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Aikins՜.+,D՜.+,d    Minutes Title` (0<|     PXEktContentID64EktContentLanguageEktFolderId6CONTENTS  Minutes Title,PXd p x   $EktContentID64EktContentLanguageEktFolderId644 EktQuickLinkEktContentTypeEktFolderName EktCmsPath EktExpiryType EktDateCreated EktDateModified EktTaxCategory EktCmsSizeEktSearchableEktEDescriptionekttaxonomyenabledEktShowEvents  E &DownloadAsset.aspx?id=17673e@ߤ1t@h7&lt;p&gt;UWUCC Minutes of September 19, 2000&lt;/p&gt; S bjbj xxl HHHHHHHH%''''''$\ |vKHHHHHK HH`   H:HH% H%   IH< Ky#j v04 Minutes University-Wide Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Tuesday, September 19, 2000 Called to order: 3:16 PM Present: Blackledge, Cramer, Creany, Klingaman, Orchard, Peterson, Putirka, Sadler, Sechrist, Staszkiewicz, Tannous, Weiner, Wibowo Absent: Excused: Stephenson Minutes from September 5, 2000 meeting approved by Weiner/Tannous motion with the following corrections: III,D,1: change meeting to semester III,D, 2: 11 assigned to SC1, shift 15 to unassigned IV,A: deferred to next meeting Chairs report: Introduction of Laura Kramer as student member of committee. Request from Dawn Woodland (Tech. Support & Trng.) to change department prefixes on courses (OSYS to BTST and BEDU to BTED). Decided that one memo be submitted to UWUCC requesting change and listing all courses in program from present listing to requested listing. After approval, list would be submitted to Senate for information only. Update on Docket 99 Screening committee assignments removed Assignment of docket items to SC. 15 to SC 1 26 to SC 2 Curriculum Handbook: Again pursued expected approval process for updating this handbook. For information only to Senate for format changes. Still unclear what to do if any substantive changes involved. Shared compromise draft on Curriculum in bylaw changes for APSCUF and Senate submitted by Nowell to APSCUF Executive Committee: Questions explored including selection and involvement of proposed APSCUF appointed co-chair to curriculum committees. Question also of what will happen to present constitution of committees as not all present members are also members of Senate. Sociology program approved by Senate had footnotes eliminated from Senate report. Sechrist will re-submit to Senate to make sure footnotes are also approved. Screening committees organization: Screening Committee 1: Staszkiewicz, Weiner, Creany, Tannous, Peterson Screening Committee 2: Putirka, Stephenson, Klingaman, Screening Committee 3: Sadler, Orchard, Wibowo, Cramer Items for Review/Possible Action: Honors College Committee Report: For information- HC 281 Philosophical Issues in Current Events to be taught in spring, 2001, by Sherrill Begres Liberal Studies Committee Report: For information NURS 312 Professional Nursing II approved for Type II Department writing designation NURS 316 Research Utilization in Nursing approved for Type II Department writing designation Dr. Satoshi Kanazawa approved to teach LS 499 Biology and Society for Fall 2000 (00-13) ECON 239 Economics of Sports, new course 1. Addressed concerns of SC (Weiner). 2. Needs to make catalog format change in Catalog Description for credit hours, etc. 3. Question of possible exclusion of Continuing Education in B4? 4. Question of upper level (A1)status of course at 200 level? 5. Conditional approval passed on Peterson/Putirka. (00-14) BIOL 117 Understanding HIV Biology and AIDS, new course 1. Addressed concerns for 100 level course by adjusting syllabus 2. Made other corrections requested by SC (Sechrist) 3. Questions on wording of catalog description and objectives and ability to demonstrate effectiveness of objectives. Particular concerns shared on wording of objectives 1, 6 & 7. Suggested: An introduction to the AIDS virus in which the mode of infection, transmission, and prevention will be used as an illustration of biological principles. The course will profile biological indicators for HIV disease and its progression to AIDS. Therapeutic and non-therapeutic approaches to treat HIV infections will be emphasized. 4. C6: Needs to finish sentence: Class size will be limited by ? 5. Motion by Klingaman/Sadler to approve proposal passed with abstention by Peterson with provisions to change catalog description and finish sentence in C6. (00-16) MKTG 438 Relationship Marketing, new course 1.Addressed earlier concerns with SC (Weiner). 2. Add including final exam in III, H. 3. Staszkiewicz/Klingaman motion to approve passed. Meeting adjourned at 4:49 PM. Respectfully submitted by: Barb Blackledge Wqx!>*65 ;WXq~ HS  & F & F & F & F & F^ & F$a$S  ] h e[" h^h`8^8 & F & F & F & F^ & F & F & F"#L & F & F h88^8 h^h` & F8^8 / =!"#$%  !"#$  F'Microsoft Office Word 97-2003 Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89q ]8O8m008@H DAV:getcontentlanguageen-usOh+'0(@  i<@< NormalCJOJQJ_HmH sH tH <A@< Default Paragraph Font<C@< Body Text Indent 8^8;WXq~ HS] h  e  [ "#L 0                     0 0     0     S "  tx6<y   3333333km  Theater Department, IUP A:\September 19 2000 Minutes.docTheater Department, IUPBC:\windows\TEMP\AutoRecovery save of September 19 2000 Minutes.asdTheater Department, IUP A:\September 19 2000 Minutes.docTheater Department, IUP A:\September 19 2000 Minutes.docTheater Department, IUP A:\September 19 2000 Minutes.docTheater Department, IUP A:\September 19 2000 Minutes.docTheater Department, IUP A:\September 19 2000 Minutes.docTechnology Office A:\September 19 2000 Minutes.docTechnology Office3C:\My Documents\UWUCC\September 19 2000 Minutes.docmmccarty=O:\Grad - UWUCC\UWUCC\2000-2001\September 19 2000 Minutes.doc7_Nԉ[P^pk!n'BXm TP5T8cȠJo"@CTj|>^`o(.  ^ `o(. 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