ࡱ> e Feb. 23, 2006 LSC meeting.&lt;/p&gt;EktT1Table$axCategoryyWordDocument7Root Entry F@\:k:#@ 1Table$CompObjyWordDocument7  !,%&'()*+՜.+,D՜.+,D  ,89  ,Liberal Studies Committee Meeting Minutes Titlex H P \ h l EktContentIDEktContentLanguage EktFolderId EktQuickLinkEktContentTypeEktFolderName EktCmsPath EktExpiryType EktDateCreated EktDateModified EktTaxCategory EktCmsSizeEktSearchableEktEDescriptionEktShowEventsEktContentID64EktFolderId64 EktInPermekttaxonomyenabled ? &e?&lt;p&gt;Minutes from the Feb. 23, 2006 LSC meeting.&lt;/p&gt;@|ר@n$$$$Root Entry F@`#@ 1Table$CompObjyWordDocument7  !,%&'()*+  / !"#$%&'()*+,-014SummaryInformation(XDocumentSummaryInformation8HBagaaqy23kudbhchAaq5u2chNd8pnpnCONTENTS՜.+,D՜.+,D  ,89  ,Liberal Studies Committee Meeting Minutes Titlex H P \ h l EktContentIDEktContentLanguage EktFolderId EktQuickLinkEktContentTypeEktFolderName EktCmsPath EktExpiryType EktDateCreated EktDateModified EktTaxCategory EktCmsSizeEktSearchableEktEDescriptionEktShowEventsEktContentID64EktFolderId64 EktInPermekttaxonomyenabled ? &e?&lt;p&gt;Minutes from the Feb. 23, 2006 LSC meeting.&lt;/p&gt;@|ר@n$$$$$$\$ \$ \$ \$ \$ \$ \ ?&GSummary &lt;p&gt;Minutes from the Feb. 23, 2006 LSC meeting.&lt;/p&gt;#&DownloadAsset.aspx?id=46911 2006 LSC meeting.&lt;/p&gt; /p&gt;?&lt;p&gt;Minutes fro$$\$ \$ \$ \$ \$ \$ \ ?&GSummary &lt;p&gt;Minutes from the Feb. 23, 2006 LSC meeting.&lt;/p&gt;#&DownloadAsset.aspx?id=46911 2006 LSC meeting.&lt;/p&gt; t;?&lt;p&gt;Minutes from th#` ?bjbj\.\. 7>D>D? xxxx  U$M h  pD6GJx%0US S S 8Uxx Liberal Studies Committee Meeting Minutes February 23, 2006 Present: M. Sadler, Y. Asamoah, T. Wacker, J. Coccarelli, F. Slack, P. Barnacle, N. Austin, S. Deustchlander Excused: C. Zoni, J. Myers, C. Young Guests: Dr. Stanford Mukasa On Wilson/Wacker a motion, approved the minutes of 2-16-06. The committee welcomed Dr. Stanford Mukasa and discussed the Type I writing proposal, JRNL 344 Issues and Problems. While the committee wishes to be supportive of the Type I status request, the proposal as submitted does not fully meet the expectations/criteria required for this status. The primary issue seems to be that a number of the details that the committee expected to find included in such a proposal, especially as it related to how the revision process is incorporated in the class, were missing. For instance, an example that shows the grading criteria used for written assignments specifically as it relates to expectations for students writing skills, and providing some details about how students receive faculty feedback on written assignments would have satisfied the expectation. While the writing assignments for JRNL 344 are appropriate for a writing intensive course, the processes for how writing skills would be developed through the use the assignments are not provided in the proposal. In talking with Dr. Mukasa, it became clear to committee members that he considers writing such an integral part of his classes and discipline that he believed it was unnecessary to provide detail to the committee about how he handles the entire revision process, and how writing contributes to a student's grade for the course. While Dr. Mukasa was able to provide answers that satisfied the committee, the proposal that is filed in the LS office as documentation should satisfy all the expectations for, in this case, Type I status. In light of the series of missed communications between the committee and the proposer during the course of our reviews, the committee lost the assurance that Dr. Mukasa would be willing to comply with the detailed syllabus requirements for courses that are offered as writing intensive. Hence, if Dr. Mukasa is willing to provide some detail in the proposal about how feedback is provided, what students are expected to do with the feedback from faculty and peers, and perhaps a sample of criteria he typically uses to evaluate writing skills, the committee will consider Type III status for JRNL 344 Issues and Problems, which would allow for it to be designated as writing intensive when he is the instructor of record. On an Asamoah/Austin motion to approve for Type I status, the motion failed to receive the necessary support (yes-3; no-4, abs-1). On a Barnacle/Wacker motion approved COMM 325 Women in Media for the Liberal Studies Elective category, pending UWUCC approval as a new course. Some minor suggestions about the proposal will be forwarded to the UWUCC screening committee. Wilson abstained. On a Barnacle/Deustchlander motion approved SAFE 100 Workplace to replace SAFE 145 Workplace Safety Today and Tomorrow in the Liberal Studies Elective category, pending UWUCC approval as a course revision. It is noted that no substantive changes were made to the course; the bibliography was updated and the course number was changed from 145 to 100. The meeting adjourned at 4:55 p.m. on a Coccarelli/Asamoah motion. +>? 6 ( ~%1:;<=?hhB*CJaJphh#3B*CJaJphh#3CJaJhCJaJhh#3B*CJaJphhhB*CJaJphhhCJaJhhCJaJhh#3CJaJ)+>?0 :;<?dgdugdgdd]d$a$gd?50P:p/ =!"#$%   !"#$%&'()*+,-  F'Microsoft Office Word 97-2003 Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89q ]8O8m008@H DAV:getcontentlanguageen-usOh+'0(@X @@@ NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH DA@D Default Paragraph FontRiR  Table Normal4 l4a (k@(No List XOX Default1$7$8$H$!B*CJ_HaJmH phsH tH 2O2 CM1d B*ph0O0 CM2 B*ph0O0 CM3 B*phH@2H  Balloon TextCJOJQJ^JaJ? +>?0 : ; < A h00h0h0h0h0h0h0h0h0h0h0h0h0h0h0h0h0h0h0h0? ? ? P!#3>ى4<@-@{? @@UnknownSz Times New RomanTimes5Symbol3& z Arial5& zaTahoma"h2F2FE E !xx9 9 2?y2*Liberal Studies Committee Meeting Minutes mmccartymmccarty @@$T@`8&J@`8&JE LSC Meeting Minutes 2-23-06 Ms. Brittany Eileen Greene rgwp Ms. Brittany Eileen Greene rgwp?&lt;p&gt;Minutes from the Feb. 23, 2006 LSC meeting.&lt;/p&g