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Aikins՜.+,D՜.+,|  Ddp)  dMGMT 405 Organizational Staffing, number change (was MGMT 305)(course revision dual list with grad) Title8 (0<|     (0EktContentID64EktContentLanguageEktFolderId64 EktQuickLinkEktContentTypeEktFolderName EktCmsPath EktExpiryType EktDateCreated EktDateModified EktTaxCategory EktCmsSizeEktSea|  Ddp)  dMGMT 405 Organizational Staffing, number change (was MGMT 305)(course revision dual list with grad) TitlePXd p x   rchableEktEDescriptionekttaxonomyenabledEktShowEvents [ 'DownloadAsset.aspx?id=58203e@I@{U#UWUCC Minutes of November 11, 2008  bjbj 46hh  IIIII]]]]4,]3JIIIIIIIKNIIIIIIIIIIn=J@0%I]> IJ03J>OO@J@J@OIB0"II3JO : MINUTES University Wide Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Tuesday, November 11, 2008 16A Leonard Hall Call to Order Present: Boser for Intemann, Craig, Hannibal, McCombie, Mensch, Numan, Peterson, Potts, Sadler, Scandrett, Sechrist and Turner. Excused: Carranza, Lewis The minutes from the October 28, 2008 Curriculum Committee Meeting were approved, with minor grammatical changes, on a Hannibal/Numan motion. An addendum to the minutes was added to add V. between c and d under U on the minutes stating Move to the next agenda. Co-Chairs Report Regarding the distance ed course in hospitality/management that we returned for a course revision; the proposer emailed back that he had done a course revision proposal, but it hasnt moved beyond the department chairs office. Distance Ed. SubcommitteeScott and Kevin expressed interest in this subcommittee so we will need to shift the SC members for the spring semester. It was also reported that the DE Program policy passed APSCUF Representative Council last Thursday. Next it goes to Senate. Items for Review/Possible Action: Honors College Committee Report: No report Liberal Studies Committee Report: No report The following proposals were given provisional approval on a Potts/McCombie motion. Sechrist abstained. The Natural Science is not changing on the Economic and GIS Tracks and the reference to GEOG 341 or 342 is missing on the current side in the General Track. 08-31b B.A. Geography/Economic Geographer Track, program revision 08-31d B.A. Geography/GIS and Cartographer Track, program revision 08-31e B.A. Geography/General Geography Track, program revision 08-33 BTED 470 Technology Applications for Education (was BTED 370), course number change, was returned because it is 1) waiting for TECC approval, and 2) requires a course revision in order to create a dual-level course. 08-39a ENGL 226 Survey of Global Literature, new course Provisionally approved on a Scandrett/Peterson motion. Craig abstained. The objectives (especially 1, 3, & 4) need to be measurable (e.g. appreciate is vague), and the prerequisite line ENGL 101, 122 or permission of the instructor to be consistent with other survey lit courses. The credit information is all mixed up; the course title needs to be consistent throughout the proposal and the final exam must be added to the course outline. On page 7 there are two typos A3 currently not current B1 by not be. 08-39b ENGL 321 Persuasive Speech and Writing, new course Provisionally approved on a Numan/Potts motion. Craig abstained. Typo under D. Unit IV Readings Lundsford Chapter 15 Presenting is misspelled. and the bibliography format need to be fixed to be consistent. Remove the prereq line at the end of the catalog description. Final exam must be added to the course outline. 0 lab hours and 3 class hours need switched. 08-39c ENGL 327 Writing Creative Nonfiction, new course Approved on a McCombie/Turner motion. Craig abstained. 08-39v ENGL 303 British Enlightenment Literature, catalog description change; Provisionally approved on a McCombie/Peterson motion. Craig abstained. The first 3cr should be written as 3c on old and new descriptions, the prerequisite needs to be written as it is currently in the catalog, and and should be added after 202 to clarify prerequisites. 08-39hh ENGL 430 Major British Author, catalog description change. Provisionally approved on a Hannibal/Potts. Craig abstained. Needs and after 202; remove r in first in cr; fix spacing on current title and add current before catalog description and remove the dash between the number and the course title.The correct title is Author not Authors right? It needs changed if so at least on the current side if it is changing. 08-39ii ENGL 432 Chaucer, catalog description change; Provisionally approved on a Potts/Numan motion. Craig abstained. Needs spacing of title fixed, dashes removed, extra r removed, and added after 202 plus proposed and current need to be added above the descriptions. The following proposals were provisionally approved on a Peterson/Hannibal motion. Craig abstained. 08-39kk ENGL 436 Major American Authors, catalog description change fix r problem, dash problem, descriptions labeled proposed and current; add and after 202 08-39ll ENGL 461 Topics in British Literature, catalog description change fix r problem, dash problem, descriptions labeled proposed and current; add and after 202 08-39mm ENGL 462 Topics in American Literature, catalog description change; title spacing problem, extra r problem, dash problem, label proposed and current The following proposals were returned because the additional prerequisites for English majors have still not been addressed. Also have the extra r and need the and added in the prerequisite line. 08-39ff ENGL 344 Ethnic American Literature, catalog description change 08-39gg ENGL 386 Regional Literature in English, catalog description change c. 08-39jj ENGL 434 Shakespeare, catalog description change The following courses were approved on a Turner/Craig motion. 08-42a SAFE 301 Health Hazard Identification, course deletion 08-42b SAFE 303 Control of Health Hazards, course deletion 08-42c SAFE 402 Health Hazard Evaluation, course deletion The meeting was adjourned at 4:57. Respectfully submitted, Chauna Craig ;BDOUVfghuv   # ' / 0 1 6 7 T º|tݧldlh@CJaJhCJaJhCJaJhCJaJhLCJaJ hoCJ h5(uCJ h.@CJhZh5(uCJhjmlhQ:CJaJhyCJaJh^6OCJaJhjmlh^6OCJaJhgCJaJhdCJaJh4@"CJaJhaS7CJaJhjmlhyCJaJh5(uCJaJ&;Vghv  # $ 5  , - O  & F 8`gd>gdy & Fgd & F 8`gd4gdQ:gd5(u8^8gd5(u & F 8`gd5(u & FgdK$a$gdK gdK ! 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