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Aikins՜.+,D՜.+,l(    G For the Sept TitleX (0<|     HPEktContentID64l(    G For the Sept Title$PXd p x   EktContentID64EktCEktContentLanguageEktFolderId64 EktQuickLinkEktContentTypeEktFolderName EktCmsPath EktExpiryType EktDateCreated EktDateModified EktTaxCategory EktCmsSizeEktSearchableEktEDescriptionekttaxonomyenabledEktShowEvents sD &DownloadAsset.aspx?id=17523e@Mt@q1#4&lt;p&gt;UWUCC Minutes of August 31, 2004&lt;/p&gt; {` bjbjFF 7,,,, , , , , , , @ $@ WC,d???BBBBBBB$DhFbB, ??B, , dC., , dBBL=0, , @T W]|>$B<'C0WC>MGvMGH@@*MG, @?l???BBs???WC@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ , , , , , ,   Minutes University Wide Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Tuesday, August 31, 2004 16A Leonard Hall Call to Order: 3:25 PM Present: Carranza, Craig, Hannibal, Hoffsommer, Martin, Matsubara, Numan, Orife, Peterson, Sadler, Scandrett, Sechrist, Soule, Staszkiewicz Excused: Wibowo Introductions: The returning members welcomed Dr. Chauna Craig (English) and Dr. Mary Ann Hannibal (Professional Studies in Education) Election of co-chair and secretary: Muhammad Numan was elected co-chairperson and Mark Staszkiewicz was elected secretary. Gail Sechrist announced that she will continue to serve as the APSCUF-appointed co-chairperson. Approval of Minutes: Minutes from April 20, 2004 were approved with the following editorial changes - Item I, change Hayworth to Johnson. At the end of the NURS 316 line remove Nurse in prereq line. Item VI (page 2) change torereq to prereq and change preq to prereq. Co-Chairs Report Sechrist announced that for the Biology BA and BS proposals approved by Senate last year, there is a change in where PHYS 111 is to be located in the program. It is being shifted from the Liberal Studies area to the Other Requirements area. This will result in changes in credits by area and will be resubmitted to the Senate as a program change upon approval by the Liberal Studies Committee on an Orife/Hannibal motion with Peterson abstaining. Sechrist and Staszkiewicz gave an update on the Nanotechnology program. APSCUF has raised some concerns so the program will not be submitted to the Trustees at their September meeting. It is hoped that the program can be submitted to the Trustees at their December meeting. Now that Criminology has been moved to the College of Health and Human Services, the Department intends to remove the Foreign Language requirement from their program since it was a College of Humanities and Social Sciences requirement. Concern was raised because Criminology students have already been informed that the requirement no longer exists even though the change still has to be approved by the College Curriculum Committee, UWUCC, Senate action, Presidential approval, and Council of Trustees. VI. Honors College Committee Report: No report VII. Liberal Studies report: For Information: Type I "Professor Commitment" writing approval for Dr. Betsy Crane, Sociology (4/22/04) For Action: Approved the Liberal Studies portion of the Bachelor of Science in Nursing. Licensed Practical Nurse Track. The UWUCC approved this action on a Peterson/Staszkiewicz motion. Sadler abstained. VIII. 03-30 BS in EducationElementary Education/Urban Track Sechrist reported that the registrars office had two concerns with the Elementary Education Urban Track that passed Senate at the April meeting. 1) Was the change a new Track or new Program? Apparently part of this confusion resulted from the fact that the word Education\ was missing in the title when it went to the Senate (this was corrected on the Senate floor). 2) Did the department want to allow students in this track to also be able to take any of the department approved concentrations? The department decided to add a footnote that provides students the opportunity to take the Reading +/or Mathematics concentrations with the warning that would take more than 120 credits. The revised program with the addition of footnote 4 was approved on a Matsubara/Hoffsommer motion. Hannibal abstained. This will be resubmitted to the Senate as a program change. IX. 04-12 HPED 143 Health and Wellness, distance education The objectives for the distance education course do not match with the approved course objectives. Questions were raised regarding how the physical activity objective will be met online. There were also questions raised about where the funding to teach the course was coming from. The co chair will communicate the committees concerns to the proposers. The proposal was tabled pending further information. X. 04-14 MKTG 320 Principles of Marketing, distance education (instructors: Batra, Bebko, Garg, Krishnan, LaRosa, Sciulli, Sharma, Taiani) It was not immediately clear why the department wanted to add so many faculty as instructors. Regardless, there was no documentation about their expertise in teaching distance education and there were questions concerning the collective bargaining agreement issues of compensation. Sechrist will solicit input from APSCUF and from Associate Provost Kolb. The proposal was tabled pending further information. XI. Adjourned at 4:40 PM Respectfully submitted, Mark J. 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