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Present: Ciganko, Cramer, Creany, Klingaman, Orchard, Putirka, Sadler, Sechrist, Staskiewicz, Stephenson, Weiner Absent: Peterson Excused: Wibowo II Minutes from December 19, 2000 meeting approved with the following changes: Include Klingaman as present during the meeting Replace all references to Stephenson in motions with Klingaman. Indicate in item I that Sechrist abstained. In item J replace the phrase Уpending this approvalФ with Уassuming all courses passedФ In item J it should be understood that all nursing courses listed as 0032 ( i.e. a, b, bc, c and d) were passed and not just 0032a as stated in the minutes. In addition the program was passed provisionally assuming all courses passed. Sadler abstained from voting on 0032. III ChairТs Report None IV. Items for Information (0054a-c) prefix changes from BEDU to BTED, from OSYS to BTST, from ADMS to BTST. Passed on a Sadler/Staskiewicz motion. V. Items for Review/Possible Action A. Honors College Committee Report: none Liberal Studies Committee Report: none C. (00-49) Distance Education. Will be presented with the graduate curriculum committee to the Senate. Staskiewicz would check to see whether it had been approved at the latest Meet and Discuss to ensure that it could move forward. Staskiwicz would check with Nicholas Kolb and with Neil Asting to discuss the potentially ambiguous language of the section on compensation (p.2) and to see whether it was inconsistent with article 42 of the CBA. D. (0048) Minor in Geoscience; program deletion. Approved on a Sadler/Stephenson motion; Putirka abstained. (00-32g) NURS 336 Adult Health I, new course, (0032h) NURS 337 Adult Health Clinical I, new course, (0032i) NURS 338 Maternal/Child Health, new course, (0032j) NURS 339 Maternal-Child Health Clinical, new course (00-38e) . It was recommended that the catalogue should be checked to ensure a) that only necessary prerequisites be listed, b) that numbers rather than names only be listed and c) ensure that format is correct so that corequisites is not hyphenated. It was also recommended that the proposers address the language of all of the course descriptions. (0032g) passed with minor changes on a Putirka/ Klingaman motion (0032h) passed with minor changes on a Weiner/Putirka motion (0032i) passed with minor changes on a Putirka/Creany motion (0032j) passed with minor changes on a Putirka/Tannous motion Meeting adjourned at 4.40 PM. 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