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Aikins՜.+,D՜.+,l(  "  G For the Sept Title\ (0<|     LTEktContentID64l(  "  G For the Sept Title(PXd p x    EktContentID64EktCEktContentLanguageEktFolderId64 EktQuickLinkEktContentTypeEktFolderName EktCmsPath EktExpiryType EktDateCreated EktDateModified EktTaxCategory EktCmsSizeEktSearchableEktEDescriptionekttaxonomyenabledEktShowEvents D &DownloadAsset.aspx?id=17437e@ޟt@V"6&lt;p&gt;UWUCC Minutes of February 22, 2005&lt;/p&gt; {` bjbjFF 70,,, , , , , , , @ 4@ ,X3332444444$ߍhGbX, W33WWX, , XmWR, , X2W2~|8, , .T <(*:X40Z.., 3L6,v333XX 333WWWW@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ , , , , , ,  Minutes University Wide Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Tuesday, February 22, 2005 16A Leonard Hall I. Call to Order: 3:20 PM Present: Barnacle, Carranza, Coccarelli, Craig, Flickinger, Hannibal, Martin, Matsubara, Numan, Peterson, Sadler, Scandrett, Sechrist, Soule, Staszkiewicz Excused: Orife, Wibowo Approval of Minutes: On a Scandrett/Hannibal motion, the minutes of February 15, 2005 were approved with the correction that Orife was excused not absent. III. Co-Chairs Report Sechrist noted that in the Deaf Studies Minor proposal she found a statement about GPA and enrollment requirements for the minor. These were not in the catalog description, but she added them to the catalog description since that is the only way such items can be enforced. It was also reported that a letter of support was received from the English Department for LRNC 110, which is on next weeks Senate agenda. Sechrist reported that the elections will soon be held for seats on the University Senate and that several current UWUCC members terms will be expiring and urged those who desire to continue, to please run for re-election. IV. Honors College Committee Report: None V. Liberal Studies Committee Report: None 04-43 FIN 324 Principles of Investments, distance education (R. Boldin) Sechrist reported that she had spoken with Dr. Boldin regarding the syllabus of record issue and making sure the objectives matched. There were still some concerns expressed by the UWUCC including: how is the interaction between faculty/student and between student/student addressed? How does the proposal actually utilize distance education beyond the reading of material, assignment of homework and the taking of tests. It appears that the course is largely a self-paced programmed learning approach. What are the rich set of materials referred to in the proposal? There was no actual module/lesson. Finally, the pre-requisites are different than those in the catalog. The proposal was returned for further revision. 04-55 FIN 320 Corporate Finance (R. Boldin) There is a disagreement between the pre-requisites in the catalog and those in the proposal. It was noted that the syllabus from Dr. Chaudhry did not have the same objectives as the syllabus of record. Then all of the other concerns from the previous course were also raised since there was no module or narrative about interaction. The proposal is being returned for revision. VIII. 04-54 MATH 115 Applied Mathematics for Business, distance education (Adkins) There is a disagreement between the pre-requisites in the catalog and those in the proposal. It was not clear to the UWUCC how the proposal compares to the current syllabus of record. Conditional approval was granted on a Barnacle/ Matsubara motion pending verification by Sechrist that the online course objectives are the same as those from the syllabus of record. VIII. 04-47a GEOG 418 Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for Crime Mapping and Social Scientific Analysis, new course 04-47b GEOG 419 GIS for Environmental Applications, new course The proposals were submitted in the format expected for graduate courses rather than for undergraduate courses. Most of the important information is present, however. The UWUCC recommends that the proposor use generic grading practice and course attendance language. There were two item 4s in the objectives and it is not necessary to list the 500-level section of the course. Additionally, 47b has too many hours it appears that one of the final two entries is a typographical error. The proposor will be asked to submit a revised proposal utilizing the UWUCC format, but the courses were granted tentative approval on a Hannibal/Martin motion. Sechrist abstained. Sechrist led a discussion regarding the definition of syllabus of record and shared the language in the current UWUCC handbook. It appears that there was general agreement that there is a difference between the curriculum information needed for any given course to be approved as a new course or revised and what the syllabus of a faculty member should contain. For example, the UWUCC is in agreement that Course title, course description, course objectives, and course content outline should be the same for all sections of a course. The emphasis placed on various items, the grading methodology, the instructional format, the attendance policy and other features of the course are more instructor-specific. It was suggested that we might want to use a different name for this shorter version of the syllabus of record. The idea of a period of amnesty in which each department could submit the required information for each of its courses came up and will be discussed further at the March 15 meeting. XII. Adjourned at 4:25 PM Respectfully submitted, Mark J. 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