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Aikins՜.+,D՜.+,l(  C G For the Sept Title\ (0<|     LTEktContentID64l(  C G For the Sept Title(PXd p x    EktContentID64EktCEktContentLanguageEktFolderId64 EktQuickLinkEktContentTypeEktFolderName EktCmsPath EktExpiryType EktDateCreated EktDateModified EktTaxCategory EktCmsSizeEktSearchableEktEDescriptionekttaxonomyenabledEktShowEvents -D &DownloadAsset.aspx?id=17453e@7ȹt@Ä!6&lt;p&gt;UWUCC Minutes of November 16, 2004&lt;/p&gt; {` IbjbjFF 7(,,I , , , , , , , @ $ $@ sg,<<<<kkkfffffff$hhkbg, kkg, , <-g!!!., <, f!f!!\ , , b<T0 yL.^<fCg0sg^ik3ikxbbnik, "dk0"!kkkgg kkksg@ @ @ $d@ @ @ d@ @ @ , , , , , ,  Minutes University Wide Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Tuesday, November 16, 2004 16A Leonard Hall I. Call to Order: 3:15 PM Present: Carranza, Craig, Hannibal, Hoffsommer, Martin, Matsubara, Peterson, Scandrett, Sechrist, Soule, Staszkiewicz Excused: Sadler, Numan, Wibowo Absent: Orife Approval of Minutes: The minutes of November 9, 2004 were approved as presented on a Martin/Hoffsommer motion. III. Co-Chairs Report Sechrist assigned some new proposals to screening committees. Sechrist reported on the Chemistry minor that she pulled from the Senate agenda because there were also some additional revisions/corrections to be submitted that were in the appendix of the proposal. IV. Honors College Committee Report No Report V. Liberal Studies Committee Report No report VI. 04-18 IFMG 101 Microbased Computer Literacy, Distance Education The following issues were raised regarding this proposal: (1) There are only 41 hours listed; (2) Exams are not included in the course outline and no culminating activity is provided; (3) There are some minor discrepancies in the documentation (e.g., in one place it identifies 9 hours on EXCEL and in another, it identifies 6 hours); (4) It is not clear if this proposal is ONLY for IFMG 101 or also for the other two cross-listed sections of this course. The proposer needs to either obtain signature from the other departments or clarify that it is only for his department. In either case, the other departments need to be aware of this proposal; (5) The need for students to have access to Microsoft Office Suite should be in a more prominent place; (6) Reference to class attendance should be removed. The proposal will be returned to the proposer prior to action by the UWUCC. 04-24 JRNL 455 High School Journalism, Distance Education Provisional approval was granted based on correcting the following: (1) Correcting the catalog description to match the catalog and the course number on the first page, (2) Missing culminating activity (2 hr); (3) need to realign hours to match either the lettered parts or the numbered assignment parts of the outline; (4) fix assigned points under Evaluation Methods (points for #8 are missing); (5) Roman Numerals are off--they go from VI to IX. VIII. 04-25 PLSC 250 Public Policy, Distance Education Approved on a Hannibal/Hoffsommer motion MGMT402 Seminar in Human Resource Management Returned for further revision based on following concerns: (1) How are the learning objectives being achieved online delivery compared to the in-class delivery which seems to be what the outline actually describes? (2) What are the types and level of interaction between the instructor and student? (3) We need to see a better example of a module--rather thansimply a PowerPoint outline provided by the textbook--or a description of the online delivery methods MGMT454 International Competitiveness Returned for further development. We need to see a real module and/or a description of the online delivery methods. XI. A discussion ensued regarding the role of UWUCC in interpreting the Distance Ed proposals, the acceptable level of quality or types of information needed to judge a proposal, and the need to communicate these requirements to proposers. XII. Adjourned at 5:25 PM Respectfully submitted, Mark J. Staszkiewicz Carmy Carranza CDOPUXYhq~     ! 1 W g v ݥ䥬䅳~ hnhv'h hnhd hnh ` hnhz8 hnh@? hnh? hnhTQ hnhm+ hnh1 hnh\"z hnh5H hnhT hnhP hnhNx hnhZ hnh hnh hnhg1;Vgh  ! 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