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Aikins՜.+,D՜.+,l(   G For the Sept Title (0<|     EktContentID64EktContentLanguageEktFolderId64 EktQuickLinkEktContentTypeEktFolderName EktCmsPath EktExpiryType EktDateCreated EktDateModified EktTaxCategory EktCmsSizeEktSearchableEktEDescriptionekttaxonoml(   G For the Sept Title`PXd p x   XEktContentID64EktCyenabledEktShowEvents 5D &DownloadAsset.aspx?id=17461e@ֹt@2/#R&lt;p&gt;UWUCC Minutes of September 28, 2004&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;&#160;&lt;/p&gt; {` bjbjFF 7,,, , , , , , , @ ((((<@ 5H,\\\\GGGGGGG$aIhKbG, LLLG, , \GL^, \, GLGNAl, , NE\TP 5qC(B*GH05HBj+LB+LTNENE*+L, xE<Z@%4YGG5HLLLL@ @ @ D@ @ @ @ @ @ , , , , , ,  Minutes University Wide Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Tuesday, September 28, 2004 16A Leonard Hall I. Call to Order: 3:15 PM Present: Craig, Hoffsommer, Martin, Matsubara, Numan, Peterson, Sechrist, Soule, Staszkiewicz Excused: Carranza, Hannibal, Sadler, Scandrett, Wibowo Absent: Orife II. Co-Chairs Report Sechrist reported that she has prepared the UWUCC materials for the next Senate meeting there are proposals being submitted from four departments. Sechrist reported that there has been some confusion in the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics related to the number of clock hours associated with courses. They had been using 42 hours per three-credit course, including the culminating activity rather than in addition to the culminating activity. This needs to be clarified. Sechrist reported on a question from Dr. Roberta Eddy regarding special topics courses and the ability to create a special topics, dual level course that could be repeated. Staszkiewicz had responded to Dr. Eddy that they should probably create a selected topics course rather than to use a special topics format. Staszkiewicz will follow up with Dr. Eddy regarding appropriate numbers for such a course. III. Honors College Committee Report No Report IV. Liberal Studies Committee Report No Report V. 04-11 BS in Child Development and Family Relations, program revisions Peterson provided a revised proposal that reflected the corrections identified by Liberal Studies. He indicated that there was still a need for letters of acknowledgement from Biology and Nursing. There were also some further minor edits in the catalog description that Sechrist said shed be able to make directly on the disk. Provisional approval, pending confirmation of the letters of acknowledgement, was given on a Peterson/ Hoffsommer motion. VI. Adjourned at 3:45 PM Respectfully submitted, Mark J. Staszkiewicz CDNOQVYZir   ! 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