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Williamson, Dawn Woodland, Wenfan Yen, Nashat Zuraikat EXCUSED: Karen Brown, James Myers Dr. David LaPorte called the meeting to order at 3:25 p.m. On a Lenze/Dandeneau motion the agenda was APPROVED as submitted. On a Piper/Zuraikat motion the September 5, 2006 minutes were APPROVED with one change: Under Business in Progress #2 New Course: EDSP 623 Educational Programming for Gifted Kearnes; it should be “Learners” not Kearners. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Dr. LaPorte announced that an invitation was extended to the Provost to attend one of our meetings and she has indicated her desire to attend. He introduced the newest member to the committee, Matt Baumer from Music, and welcomed him. Dr. Williamson had no announcements. Dr. Susan Boser announced that she had just received a Variability of Delivery Form for MBA program to be offered in Butler, PA; information on this program has already been sent out and there are information sessions to start October 3, 2006. There was much discussion on this and it was decided that as soon as the committee receives the proposal it will be facilitated as soon as possible; although everyone is dissatisfied with the way the department handled not getting the paperwork in on time they do not want to punish the students. Dr. Boser distributed: Level III Minor Program Revision: Music Distance Education Review Form SAFE 604 Industrial Toxicology Distance Education Review Form SAFE 647 Applied Ergonomics Response from proposer regarding New Course COUN 737 Advanced Counseling Theory Continuous Dissertation Policy Dr. Eck announced the search for Vice Provost for Research and Dean of Graduate Studies is going very well with 39 applications to date. NEW BUSINESS: BUSINESS IN PROGRESS: A) PROGRAMS/CURRICULAR MATTERS New Course: EDSP 623 Educational Programming for Gifted Learners; assigned to subcommittee #2 (James Lenze, Nashat Zuraikat, Dawn Woodland, Claire Dandeneau, Mark Staszkiewicz) – 8/29/06; no discussion – 9/5/06; subcommittee presented their report with several suggestions; memo will be sent to proposer – 9/19/06 Graduate Distance Education Review Form: EDSP 623 Educational Programming for Gifted Learners; assigned to subcommittee #2 (James Lenze, Nashat Zuraikat, Dawn Woodland, Claire Dandeneau, Mark Staszkiewicz) – 8/29/06; no discussion – 9/5/06; subcommittee presented their report; upon completion of the new course EDSP 623 this distance education course will fall in line – 9/19/06 Ph.D. in Nursing; assigned to subcommittee #1 (James Myers, David Piper, Scott Moore, Karen Brown, Wenfan Yan) – 8/29/06; much discussion; will continue next meeting – 9/5/06; subcommittee completed their report; there was much discussion – 9/19/06 Master Sport Science Minor Program Revision; assigned to subcommittee #2 (James Lenze, Nashat Zuraikat, Dawn Woodland, Claire Dandeneau, Mark Staszkiewicz) – 8/29/06; no discussion – 9/5/06; no discussion – 9/19/06 New Course Proposal COUN 737 Advanced Counseling Theory; (Specific Theoretical