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Aikins՜.+,D՜.+,d    Minutes Title\ (0<|     LTEktContentID64EktContentLanguageEktFolderId64 EktQuickLinkEktContentTypeEktFolderName EktCmsPath EktExpiryType EktDateCreated EktDateModified EktTaxCategory EktCmsSizeEktSearchableEktEDescriptionekttaxonomyenabledEktShowEvents CONTENTS  Minutes Title(PXd p x    EktContentID64EktContentLanguageEktFolderId64E &DownloadAsset.aspx?id=17691e@']t@p]Y`6&lt;p&gt;UWUCC Minutes of February 19, 2000&lt;/p&gt; S lbjbj xxll"""" .h VVVVVVVV  $ >b VVVVV \VV" \\\VVV \V \,\ S h VJ MSan"\  8 0h \ \Minutes Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Tuesday, December 19, 2000 I Meeting called to order at 3.20 PM. Present: Cramer, Creany, Orchard, Peterson, Putrika, Sadler, Sechrist, Staskiewicz, Weiner Absent: Klingaman, Stevenson, Tannous Excused: Wibowo II Minutes from December 12, 2000 meeting approved on Sadler/Cramer motion with the following changes: Include Cramer as present during the meeting Typo: in line 5 of Chairs report, item A, change curricukum to curriculum. Correction and addendum: in chairs report, item B Special Topics, change the last sentence There was a concurrence that the UCC should approve exceptions to this rule to There was a concurrence that the UCC should recommend to the Provost that the proposals should be at the university wide level before they are approved a fourth time. Insert Dr. Susan Dalheimer after the course name The Battle for Perfection in IV.B. Insert the word Approved at the end of item IV.B. Insert the phrase Wibowo abstained at the end of item IV.E. III Chairs Report None IV. Items for Review/Possible Action: Honors College Committee Report: none Liberal Studies Committee Report: none (00-24) ECON 223 The Economics of Crime, new course. Recommendations: a) changing the language of objectives, course description; b) build time into syllabus for exams; c) does the course need to provide seats for continuing education? Passed; one objection; Wibowo abstaining. (00-38a) GEOS 121 Physical Geology, course revision. Passed on a Sadler/Stephenson motion; Putirka abstaining. (00-38e) GEOS 122 Physical Geology Lab, course revision, prerequisite change. Passed on a Stevenson/Peterson motion; Putirka abstaining. (00-38b) GEOS 123 Applied Mathematics in the Geosciences, new course. Passed on an Orchard/Weiner motion; Putirka abstaining. (00-38c) GEOS 320 Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology, course revision, number change. Prerequisites should be listed as GEOS 321 and 131, or permission of instructor and not GEOS 220 and 131 as is listed on the proposal which will be the new course number of the prerequisite whose proposal has not yet been forwarded from the college. Passed provisionally on a Weiner/ Staskiewicz motion; Putirka abstaining. (00-38d). GEOS 380 Research Methods in the Geosciences, course revision, title change. Passed on a Stevenson/ Cramer motion. Putirka abstaining. (00-11). GEOG 484 Field Studies in Geography and Social Studies, new course. Recommendations: a) What should the prefix be? b) What makes this a 400 level course? c) Amend the catalog description so that so exercises replaces the typo in line 3, replace it in line 4 with the course and replace semi-colon with colon in the same line after the word techniques; d) the grading scale on page 2 needs to be clarified; e) check to see if there is a comparative literature course listed in the catalog that would exemplify a linked course (p10. B2). Passed provisionally on a Weiner/ Staskiewicz motion. (0032, 0032 a-d) B. S. in Nursing, program revision; NURS 211 Nursing Practice I, new course; NURS 212 Professional Nursing I, new course; NURS 213 Nursing Practice II, new course; NURS 214 Health Assessment, new course; NURS 236 Foundations of Nursing, new course. Queries: in permitting an exemption from Health and Wellness for B.S. Nursing students, does the program cover the same material as the Health and Wellness course now being offered? It was recommended that the contact person for this revision should obtain a letter of support from the Health and Physical Education department. The program was provisionally approved pending this approval on a Staskiewicz/Peterson motion. (0032a) NURS 211 Nursing Practice I. Having clarified the evaluation method for this course, it was passed on a Weiner/Creany motion. V Meeting adjourned at 5.00 PM. Respectfully submitted by Christopher Orchard Secretary klCJ+FGn  uvK)*01X & F 8^8 & F h8^8^$a$lXY 1 2 : ; f g h`h^h^h & F h^~-.IJ^hijkl hh^h`h/ =!"#$%  !"#$  F'Microsoft Office Word 97-2003 Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89q ]8O8m008@H DAV:getcontentlanguageen-usOh+'0(@  i0@0 Normal_HmH sH tH <A@< Default Paragraph Fontl+FGn  uvK)*01XY12:;f g ~-.IJ^hijkn0000 0 0 0 0 0 00 00 00 00 0000 00 00 00 00 00 000 0 00000l Xl l  ]f*.#&-R Y aln Chris Orchard#C:\My Documents\Minutes(Dec 19).doc Chris Orchard8C:\windows\TEMP\AutoRecovery save of Minutes(Dec 19).asd Chris Orchard8C:\windows\TEMP\AutoRecovery save of Minutes(Dec 19).asd Chris Orchard8C:\windows\TEMP\AutoRecovery save of Minutes(Dec 19).asd Chris Orchard8C:\windows\TEMP\AutoRecovery save of Minutes(Dec 19).asdmmccarty;O:\Grad - UWUCC\UWUCC\2000-2001\December19 2000 Minutes.doc53 S* %O^ x9a“rYd  hh^h`OJQJo( hh^h`OJQJo(hh^h`o(.0^`0o(.hh^h`o(.x9arYd%O^53S*n@** h**lP@UnknownG:Times New Roman5Symbol3& :Arial"qhQQ; "20 2QMinutes Chris Orchardmmccarty