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Present: Cramer, Creany, Goldberg, Klingaman, Orchard, Peterson, Putirka, Sechrist, Staskiewicz, Stephenson, Weiner Absent: Ciganko Excused: Peterson, Sadler, Wibowo II Minutes from February 20, 2000 meeting approved on a Weiner/Klingaman motion with the following changes: In III ChairТs report, the following changes should be made: a) III A.IV. Delete the phrase Уprefixes and titles included in theФ; b) III A.V. the phrase Уbecause it was on the February 27th Senate AgendaФ should replace the phrase У so that any suggested changes can be included in the undergraduate curriculum handbook.Ф; c) B. Replace УcommitteeФ with Уappropriate departments involved.Ф; d) III.C After У4 credit courseФ add УThe Graduate school researched this course and found that the original proposal was for 3 credits.Ф; e) III D. Replace СwouldТ with Сwill.Т III ChairТs Report Docket information. The Chair has written to several proposers asking whether they would like to resubmit their proposal this semester or have the proposal withdrawn from the docket. The Chair had received some responses requesting withdrawal. Discussion about elections for this committee were ongoing among the Senate Rules Committee. A preliminary opinion suggested that non-senators on the committee would not continue to serve on the committee. Therefore the Chair recommended committee members to run for at-large seats. This committee could now officially refer to itself as the University Wide Undergraduate Curriculum Committee. For Information: Credit for Service Committee report. Discussion followed. Query about how to create a generic special topics course that could be offered in different departments with the College of Health and Human Services. Discussion followed. The state mandated change of social sciences to citizenship. Was it required to change the name of the degree to match the certification? IV Items for possible review/action Honors College Committee Report: For Information: The Honors College Committee passed the following courses for /H/ credit: THTR 481: Righteous Lunatics, Holy Fools, Malcolm Bowes LBST 499: Poetry and Song, James Dearing LBST 499: New Orleans: Perspectives on a Multicultural City, Lorraine Wilson Accepted Liberal Studies Committee Report: For Information: Dr Stephanie Taylor-Davis approved to teach LBST 499 Food and Culture as a one-time substitute for Dr. Mia Barker Accepted For action: GEOG 261 geography of Wine -approved for Liberal Studies Elective category pending UWUCC approval as a new course MATH 115 Applied Mathematics for Business -approved for Learning Skills Math category pending UWUCC approval as a new course BIOL 119 Emerging Diseases approved for the non-lab science category pending UWUCC approval SAFE 145 Workplace Safety Today and Tomorrow approved for the Liberal Studies Elective category pending UWUCC approval as a new course. Approved on a Weiner/Staskiewicz motion (00-36) GEOG 261 Geography of Wine, new course. Provisionally approved on a Putirka/Tannous motion, Sechrist abstaining. Recommended changes: a) prerequisite should include Уor permission of the instructor.Ф; b) last sentence of the course description should reflect the voluntary nature of the wine tasting, bringing it in line with the language used in a HRIM catalogue description.; c) in the evaluation methods, the word СtastingТ should be included after Сconsumption.Т; d) the attendance policy should be removed. (00-40b) MATH 115 Applied Mathematics for Business, new course. Passed on a Staskiewicz/Creany motion. (00-42) BIOL 119 Emerging Diseases, new course. Passed on a Tannous/ Stephenson motion. (00-47b) Historical Geology, course revision/ course description change and (00-47c) Historical Geology Lab, course revision/ course description change. Passed on a Klingaman/Cramer motion. (00-52s) SAFE 145 Workplace Safety Today and Tomorrow, new course. Passed on a Putirka/Weiner motion. Meeting adjourned at 4.45 PM. Respectfully submitted by Christopher Orchard Secretary <>9:¤∙¤CJH*CJ+CDk▀яА║╗╬╧─р O Ъ G ╤ ╥ Ў ў  ···°°ЄЄь°°°ч°°°чччччч°°°т & F & FД╨`Д╨Д╨^Д╨$a$:■ ) s м ╒ " # , - . 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