Approach); assigned to subcommittee #1 (Susan Boser, Amadu Ayebo, Nashat Zurtaikat and Chris Hindman); some discussion, a letter will be sent to the proposer with minor changes requested – 3/7/06; no discussion – 3/21/06; no discussion – 4/4/06; no discussion – 4/11/06; no discussion – 4/18/06; no discussion – 4/25/06; no discussion – 8/29/06; no discussion – 9/5/06; response from proposer was distributed – 9/19/06 New Course Proposal COUN 674 Addictions and Addictions Counseling; assigned to subcommittee #1 (James Myers, David Piper, Scott Moore, Karen Brown, Wenfan Yan) – 9/5/06; no discussion – 9/19/06 Level III Minor Program Revision: Music; distributed and the UWGC is to review for next meeting – 9/19/06 Distance Education Review Form SAFE 604 Industrial Toxicology; distributed and the UWGC is to review for next meeting – 9/19/06 Distance Education Review Form SAFE 647 Applied Ergonomics; distributed and the UWGC is to review for next meeting – 9/19/06 Continuous Dissertation Credit Policy; distributed; on a Piper/Eck motion this was APPROVED, with minor changes – 9/19/06 BUSINESS IN PROGRESS: B) POLICY ISSUES Cooperative Agreements - discussed 3/18/03; discussed 3/25/03; discussed 4/15/03; discussed – on hold – Dr. Chambers 9/16/03 (Chambers/Kostelnik/Bieger); no discussion 9/30/03; no discussion 10/14/03; no discussion 10/21/03; discussed – committee will work on adopting policy standards to be incorporated into the Graduate Committee Handbook 10/28/03; discussed 11/11/03; no discussion 11/18/03 or 11/25/03; discussed and committee will work on policy 1/20/04; will wait until Dr. Linzey’s return to continue options 2/10/04; no discussion 2/17/04, 2/24/04, 3/16/04, 3/23/04; no discussion, a meeting was scheduled on 4/14/04 to discussion future Cooperative Agreements – 4/13/04; no discussion – 12/14/04; no discussion - 1/18/05; no discussion – 1/25/05; no discussion – 2/8/05; no discussion – 2/15/05; no discussion – 2/22/05; no discussion – 3/15/05; no discussion – 3/22/05; there was a meeting with Mark S., Mark P., Dr. Chambers, Dr. David Myers, Dr. James Myers, Dr. Soni about gathering information to come up with a clarified policy – 4/5/05; no discussion – 4/12/05; no discussion – 4/19/05; assigned ad hoc committee (LaPorte, Williamson, D. Myers, Boser) – 9/13/05; no discussion – 9/20/05; no discussion – 9/27/05; no discussion – 10/11/05; no discussion – 10/18/05; committee was asked to read David Myers report – 11/8/05; report to be sent out electronically for everyone to read for the next meeting – 11/15/05; lengthy discussion regarding Dr. David Myers report – 11/22/05; lengthy discussion; there will be a working document for next meeting – 11/29/05; no discussion – 1/24/06; no discussion – 2/7/06; will discuss at next meeting – 2/14/06; no discussion – 2/21/06; some discussion, will continue at next meeting – 3/7/06; no discussion – 3/21/06; no discussion – 4/4/06; no discussion – 4/11/06; no discussion – 4/18/06; no discussion – 4/25/06; no discussion – 8/29/06; no discussion – 9/5/06; no discussion – 9/19/06 Graduate Distance