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Excused: Peterson, Sadler, Stephenson, Weiner, Wibowo Absent: Klingaman II Minutes from March 13 meeting approved on a Cramer/Tannous motion with the following change: Committee name should now reflect its correct title as the University Wide Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Ciganko should be listed as excused In The ChairТs Report, change III.D УcouldФ to Уcan.Ф Capitalize the СgТ in Geography in IV.B. In IV.C. include the number 402 after HRIM. In IV.F indicate that Putirka abstained III ChairТs Report The Chair reported on the status of current proposals on the docket as folows: the delay with proposal #12 (program revision and courses) was occasioned by a change in the person responsible for the proposal; proposal #9 (FIN 360) will be moving ahead: proposal #55a is misnumbered on the docket as COSC 210 and should be numbered as COSC 215. The Chair also referred to new proposals that had been received. IV Items for possible review/action Honors College Committee Report: For Information: The following courses were approved for Honors College credit: MUHI 301 Music History I MUHI 302 Music History II PLSC 111 American Politics Liberal Studies Committee Report: For Information: Approved LBST 499 globalization, Dr. Lloyd Stires. Both A and B were approved on a Putirka/Staskiewicz motion For Information: Distance Education (00-49) FDED 102 (00-31) American Education Theory and Practice, course revision number/catalog description change, course prerequisite change (was FE 202) Returned with the following recommendations: 1. Rewrite the course description; 2. Add УЕan understanding ofЕФ after the word СdemonstrateТ in paragraph #2 of the subsection УRelationship of course to COE-ET Knowledge BaseФ to better reflect the competence expected for a freshman course; reconsider learning outcomes #8 and #3. (00-40a) Minor in Applied Statistics, program revision. Approved on a Putirka/Creany motion (00-47a) GEOS 220 mineralogy, course revision, number change (was 321). Approved on a Tannous/Cramer motion, Putirka abstaining Meeting adjourned at 4.20 PM. Respectfully submitted by Christopher Orchard Secretary QJ N ·ўCJ 5БCJ\Б;RSz╫  БВЁJsЯ╟╚█▄uvЪЫ╝¤°°ЎЎЁъъЎЎЎххххххЎЎЎрЎЎЎ█ & F & F & FД╨`Д╨Д╨^Д╨$a$N ■╝═ % ? 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