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The scheduling and use of these vehicles will be in accordance with the procedures established herein. There is no charge to departments for travel in general fleet vehicles. 5. RESPONSIBILITIES: The enforcement of this policy is the shared responsibility of the Vice Presidents, Deans, Managers, Department Chairs, Supervisors, and the Automotive Officer and is implemented through the various colleges, schools and departments of ɫӰ. Individual drivers' responsibilities are set forth in the various state and local automobile operation codes which must be complied with while operating an official vehicle and with internal procedures as described in Paragraph 7 - Procedures. 6. DEFINITIONS: Employee - Any individual performing an official function for ɫӰ and who is on the ɫӰ payroll. Student Driver - Any state or federal work study student who is earning remuneration for driving. Official Business - Activities which support the mission of the university and which are funded by university operating budget or grant funds. 7. GENERAL PROCEDURES: University vehicles are available for use by employees to conduct official university business. Employees are any faculty, manager or staff employed by the university or a student who is funded by a work study program and who is receiving compensation while driving. These employment requirements are necessary to comply with provisions of the Commonwealth's Automobile Liability Self-insurance Program and the State Workmen's Insurance Fund. Passengers in ɫӰ vehicles shall be employees or students of the university or individuals of the public or private sector who are conducting official business for the university. a. PRIORITIES: Vehicles from the general fleet will be assigned each day based on the following priorities: Priority Category Description 1 Teaching Faculty Faculty teaching credit courses at off campus sites 2 Recruiters Travel necessary for recruiting purposes 3 Student Supervision Travel necessary to supervise student teachers and interns 4 General All other official business travel b. SCHEDULING: Assignment of general fleet vehicles is initiated by an Operator completing an On-Line Vehicle Request. Requests for vehicles must be submitted as far in advance as possible but not less than three working days prior to the day of departure. All information must be completed on the request form. Any omissions will be cause for the form to be rejected. Telephone requests will not be accepted. All requests must be approved by the Operators chairperson or department manager who certifies that the travel is for official university business The On-Line Request form asks for passengers Banner ID number and name, last and first. The date and time of departure and return should be as realistic as possible so that the dispatcher can schedule vehicles for maximum use. Failure to pick up keys within one hour after the indicated departure time (unless dispatcher notified) may cancel your request. If you have to return later than the requested return time you should make every effort to contact the dispatcher so that the schedule can be adjusted. c. DISPATCHING: Personnel are on duty in the Automotive Garage for the dispatching of general fleet vehicles from 0600 hours until 2100 hours Monday through Friday and from 0700 hours until 1000 hours Saturday. If it is necessary to commence a trip other then during the above hours, arrangements for dispatch must be made with the dispatcher by calling extension 2716 or the Automotive Officer at 7-4758. During the dispatch process keys will be issued. The Operator should initial the schedule certifying that their drivers license is not currently revoked and that they are familiar with the Automotive Policy. d. TURN-IN PROCEDURES: Upon completion of the trip, general fleet vehicles must be returned to the assigned space at the fleet parking lot at Robertshaw Building. The keys must be deposited in the key return box at the exterior of the Dispatcher's Office. Operators must complete the ɫӰ Automotive Equipment and trip log and leave the form in the vehicle along with the Parking Pass. Prior to turn-in, the operator must remove all trash from the interior of the vehicle. A standard penalty fee will be assessed to the using department for vehicles turned-in where the interior is excessively dirty or damaged. The fee will be based upon the Shop Rates for the Automotive Department as established by the Budget Office. e. OPERATION: Operators of all vehicles must be properly licensed to operate the assigned vehicle. Operators will obey all traffic laws, regulations and speed limits. Violation of any traffic law, ordinance or regulation that concerns the safe and proper operation of a vehicle may be grounds for immediate withdrawal of a vehicle. The individual's vehicle use privileges may be revoked. Any and all fines and costs resulting from traffic or parking violations are the personal responsibility of the individual incurring the fine. Seat belts must be worn at all times in all university vehicles. f. RESTRICTIONS: Personal use of ɫӰ vehicles is prohibited. Relatives, spouses and/or children of ɫӰ employees cannot be transported in university vehicles unless they are an employe of the university and performing official business. All vehicle occupants must be authorized as being "necessary for the conduct of the official business." The consumption or transportation of alcohol in university vehicles is prohibited. Smoking is prohibited in ɫӰ vehicles. University vehicles will be parked on university property except for the actual time when the official business is being conducted away from campus. University vehicles will not be parked at private residences. Vehicles must be picked up at the Robertshaw Dispatch Office at the commencement of official business and returned there at the conclusion of business. Vehicles will be locked when not occupied. Only those individuals listed as operators on the Request for Use of University Vehicles form will be authorized to drive the vehicle. g. INSURANCE: ɫӰ, as a member of the State System of Higher Education and a Commonwealth agency, is a participant in the Commonwealth Automobile Liability Self-insurance program. As a self-insured agency, ɫӰ is responsible for all costs to repair damaged fleet vehicles. All employees and student workers have medical insurance through the State Workmen's Insurance Fund while they are performing official duties for the university. Individuals who are not employees or student workers and who are passengers in ɫӰ vehicles are not covered by state-furnished health insurance. Employees and student workers performing official business are covered by liability insurance to the limits prescribed by law. 8. ACCIDENTS: In the event of an accident, drivers will follow the procedures outlined in the accident information packets provided with each vehicle. Accidents involving physical injury must be reported to the State Police immediately. In addition, all accidents involving ɫӰ vehicles which result in physical or property damage must be reported to the Automotive Officer within 24 hours of occurrence. 9. VEHICLE PURCHASES: Departments or activities wishing to purchase/lease vehicles for their operation may do so by following the procedures listed below. a. NOTIFICATION: A memo must be submitted to the Automotive Officer, Robertshaw Building, from the requesting department indicating the intent to purchase/lease a vehicle(s). b. PROCESSING: The Automotive Officer will assist the department with developing specifications for the purchase/lease. The department will prepare and submit a Departmental Purchase Request to the Purchasing Office for processing. 10. DEPARTMENTAL VEHICLES: a. RESPONSIBILITIES: Departments that own/lease vehicles will be responsible for the scheduling and dispatching of its vehicle(s). Department heads will be responsible for the vehicle(s) and will insure that all procedures outlined in the previous sections of this policy are followed. b. REPORTING: Data such as number of dispatches, miles traveled, etc., will be maintained by the department and submitted monthly to the Automotive Officer for inclusion with fleet data. c. MAINTENANCE: Departments will be responsible for scheduling maintenance, inspections, etc., with the Automotive Garage. Departments will be responsible for all maintenance and repair costs (labor & materials) associated with the operation of the vehicle. 11. GENERAL FLEET MANAGEMENT: a. Composition: The general fleet will consist of a specified number of vehicles to be used for travel according to procedures established in this policy. b. Program: The general fleet will consist of a quantity of vehicles purchased over a three year period. Starting with the fourth year and continuing each year thereafter, a third of the fleet will be traded for new vehicles. Funding for this program will be from the university general fund. c. Exchanges: Departments who own vehicles will be given the opportunity to exchange their vehicles for vehicles to be traded from the fleet management program with any difference in price (as determined by established used car prices) to be paid by the department to the general fund. 12. RECISION: This policy replaces Section 7503 of the ɫӰ Administrative Manual. 13. PUBLICATIONS STATEMENT: This policy should be included in the following publications: a. Administrative Manual 14. DISTRIBUTION: a. Presidents Staff b. All Deans and Department Chairpersons c. 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