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Aikins՜.+,D՜.+,l(  7q For the Sept TitleX (0<|     HPEktContentID64l(  7q For the Sept Title$PXd p x   EktContentID64EktCEktContentLanguageEktFolderId64 EktQuickLinkEktContentTypeEktFolderName EktCmsPath EktExpiryType EktDateCreated EktDateModified EktTaxCategory EktCmsSizeEktSearchableEktEDescriptionekttaxonomyenabledEktShowEvents D &DownloadAsset.aspx?id=17429e@_=t@/.#3&lt;p&gt;UWUCC Minutes of April 12, 2005&lt;/p&gt; ` &bjbjss 7F, , , , , , , @ <@<@ ~hR~T~T~T~T~T~T~$;hbx~, XXXx~, , ~!!!XF, , R~!XR~!!fpp, , wT| pU$.6"~rD~L~0~rXDww, xIh!TSx~x~!~XXXX@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ , , , , , ,  Minutes University Wide Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Tuesday, April 12, 2005 16A Leonard Hall I. Call to Order: 3:20 PM Present: Barnacle, Carranza, Coccarelli, Craig, Flickinger, Martin, Matsubara, Numan, Peterson, Scandrett, Sechrist, Soule, Staszkiewicz Excused: Hannibal, Orife, Sadler, Wibowo Approval of Minutes: On a Craig/Martin motion, the minutes of March 22, 2005 were approved with two minor editorial corrections. III. Co-Chairs Report Sechrist updated the UWUCC on the actions APSCUF Representative Council took regarding the proposed Distance Education form and procedures developed by the UWUCC. The Representative Council endorsed both documents. The next step is to take this to the Meet and Discuss meeting scheduled next week. The Graduate Committee likes the work the UWUCC did but needs more time to decide if it needs any revisions specific to graduate education. IV. Honors College Committee Report: No report V. Liberal Studies Committee Report: For Information: LBST 499 Goddesses, Artists, and Women Warriors: Asian American & Asian Diasporic Womens Literature was approved. 04-60 WMST 400 Feminist Theory, new course Peterson reported that screening committee recommended changes had been made. The proposal was approved on a Peterson/Martin motion. Craig abstained. VII. 04-67 BS in EducationSocial Science Education/ Anthropology Concentration, program revision Sechrist reported that she checked with the registrar, Dean Butzow and the provost. Both Butzow and Staszkiewicz agreed that it is alright for the program name (Social Science Education) to differ from the certification area in Pennsylvania (Social Studies). The UWUCC identified some minor editorial corrections. Proposal was approved on a Scandrett/Soule motion. VIII. 04-71 HPED 426 Health Science Instruction (course revision dual list with grad) The catalog description needs to have the credit summary added; a few minor editorial corrections were identified. The proposal passed on a Craig/ Matsubara motion. IX. 04-73a Asian Studies minor, program revision 04-73b ASIA 200 Introduction to Asian Studies, new course No problems were identified in the program revision. A question was raised as to whether the course, ASIA 200, had been submitted to Liberal Studies. It was decided that the course could be approved by the UWUCC and if the Liberal Studies committee has not yet acted upon the proposal as a Nonwestern course then that if it does so in the future, that can be handled independently from the course approval. Both the course and the minor revision were approved on a Carranza/Coccarelli. Matsubara abstained. 04-74 FIN 310 Fundamentals of Finance, distance education A minor editorial concern was raised with regard to the objectives. The proposal was approved on a Scandrett/Martin motion. XI. 04-75a Dance Minor, catalog description change, program revision 04-75b DANC 250 Beginning Modern Dance, title/catalog description change (was Contemporary Dance) 04-75c DANC 259 Beginning Jazz Dance, title/catalog description change (was Jazz Dance) 04-75d DANC 270 Beginning Ballroom & Tap Dance, title/catalog description change (was Ballroom & Tap Dance) 04-75e DANC 280 Beginning Ballet, title/catalog description change (was Ballet) 04-75f DANC 351 Choreography, prerequisite/catalog description change 04-75g DANC 353 Dance Curriculum and Instruction, prerequisite/catalog description change 04-75h DANC 355 Dance Production: Administration to Creation, new course Some minor editorial changes were identified in the side-by-side comparisons in the proposal, 04-75a. A spelling error in the word administration on the cover sheet for 04-75h needs to be corrected and the culminating activity needs to be added to that syllabus. 04-75 b through g were approved on a Coccarelli/Peterson motion. 04-75h was approved on a Carranza/Numan motion. 04-75a was approved on a Martin/ Flickinger motion. XII. 04-76 MUHI 101 Introduction to Music distance education The UWUCC commended the author for a well-written proposal. Sechrist will ask the author if it would be possible to include this as an example in the next edition of the UWUCC handbook. The proposal was approved on a Craig/Soule motion. Scandrett abstained. 04-77 CRIM 344 Terrorism, distance education This was another well-written proposal that should be considered for inclusion in the next handbook. The proposal was approved on a Scandrett/Staszkiewicz motion. Martin abstained. . 04-78d MUHI 124 Concert Band, new course No problems were identified. The proposal passed on a Martin/Carranza motion. Scandrett abstained. 04-80 HPED 209 Motor Behavior, new course No problems were identified. Proposal was approved on a Numan/Soule motion. 04-64a MGMT 400 Compensation Management (course revision dual list with grad) There is a specific attendance policy identified and the UWUCC is not sure if the department intends for the course to carry the policy, regardless of instructor, or if the generic attendance policy is what they prefer. Page 2 of the proposal shows project presentation + tests to have 3 + 3 hours. This probably should be 2 + 3 as in some of the other 04-64 proposals. Department needs to correct the total hours of the course. The course description does not match the catalog. Provisional approval was granted on a Martin/Scandrett motion. XVII. 04-64b MGMT 401 Management Development and Training (course revision dual list with grad) It appears that 310 is being dropped as a prerequisite. Is this intended? There is no culminating activity. It appears that the tests are scheduled for three hours. Is this intended? Provisional approval was granted on a Coccarelli/Peterson motion. XVIII. 04-64c MGMT 403 Small Business Planning (course revision dual list with grad) The computer literacy prerequisite should be listed as in the catalog. The course objectives need to be student-centered and measurable. Provisional approval was given on a Scandrett/Soule motion. XIX. 04-64g MGMT 437 Supply Chain Management, (course revision dual list with grad and course title and catalog description change) The attendance policy needs to be reviewed to see if the generic policy is what the department intended. How will student participation be measured? It would help to spell this out in more detail. Provisional approval granted on a Martin/Barnacle motion. XX. 04-64h MGMT 452 Comparative Management (course revision, dual list with grad) 04-64i MGMT 454 International Competitiveness (course revision dual list with grad) In both proposals, prerequisites differ from the catalog. Course objectives need to be student-centered and measurable. It needs to be confirmed that the department wants a specific attendance policy rather than the generic policy. How will student participation be measured? It would help to spell this out in more detail. Both proposals were approved provisionally on a Staszkiewicz/Soule motion. 04-65a MKTG 439 Internet Marketing (course revision dual list with grad) Objectives need to be student-centered and measurable. The total number of class hours is two hours short. Minor edits are needed to the catalog description. There is no mention of an attendance policy. The grade assignment appears to have graduate and undergraduate mixed up. The credit summary for the catalog description needs to be corrected (Cr and not Sh). The proposal is being returned to the department for corrections. 04-65b MKTG 434 Marketing Logistics (course revision dual list with grad) The attendance policy needs to be clarified. Approved on a Peterson/Scandrett motion. Adjourned at 5:05 PM Respectfully submitted, Mark J. 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