Education Review Form; Co-chairs will set up a meeting with Rob and John Henry about the Graduate Distance Education Review Form - 11/23/04; no discussion - 11/30/04; no discussion – 12/14/04; there has been and will be more discussions with John Henry about this form – 1/18/05; some discussion – 1/25/05; no discussion – 2/8/05; no discussion – 2/15/05; no discussion – 2/22/05; no discussion – 3/15/05; D. Chambers will modify the form and bring back to the committee; then take to APSCUF – 3/22/05; no discussion – 4/5/05; no discussion – 4/12/05; no discussion – 4/19/05; draft procedures to prepare an existing course for distance education format and draft revision of graduate distance education review form were sent to the committee via email attachment on 9/9/05; no discussion – 9/13/05; no discussion – 9/20/05; no discussion – 9/27/05; no discussion – 10/11/05; brief discussion – 10/18/05; no discussion - 11/8/05; lengthy discussion – 11/15/05; brief discussion – 11/22/05; no discussion – 11/29/05; no discussion – 1/24/06; no discussion – 2/7/06; no discussion – 2/14/06; no discussion – 2/21/06; no discussion – 3/7/06; no discussion – 31/21/06; no discussion – 4/4/06; no discussion – 4/11/06; no discussion – 4/18/06; no discussion – 4/25/06; no discussion – 8/29/06; no discussion – 9/5/06; no discussion – 9/19/06 Syllabi of record moratorium; discussion of issue began 11/23/04 with a decision that more information is needed; no discussion - 12/14/04; some discussion – 1/18/05; no discussion – 1/25/05; no discussion – 2/8/05; no discussion – 2/15/05; no discussion – 2/22/05; no discussion – 3/15/05; assigned to ad hoc committee (Lenze, Boser) – 3/22/05; no discussion – 4/5/05; no discussion – 4/12/05; no discussion – 4/19/05; ad hoc committee dissolved – 9/13/05; no discussion – 9/20/05; no discussion 9/27/05; some discussion – 10/11/05; no discussion – 10/18/05; no discussion – 11/8/05; at a meeting it was decided to set this aside until the new provost has been hired – 11/15/05; no discussion – 11/22/05; no discussion – 11/29/05; no discussion – 1/24/06; Mark Staszkiewicz and Gail Sechrist attended meeting and discussed their thoughts about this policy; there was a lengthy discussion; ran out of time and could not finish discussion – 2/7/06; no discussion – 2/14/06; no discussion – 2/21/06; no discussion – 2/21/06; no discussion – 3/7/06; no discussion – 3/21/06; no discussion – 4/4/06; no discussion – 4/11/06; no discussion – 4/18/06; no discussion – 4/25/06; no discussion – 8/29/06; no discussion – 9/5/06; no discussion – 9/19/06 INACTIVE ITEMS: Minor Course Revision, Course Renumbering Political Science Department – distributed – 9/13/05; some discussion with concerns on the clarity of the document, on a Boser/Yost motion to send back and ask proposer to update and address the dual-listing issue and resubmit, and the committee will quickly act on it – 9/20/05; no discussion – 9/27/05; no discussion – 10/11/05; no discussion – 10/18/05; some discussion – 11/8/05; no discussion 11/15/05; no discussion – 11/22/05; no discussion – 11/29/05; no