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Present: Cramer, Goldberg, Klingaman, Orchard, Putirka, Sadler, Sechrist, Staskiewicz, Stephenson, Tannous, Weiner Excused: Ciganko, Creany, Peterson and Wibowo II Minutes from February 13, 2001 meeting approved on a Sadler/Tannous motion with the following change: III B ChairТs report: add the phrase Уand time has passed (10 years)Ф to the end of the sentence. IV A. Add in parenthesis Уoffered in the intercession of May 2001Ф after reference to the Mysterious Maya course and add Уwith Jen Franko and Dr. George MitchellФ after MATH 482 Independent Study. III ChairТs Report I Eberly College has received accreditation approval II Executive Committee responds to action concerning the Distance Education proposal III Information about the items to be placed on the next Senate agenda including the Nursing program and courses which will be presented as a block. IV ChairТs advice about comparing cover sheets of proposals to ensure they match the prefixes and titles included in the proposals themselves V The committee was urged to look into the special topics exemption policy so that any suggested changes can be included in the undergraduate curriculum handbook The committee will be asked to consider how to implement the state mandated six hours of credit in Math now required for education majors Banner/Cosmos change: (1) BIOL 450/550. Pymatuning: Field studies. Offered as a 4 credit course a couple of summers ago, this course is listed as 3sh variable in the catalogue. Banner will not allow registration as a 4 credit course and it was recommended that the department determines it they want this to be a 4 credit course. (2) FDED 441 Field Experience in Urban Centers. Listed as var. 6sh in the catalogue, this course has been offered as a 3 credit course for some time. It was recommended that the department write a letter recognising the catalogue description as a mistake. On a Staskiewicz/Klingaman motion, it was approved for an announcement to be made at Senate. For Information: the committee was provided with a handout of the expected bylaws changes concerning the UWUCC that would be going to Senate. IV Items for possible review/action Honors College Committee Report: none Liberal Studies Committee Report: none (00-42) BIOL 119 Emerging Diseases, new course. Returned with the recommendation that the query over class size (C6) should be resolved. V. Meeting adjourned at 4.50 PM. Faithfully submitted Christopher Orchard ¤CJ+FGnсz{▌вг╢╖ьA╓d  Т У ; < ···°°Єь°°°чч°°°т▄▄▄▄▄т°т°Дh^Дh & F & FД╨`Д╨Д╨^Д╨$a$■< ╦ ╠ Ё ё  > ╚ ╔ ы ь ·°°°єєє°°°°°°° & F & F░╨/ ░р=!░Т"░▐#Р▐$Р▐%░■   ■    ■    !"#$%■                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           ■       └F'Microsoft Office Word 97-2003 Document MSWordDocWord.Document.8Ї9▓q■  ц]╤О8└O╣8m0ША08А@HД░ DAV:getcontentlanguageen-us■ рЕЯЄ∙OhлС+'│┘0▄Р<ШTд░Ш ─╨ i0@ё 0 Normal_HmH sH tH <A@Є б< Default Paragraph Font     +FGnсz{▌вг╢╖ьA╓dТУ;<╦╠Ёё > ╚ ╔ ы ь     Ш0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ0ААШААШААШААШААШААШААШ ААШ ААШААШААШААШ 0ААШААШААШААШААШААШ ААШААШ ААШААШ ААШААШААШААШ ААШ ААШ ААШ0ААШААШААШААШААШААШ0АА<   ЙТЭдо╢╕├╤╪ъёє∙OV`f╣┐╗┼й┤тў    Chris Orchard2C:\windows\TEMP\AutoRecovery save of Document1.asd Chris Orchard#C:\My Documents\Minutes(Feb 20).doc Chris Orchard#C:\My Documents\Minutes(Feb 20).docmmccarty<O:\Grad - UWUCC\UWUCC\2000-2001\February 20 2001 Minutes.docЕO┼  dл(  x9a■┬У ДhДШ■╞h^Дh`ДШ■o(.ДhДШ■╞h^Дh`ДШ■o(.Д╨Д0¤╞╨^Д╨`Д0¤o(.x9aЕO┼dл(                  @А╛╛Ь└╗╛╖ P@  Unknown            GРЗ: Times New Roman5РАSymbol3&Р З: Arial"qИЁ╨h┼BSЖ┼BSЖ─BSЖuR┴"Ёе└┤┤А207 ь2ГЁ▀  Minutes Chris Orchardmmccarty