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Present: Ciganko, Cramer, Goldberg, Orchard, Peterson, Putirka, Sadler, Sechrist, Staszkiewicz, Stephenson, Tannous, Weiner Absent: Creany II Minutes from April 10 meeting approved on a Sadler/Peterson motion with the following change: In III ChairТs report item B, the phrase УRules CommitteeФ after the word УSenateТ should be deleted In III ChairТs report item C, change the phrase Уa catalogue description change rather than be submitted as a course revision proposalФ to Уa simpler change rather than as a full course revision.Ф Add the sentence УThe committee agreed to a simpler proposal.Ф III ChairТs Report A. Discussion of Dr Will RadellТs letters regarding matters pertaining to recent APSCUF Executive Committee meeting as it pertains to the curriculum committee B. Discussion of APSCUF concerns pertaining to resource issues regarding the proposed Electro-Optics program. IV Items for possible review/action Honors College Committee Report: No report Liberal Studies Committee Report: For Information: GEOS 131 Historical Geology Цdelete from non-lab science category (00-52p) PHYS 222 Mechanics I, course revision. Approved on a Goldberg/Staskiewicz motion. (00-62) COMM 103 Digital Instructional Technology, course revision/ number and title change (was COMM 301 Technology for Learning and Instruction). Numerous recommendations were made including the need to make the revision more application oriented and more education and less computer science based. Passed provisionally with the understanding that unless corrections were made by Friday, it would only be presented to the Senate as a number and title change proposal. (00-44f) NURS 469 Community Practicum, new course; (00-45) NURS 480 Seminar in Nursing, course revision; (00-46) NURS 493 Internship, course revision. Approved together on a Weiner/Ciganko motion, Sadler abstaining. (00-44) B.S. in Nursing, Registered Nurse track, new track. Approved on a Putirka/Weiner motion, Sadler abstaining. (00-55d) COSC 319 Software Engineering Concepts, course revision. Returned with the recommendation to change the old catalog description and insert exam schedule into the body of the course outline. (00-55e) COSC 341 Introduction to Database Management Systems, course revision/ title change (was COSC 441). Provisionally passed on a Peterson/Staskiewicz motion with some recommended minor changes. (00-55f) COSC 344 Productivity tools and 4GL, number change (was COSC 444). Recommending the need to include the complete catalog description in the proposal, it was provisionally approved on a Klingaman/Tannous motion. (00-55g) COSC 415 Internet Architecture and Programming, new course. Provisionally approved on a Ciganko/Cramer motion. (00-43) ELED 110 Pathways to Teaching, new course. Recommending changes in the prerequisite requirements, it was provisionally approved on a Putirka/Peterson motion. Meeting adjourned at 5.25 P. M. Respectfully submitted by Christopher Orchard Secretary ?D¤CJ;ST{ўhi╬╘╒╓щъКЛ·√ AKL···°°Єь°°°чч°°°°°°°°°°т▄°Дh^Дh & F & FД╨`Д╨Д╨^Д╨$a$D■Ln┴┬ ! · √ ╓ ╫ ╪ M N   ▀ р ╜╛78▐▀р·ЇЇЄ·Є·Є·ЄЄ·Є·Є·Є·Є·Є·ЄЄЄЄЄЄДh^Дh & F2<=>?@ABCD¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ ░╨/ ░р=!░"░#Ра$Ра%░ i0@ё 0 Normal_HmH sH tH <A@Є б< Default Paragraph FontD      ;ST{ўhi╬╘╒╓щъКЛ·√ AKLn┴┬ !·√╓╫╪MN  ▀ р ╜ ╛ 7 8 ▐ ▀ р     2 < = > ? @ A B C F Ш0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ0ААШААШ0ААШААШААШААШААШ ААШ ААШААШААШААШААШААШААШААШААШААШААШ ААШААШААШ ААШ0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ 0ААШААШ ААШ0ААШ ААШААШААШ ААШААШ ААШААШ ААШААШ ААШААШ ААШААШ ААШААШ0ААШААШААШААШААШААШААШААШААШААШААШААШААШААШ0ААD LD D ДЛ▓╣├╦═┘чю   ▓╣")з ▓ в │ ' ┼ ╠ F    Chris Orchard2C:\windows\TEMP\AutoRecovery save of Document1.asd Chris Orchard%C:\My Documents\Minutes(April 17).docmmccarty9O:\Grad - UWUCC\UWUCC\2000-2001\April 17 2001 Minutes.docЕO┼  x9a■┬У L]Ot  ДhДШ■╞h^Дh`ДШ■o(.Д╨Д0¤╞╨^Д╨`Д0¤o(.ДhДШ■╞h^Дh`ДШ■o(.x9aЕO┼L]Ot                F  @А▀ ▀ рP▀ ▀ @Д└{D Р@  Unknown            GРЗ: Times New Roman5РАSymbol3&Р З: Arial"qИЁ╨hЛЪTЖМЪTЖ╞ ┴"Ёе└┤┤А20k ▐ 2ГQЁ▀  Minutes Chris Orchardmmccarty┤╝─╠ ╘ шфk э Minutes Title$ШрАшЁ№PXd p x Д Р ЬдмEktContentID64EktContentLanguageEktFolderId64 EktQuickLinkEktContentTypeEktFolderName EktCmsPath EktExpiryType EktDateCreated EktDateModified EktTaxCategory EktCmsSizeEktSearchableEktEDescriptionekttaxonomyenabled░ -E ┘&DownloadAsset.aspx?id=17709e@А<В╧t╚@ ┼зАТ═\3&lt;p&gt;UWUCC Minutes of April 17, 2001&lt;/p&gt;Root Entry         └F`РC╖АТ═+@ 1Table            WordDocument        SummaryInformation(    ° ■   ■               ¤   , ■                                       ■   ■                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               DocumentSummaryInformation8        ╝CompObj    jObjectPool            `yp═┌╚└`yp═┌╚└Bagaaqy23kudbhchAaq5u2chNd8         kВ╧t╚├НВ╧t╚ ф Ё № фinu Normal.dotr3ccMicrosoft Word 9.0@МЖG@r\П┌╚└@╕│┌╚└╞ 4-17-01saikins Mrs. Sharon C. 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