ࡱ> GIF{` EbjbjFF ;4,,'J J J J J J J ^ """8Z$~,^ 0,"Z0\0\0\0\0\0\0$2ho4N0J 0J J 0J J Z0Z0-J J V/ C4"yX2.Z0000F.44(V/4J V/Z@Q4L00yX0^ ^ ^ "^ ^ ^ "^ ^ ^ J J J J J J  UNIVERSITY-WIDE GRADUATE COMMITTEE Minutes November 23, 2004 PRESENT: Amadu Ayebo, Prashanth Bharadwaj, Karen Brown, David Chambers, Christopher Janicak, David LaPorte, James Lenze, David Myers, James Myers, Caroline Peterson, Joel Rodriguez, Ramesh Soni, Michael T. Williamson, Soncerae Yeager, Nancy Yost ABSENT: Parker Boerner, Susan Boser EXCUSED: Trenton Ferro Dr. LaPorte called the meeting to order at 3:20 p.m. On an Ayebo/Lenze motion, the agenda was APPROVED as submitted. On a Lenze/Yost motion, the November 16, 2004 minutes were APPROVED as submitted. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Dr. LaPorte had no announcements. Dr. Chambers had no announcements. Dr. David Myers distributed material from Karen Rivosecchi (Center for Vocational Education) about certification for Supervisor of Vocational Education Area 7-12 and Vocational Education Director 7-12. ɫӰ offered these certifications in collaboration with California University of PA, but the collaboration ended this past summer. The Center would like to continue the certifications thru ɫӰ. There was much discussion with a decision that Karen be invited to the next meeting. Dr. Soni announced a possible revision to the professional growth program involving thesis committee membership; D. Myers will be getting the proposal. Also, Claire Dandeneau wants to revive the counseling PhD that was phased-out some time ago, and the MFA will be recognized as a terminal degree at graduation ceremonies. NEW BUSINESS: James Myers was nominated for new co-chair for spring semester; on a Williamson/LaPorte motion he was voted as new co-chair for the spring 2005 semester. 11/23/04. BUSINESS IN PROGRESS: A) PROGRAMS/CURRICULAR MATTERS MS in IT the last course to the proposal was distributed 2/24/04 and proposal was returned to Business in Progress: Programs 2/24/04; no discussion 3/16/04; Proposal under review but Appendix D is needed by entire committee 3/23/04; Appendix D was distributed to complete the proposal and a subcommittee review will be presented at the next meeting 4/6/04; no report from the subcommittee; A provisional approval was requested by the proposer but such an action is not within the UWGC purview 4/13/04; Response sent to proposers - 5/04; Co-chairs met with proposers - 10/6/04; awaiting revisions (To be assigned); Proposers will attend the next UWGC meeting 11/23/04; Integral University; discussed 9/14/04, 9/21/04 & 9/28/04; request for advance approval of the program under the Professional Growth degree was rejected; response sent to proposer. Met with proposer 10/12/04; response sent 10/13/04; meet with Dr. Staszkiewicz 11/15/04; much discussion 11/16/04; no response 11/23/04 Department of Field Studies Support conversion of courses to distance ed; distributed - 11/9/04; discussed 11/16/04; communication with proposer requesting use of Distance Education Review Form 11/18/04; distributed the request on the Graduate Distance Education Review Form, on a Yost/Soni motion there was a positive recommendation from the UWGC, with one abstention. Co-chairs will set up a meeting with Rob and John Henry about the Graduate Distance Education Review Form 11/23/04. BUSINESS IN PROGRESS: B) POLICY ISSUES Course re-numbering policy draft; discussed and assigned to subcommittee #4 (J Myers, Boser, Ayebo) 11/9/04; subcommittee met still working 11/23/04 Continuous dissertation policy change; discussed and assigned to subcommittee #1 (Bharadwaj, Lenze, Yost) 11/9/04; still in progress 11/23/04 Handbook Revisions; discussed 11/9/04; discussed 11/16/04; discussion with a decision that there will be a vote on chapters 1, 3, 4 and 5 at the next meeting 11/23/04 Senate policy regarding ɫӰ faculty taking graduate degrees; there was no discussion 11/9/04; much discussion, send forth the previously voted on motion, on a Soni/Williams motion, with 2 abstentions, this will be taken back to Senate 11/16/04; no discussion 11/23/04 Program and Course deactivation/reactivation Ad Hoc Committee assigned (Ayebo, Lenze, Yeager); there was no discussion 11/9/04; subcommittee was asked to draft language for handbook 11/16/04; no discussion 11/23/04 Revision of Academic Integrity Policy Ad Hoc Committee assigned (Williamson, Brown, LaPorte) 9/14/04; there was no discussion 11/9/04; no discussion 11/16/04; subcommittee has not yet met 11/23/04 Cooperative Agreements; there was no discussion 11/9/04; no discussion 11/16/04; go along with hand book revision 11/23/04 Grade Appeal Policy for Graduate Students; there was no discussion 11/9/04; no discussion 11/16/04; no discussion 11/23/04 INACTIVE ITEMS: M.S. in Food and Nutrition, Program Revision; there was no discussion. 11/19/04; no discussion 11/16/04; no discussion 11/23/04 Automated Curriculum Approval System (ACAPS); there was no discussion 11/9/04; no discussion 11/23/04 Distance Education; there was no discussion 11/9/04; subcommittee was asked to draft language for the handbook for spring 11/16/04; no discussion 11/23/04 BIOL 477/577 Neurobiology; there was no discussion 11/9/04; no discussion 11/16/04; no discussion 11/23/04 Review/Revision of Policy on Degree Eligibility of ɫӰ Teaching Staff; there was no discussion 11/9/04; discussed 11/16/04; no discussion 11/23/04 Memorandum of Understanding between ɫӰ and East Stroudsburg; there was no discussion11/9/04; no discussion 11/16/04; no discussion 11/23/04 NEW BUSINESS: Syllabi moratorium; there was no discussion 11/9/04; no discussion 11/16/04; much discussion with a decision that more information is needed 11/23/04 The meeting was adjourned at 4:40 p.m.     PAGE  PAGE 3 +6=>Fiv5 ; = X Y Z c d e s t     ' / ? 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