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Sadler, G. Wilson, C, Young, C. Zoni, F. Slack, M Dively, E. Mannikka, T. Warman, B Carter Guest: Mrs. Jodell Kuzneski Excused: R. Rearick, M Swinker Meeting called to order at 3:15 p.m. Minutes from April 10 meeting were approved on a Wilson/Zoni motion with the following corrections: T Warman was excused; add outcome of vote on motion for LBST 499 (Piper) 5- yes; 1-no; 0 Abs). Discussed the Allied Health proposals and specific issues that presented problems. The following decisions were made: On a Wilson/Carter motion provisionally approved BS Respiratory Care pending receipt of a letter (before 4-24) from Luciano/Dietrich expressing a commitment to propose BIOL105 Cell Biology as a non-lab science in September of 2003. On a Young/Dively motion approved BS Nuclear Medicine with the following revision: Specify 9 cr.Liberal Studies Electives. On a Zoni/Mannikka motion provisionally approved BS Medical Technology (Clinical Laboratory Science) with the following revisions requested: 1) Move PHYS 112 out of LS and into Other Requirements, 2) specify 6 cr of LS Electives and identify PHYS 111 as one of them, 3) reduce MEDT 495 (CLSC 495) Clinical Chemistry to 9 cr. (this is not a course revision because the course is variable credit 7-10); 4) 31cr for Major required courses; 41 for Other Requirements; and eliminate free electives. On a Zoni/Young motion approved MUHI 102 Survey of Music Literature for the Fine Arts category pending UWUCC approval. On a Young/Zoni motion provisionally approved PHYS 105 The Physics of Light and Sound for the non-lab science course pending UWUCC approval with the following recommendations: 1) correct typo in objectives, 2) correct the hours to be 42 plus final exam. On a Wilson/Young motion approved BS Physical Education & Sport with the following recommendations: 1) correct the LS portion BIOL103-104, SCI 105-106, specify 3 cr LSE and add no course with HPED prefix. Other corrections will need to be addressed by UWUCC. BS Business/Pre-Law returned for multiple reasons that need clarified: 1) left side of table not correct version of what appears in catalog, 2) needs Pre-law in front of Interdisciplinary Electives, 3) need to clarify where ECON 122 should appear, 4) need to clarify statement about 6 of the track electivescredits., 5) PHIL 101 is not a Social Science is this meant to be PSYC 101? Provisionally approved the LS portion only for the BS Education Social Sciences Education/Sociology Concentration with the following recommendations: 1) credits do not add up as stated, 2) specify 3 cr of LS Electives, 3) do not need to specify HIST 195, 4) need signatures from College curriculum, Dean and TECC. BS Natural Science returned to proposer or the following reasons: 1) difficult to decipher because it is not in usual format for a revision, 2) LS credits different in the proposal, PSYC 101 is a Social Science not an LS Elective. On a Carter/Zoni approved HIST 281 The World in the 20th Century as a substitute for LS Humanities HIST 195 credit for the Fall 03 and Spring 04 ONLY while the History department experiments with a new delivery model for meeting the LS goals related to historical consciousness. We ask that an LS checklist accompany the HIST 281 proposal. This approval is limited to the academic year in which the course is piloted. It was agreed that proposals on the agenda for the 4/24 meeting be assigned to a reviewer who will carefully scrutinize the proposal prior to the meeting. Mary Sadler will assign proposals by Monday. A copy of the one-page statement sent to Asheville was distributed to committee members. Adjourned at 5:50 pm #+1235CNOTWX_u    $ ( ) ݻ혐xph`XhN&CJaJh}sCJaJhtCJaJhNCJaJhkwCJaJh2HCJaJh?]zCJaJhMCJaJhu&CJaJhCJaJh6dCJaJhAXhN&CJaJhAXhAXCJaJh[ hM-CJaJhKhKCJH*aJhKCJaJhyCJaJhCJaJh[ hN&CJaJ!#2OXY  ) * d M N 4534gd_ & Fgd_gd%gdM$a$gdAX$a$) * @ G H J d ~  : B M  1 U cMs9vnfnnhC|KCJaJhj8CJaJhj8hB5CJaJhBhB5CJaJhBCJaJhB5CJaJhBh_5CJaJh_hs_5CJaJh_5CJaJh_CJaJhNCJaJhCJaJh2HCJaJhMCJaJh)wCJaJhs_CJaJhbCJaJ(489OPgd_./7>JKvڵhN&h[ hN&CJaJh&jPCJaJhBCJaJhC|KhC|KCJaJhC|KhC|K5CJH*aJhC|KhC|K5CJaJhC|KCJaJhj8CJaJhj85CJaJhj8hj85CJaJ":p]5E/ =!"#$%  !"#$%&'()*+,  F'Microsoft Office Word 97-2003 Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89q ]8O8m008@H DAV:getcontentlanguageen-usOh+'0,D  <@< NormalCJ_HmH sH tH P@P Heading 1$<@&5CJKHOJQJJ@J Heading 2$<@&56OJQJD@D Heading 3$<@&OJQJ8@8 Heading 4$@&>*DAD Default Paragraph FontVi@V  Table Normal :V 44 la (k@(No List $L@$ Date2B@2 Body TextxHC@H Body Text Indenthx^h4>@"4 Title$a$5CJH2H S Balloon TextCJOJQJ^JaJ$#2OXY)*dMN453489 OP00000000000000000 00000000x00x0000x00x000000x000000#2OXY)*0000000:00)  4 ]"," 4  "  4!#Oyy1V(8*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagsCity9*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagsplace8*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagsdate8*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagstime  15172003450DayHourMinuteMonthYear bfY_@D  ^f@3#27^fMary E. 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