discussion – 1/24/06; no discussion – 2/7/06; no discussion – 2/14/06; no discussion – 2/21/06; no discussion – 3/7/06; no discussion – 3/21/06; no discussion – 4/4/06; no discussion – 4/11/06; moved to inactive – 4/18/06; no discussion – 4/25/06; no discussion – 8/29/06; no discussion – 9/5/06; no discussion – 9/19/06 English Language Communication Proficiency Requirement for Degree Candidacy in M.B.A. and M.Ed. Programs in ECOBIT; much discussion and a report will be sent out to the proposers regarding questions the committee has – 11/8/05; report was sent to proposers on 11/15/05; no discussion – 11/22/05; no discussion – 11/29/05; no discussion – 1/24/05; no discussion – 2/7/06; no discussion – 2/14/06; no discussion – 2/21/06; no discussion – 3/7/06; no discussion – 3/21/06; no discussion – 4/4/06; no discussion – 4/11/06; moved to inactive – 4/18/06; no discussion – 4/25/06; no discussion – 8/29/06; no discussion – 9/5/06; no discussion – 9/19/06; no discussion – 9/19/06 Handbook Revisions; discussed 3/25/03; pending – Dr. Linzey 9/16/03; discussed and Drs. Ferro, Dandeneau and Williamson volunteered to assist, 9/30/03; discussed 10/14/03; discussed and subcommittee is waiting for suggestions 10/21/03; suggestions are to be sent to subcommittee; 10/28/03; only a few suggestions have been sent to the subcommittee 11/11/03; no discussion 11/18/03 or 11/25/03; Dr. Linzey has turned this over to Dr. Soni and he will oversee the change process by incorporating suggestions and sending committee members one chapter at a time for consideration 1/20/04; Dr. Soni is working on this item 2/10/04; no discussion 2/17/04, 2/24/04, 3/16/04, 3/23/04, 4/6/04, 4/13/04. Revision of 1st chapter distributed on 10/12/04; discussed 11/9/04. Chapter 4: Certificate of Recognition - discussed inadequacies of policies in place 11/11/03; no discussion 11/18/03 or 11/25/03; Drs. Linzey and Soni are working on a white paper 1/20/04; Dr Soni has a few more details to complete 2/10/04; no discussion 2/17/04; a handout of Graduate Certificate Programs was distributed 2/24/04; discussed and Dr. LaPorte sent an email to Chairs and Graduate Coordinators requesting their input concerning certificate programs-3/16/04; no discussion-3/23/04, 4/6/04, 4/13/04. Assigned to ad hoc committee 9/14/04 (Chambers, Bharadwaj, Yost, Myers); distributed 11/15/04; much discussion and some more revisions for Chapter 1 – 12/14/04; discussed and with a few minor changes on a Brown/Ferro motion (passed unanimously) Chapter 1 was APPROVED – 1/18/05; no discussion – 1/25/05; discussed the urgency to finish Chapter 4 will discuss next meeting – 2/8/05; lengthy discussion on Chapter 4 – 2/15/05; completed Chapter 4, after all revisions are made will examine at the March 15th meeting – 2/22/05; some discussion on Chapter 4, on a Bharadwaj/Ferro motion (1 opposed) this was APPROVED and will be sent to Senate – 3/15/05; no discussion – 3/22/05; no discussion – 4/5/05; no discussion – 4/12/05; no discussion – 4/19/05; chapter 3 and chapter 5 were sent to the committee via email attachment on 