr MATH 101 or higher, the Fine Arts MUHI 102, Natural Science Option II and the LS Electives credit requirement and specific courses reference to all others should be deleted, 2) MUHI 302 should be moved out of LS since this violates the rule of not permitting a prefix to be used more than once, i.e., LS Electives 6 cr.MUHI 301 ( the other will be the 2nd non-lab course but this doesn't need stated), 3) There is a recommendation to separate Controlled electives from Free Electives, 4) All changes not in LS component will need UWUCC review. Specific comments on each program: For the BA Music/ History and Lit Track-- That then changes the credit arrangement to: 50 LS; 48 Major, 9 Controlled Electives, 13 Free Electives. BA Music Theory and Composition-- LS Electives 6 cr. total LS 50, major 60, Controlled Elec 6 Free electives 4 ; Music/General Studies Track LS 50, Major 49, Controlled 5 cr Free electives 16 cr. Music Performance LS 50, major 65, Controlled 5 . Adjourned at 5:35 pm #+1235CNOTWX_u  ݻxph`Xh}sCJaJhtCJaJhNCJaJh<CJaJhkwCJaJh?]zCJaJhu&CJaJhMCJaJh8CJaJhCJaJh6dCJaJhAXhN&CJaJhAXhAXCJaJh[ hM-CJaJhKhKCJH*aJhKCJaJhyCJaJh2HCJaJh[ hN&CJaJ!#2OXY   Q F G S T  :gd2HgdNgd%gdM$a$gdAX$a$    0 1 8 9  ; Q | k x = R S o 09:;иЎЎzrzjbVbjh"wh"w5CJaJh"wCJaJhF{CJaJhKbCJaJh> CJaJh> h> 5CJaJh> h2H5CJaJh1hN5CJaJh-e5CJaJh:5CJaJh:CJaJhNCJaJhCJaJh2HCJaJh)wCJaJhkwCJaJhMCJaJhbCJaJhN&CJaJ :;57VWOP./nogds & Fgdsgd2H;Y^f4567^_clUVWpyz~$,OPd˷îîîã÷÷Û{{rhU5CJaJhUCJaJhUhs5CJaJhshs5CJaJhsCJaJh_%h_%CJaJh_%5CJaJh_%h_%5CJaJh_%CJaJh"wCJaJh"whF{5CJaJhWhF{5CJaJhF{CJaJhF{hF{5CJaJ*/Qo R AI|xtlatxth_%h@?CJaJh@?CJaJh@?hLA8hLA8CJaJh@?hLA85CJaJh@?h5CJaJh@?htvm5CJaJhWh5CJaJhh5CJaJhCJaJh5CJaJh5CJaJhtvmhtvm5CJaJhUCJaJhtvmCJaJhtvm5CJaJ&$ gd2Hgd@?gds# $ ƾhN&h[ hN&CJaJh&jPCJaJhF{CJaJhCJaJh"wCJaJh_%h_%CJaJh_%h@?CJaJh.Fh@?hLA8 ":p]5E/ =!"#$%  !"#$%&'()*+,  F'Microsoft Office Word 97-2003 Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89q ]8O8m008@H DAV:getcontentlanguageen-usOh+'0,D  <@< NormalCJ_HmH sH tH P@P Heading 1$<@&5CJKHOJQJJ@J Heading 2$<@&56OJQJD@D Heading 3$<@&OJQJ8@8 Heading 4$@&>*DAD Default Paragraph FontViV  Table Normal :V 44 la (k(No List $L@$ Date2B@2 Body TextxHC@H Body Text Indenthx^h4>@"4 Title$a$5CJH2H S Balloon TextCJOJQJ^JaJ4#2OXYQFGST  :;5 7 V W O P ./no$000000000000000000 00x000000x00x0000 00 00x0 0000x000x0000x0000x00x0@0x00x0000000000#2OXY0000000:00 ; :  ݛbޛ,"ߛ]" #O1V8*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagsdate8*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagstime  1015172003354DayHourMinuteMonthYear  SZRY_gx | 2 6 &%W_bj _a=R o/m?Sy}3333333333#2=TxMary E. 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