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Aikins՜.+,D՜.+,`     Titlel (0<|     \dEktContentID64EktContentLanguageEktFolderId64 EktQuickLinkEktContentTypeEktFolderName EktCmsPath EktExpiryType EktDateCreated EktDateModified EktTaxCategory EktCmsSizeEktSearchableEktEDescriptionekttaxonomyenabledEktShowEvents  (DownloadAsset.aspx?id=70077e@@`s6p=&lt;p&gt;Highlights: ENGL 281 Tupac Shakur, Hero with an African Face; LBST 499 The Global Village: People, Planet and Profits; BA Arts English-Film Studies, Language Studies, Literary, Textual, and Cultural Studies, Writing Studies; ENGL 122 Introduction to English Studies; Update of LS Revision Proposal&lt;/p&gt; bjbj 8  <<$.accccccHccx aa'p@:M0,''"Icc< E: Liberal Studies Committee Minutes March 12, 2009 3:30 p.m. Stabley 101 Present: M. Sadler Williams, T. Wacker, F. Slack, Y. Asamoah, M. Browne, E. Auvil, S. Reid, M. Hildebrandt, K. McKee, B.G. Wilson Excused: D. Pistole, C. Zoni Guest: Dr. Parimal Bhagat and Dr. Madan Batra Minutes from the February 19, 2009 meeting were approved with editorial corrections on a McKee/Wacker motion (2 abstentions). Reviewed Dr. Rosalee Stilwells ENGL 281 Special Topics: Tupac Shakur, Hero with an African Face for meeting the writing intensive criteria, and on a Wilson/Asamoah motion, granted a one-time approval for this special topics course to be designated as a W. If the plan is to eventually submit this as a regular course offering, the curriculum committees will expect a traditional syllabus using the approved UWUCC syllabus format. Drs. Batra and Bhagat from the Department of Marketing discussed their proposal, LBST 499 The Global Village: People, Planet and Profits. The following recommendations were offered: 1) shorten the publicity statement, 2) change prerequisite to 73 credits, 3) add an attendance policy and final exam week, 4) consider revising objectives 3 and 4, 5) insure that the evaluation methods and summary of grading are congruent, 6) consider explaining in more detail the criteria for evaluating class participation, and 7) recommend using a conventional style for the bibliography so that students have an example of what is acceptable practice. On an Asamoah/Hildebrandt motion the proposal was provisionally pending receipt of a revised syllabus that addresses the LSC recommendations. Reviewed the BA Arts English Film Studies Track; Language Studies Track; Literary, Texual, and Cultural Studies Track; Writing Studies Track. The LS credits should be 53 cr., not 56-58cr. This change needs to be made throughout the document. On a Wilson/Asamoah motion, the LS portion of the program revisions were approved pending correction of the LS credits. Reviewed the course revision for ENGL 122 Introduction to Literary Analysis to ENGL 122 Introduction to English Studies. If this is intended to be a writing intensive course, the proposal needs to include the elements of a W proposal (see UWUCC handbook for writing-intensive proposals). Some suggestions include: 1) remove reference to specific faculty guest lecturers, 2) expand on a description and evaluation of the writing assignments, 3) add a final exam week, 4) complete the chart that is expected with a writing proposal, 5) remove reference to specific classroom meeting dates, and 6) the course number will be 122, not 122W the writing designation for a course precedes the section number, i.e. W01), and 7) follow the guidelines for submitting a writing intensive proposal either a Type I, II or III. The differences are identified in the curriculum handbook. Action on the proposal tabled. Update provided on the LS Revision proposal. Meeting adjourned at 4:35 p.m. !"*016;FPZcexyz   ļıļļx⼃mhoh1WCJaJh1WhCJaJhCJaJhICJaJhoh:CJaJhCJaJh"h"CJaJhoh"CJaJh1WCJaJhohYsCJaJh"CJaJhoh MCJaJh:CJaJhoh! 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