9/9/05; no discussion – 9/13/05; no discussion – 9/20/05; no discussion – 9/27/05; no discussion – 10/11/05; no discussion – 10/18/05; no discussion – 11/8/05; no discussion – 11/15/05; no discussion – 11/22/05; no discussion – 11/29/05; no discussion – 1/24/06; no discussion – 2/7/06; no discussion – 2/14/06; no discussion – 2/21/06; no discussion – 2/21/06; no discussion – 3/7/06; no discussion – 3/21/06; no discussion – 4/4/06; no discussion – 4/11/06; no discussion – 4/18/06; no discussion – 4/25/06; Chapter 2 revision discussed and with a few minor changes on a Zuraikat/Lenze motion (passed unanimously) was APPROVED – 8/29/06; no discussion – 9/5/06; no discussion – 9/19/06 The meeting was adjourned at 5:05 p.m.     PAGE  PAGE 5 ,68?@HIVcd“Ēķł   . / 5 B e f s x ™ ” ¶ ¼ Ä Å Š Ł Ś Ū Ż ļ ÷ ų   — Ø “ ” • – „ ŗ » Ģ å ņ ó %SśõšśģśģčäčģäģčģčÜšÕÜģäģčģŃģŹģŃäŃģŃäŃäģŹģäŃĘģśĘĀ¾Ęŗ¶ŗ²¶²®¶ģŖ¦žh©Žh©Ž\h©ŽhyFhE¼hæ+hąx¤h’Drh*‚h…k8hąlū hÅ+«5>*h¾;‚ hF-ˆhF-ˆhF-ˆhF-ˆ5hÜ%PhF-ˆhÅ+« hF-ˆ5 h'_ž5 hÅ+«5=$,?@ / 0 1 m n ° ± ł  — § Ø • – » ¼ Ś Ū õššīäääßīīīīīīÖīääīīŃīīīgd’Dr„Š`„ŠgdÜ%PgdF-ˆ „ „`ś^„ `„`ś$a$ „Š„Š^„Š`„Šś;<žžŪ ņ ó Y”䎏“”•£¤„ŻŽ–—żżõõõõõżżżżżżżżģżżżäߌÕgd©Ž & FgdQ"Ł & FgdQ"Ł„h^„hgdæ+ & F gdąx¤ST[Ž“•£¤ŻŽ˜°ń •–6Ngh÷(Z[ˆ‰Š   ‡ˆ‰ÜäģäąÜŲÜŌĻČĻÄĄ¼Ąø“Ąø“Ą“Ąø“ĄÄĄø“Äø“¬§“Ÿ§“Ÿ§“—’Ž’Ž’† hæ+5hæ+hxNž5hF-ˆ hF-ˆ5hF-ˆh©Ž5h©Žh©Ž5 h©Ž5h©Žhæ+5h©Žh/ah¾;‚hQ"ŁhÅ+« hiHhiH hÅ+«5h…k8hxNžhā^hąx¤hąx¤h©Ž\&h©Žh©Ž5CJOJQJ\^JaJ1—‘hi[\‰Š  ˆ‰0÷ņźčćŽćŁćŁćŁćŌĢĆĆ¾¾¾µ„h^„hgd4Ģgdæ+„h^„hgd¾;‚ & FgdF-ˆgdF-ˆgd©Žgd/a & F & FgdQ"ŁgdQ"Ł & Fgd©Ž0k†‚ › ³ Ģ Ņ%ė%&&°*É*į*ś*’*+’-.0.I.†0Ÿ0·0é0ź0Æ3±3ź6ó6Ž7ą7C8K8Œ;•;ž;¶;Ļ;Ń;ļ;š;ń;ņ;ó;ś;ū;ż;ž;<<<<<< <<<<<<<śõńģńčäąńčäąńčäąńõńčäąńčäąńäŪäÖäŪäÖäÖĻäąäńĖńĖąńĆæĆæĆæĆæµÆµÆ«µÆµhÜ%P hÜ%P0JjhÜ%P0JUh0L jh0L UhP{Ķ hQ"Łh/a h/a5 h/aH*h¾;‚h/ahQ"Ł hÅ+«6hÅ+« hÅ+«5 hxNž5?01Ķ Ī &&ū*ü*++J.K.ź0ė0Š;Ń;Ņ;ł;ś;ü;ż;’;<łōņźņōłŽŽŁłŁŌĢĆŽŽņņņņņ„h^„hgd/a & F gd/agd/a & F „Š„Øż¤x^„Š`„Øż & Fgd/a & F„h^„h<<<<<<<<<<<< <żżżżōīżōīżżż„h]„h„ų’„&`#$ <<<<<< <ōźäąÜŲhÅ+«h0L hÜ%P hÜ%P0JjhÜ%P0JUhIc,0JmHnHu3 0&P1h°Š/ °ą=!° "° #š$Š%°°Š°Š Š†!œ@@ń’@ NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH Z@Z Heading 1$¤š¤<@&5CJ KH OJQJ\^JaJ @@@ Heading 2$$@&a$5\DA@ņ’”D Default Paragraph FontVió’³V  Table Normal :V ö4Ö4Ö laö (kō’Į(No List H™ņH  Balloon TextCJOJQJ^JaJ4 @4 Footer  ĘąĄ!.)@¢. 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Williamson, Dawn Woodland, Wenfan Yen, Nashat ZuraikatEXCUSED: Karen Brown, James MyersDr. David LaPorte called&lt;/p&gt;Root Entry’’’’’’’’ ĄFPrĒQnpĖkĄ Data ’’’’’’’’’’’’*1Table’’’’2æHWordDocument’’’’5R  !"#$%&'()ž’’’+,-./01ž’’’3456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVž’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’]ż’’’l_`abž’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’ž’’’^ž’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’SummaryInformation(’’’’’’’’8DocumentSummaryInformation8’’’’’’’’üCompObj’’’’’’’’’’’’qBagaaqy23kudbhchAaq5u2chNd8’’’’’’’’EķtBūÉpūtBūÉä    (4<DLä Normal.dot2Microsoft Office Word@@ŗļøÓjĘ@ŽÄś4āĘ@ŽÄś4āĘĮ9,UWCG Minutes 9-19-06bvdries Mr. Bruce V. Driesbvdries Mr. Bruce V. 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