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Aikins՜.+,D՜.+,l(     DRAFT MINUTES Title8 (0<|     (0EktContentID64l(     DRAFT MINUTES TitlePXd p x   EktContentID64EktCEktContentLanguageEktFolderId64 EktQuickLinkEktContentTypeEktFolderName EktCmsPath EktExpiryType EktDateCreated EktDateModified EktTaxCategory EktCmsSizeEktSearchableEktEDescriptionekttaxonomyenabledEktShowEvents  'DownloadAsset.aspx?id=50897e@??@v$UWUCC Minutes of September 16, 2008  bjbj .&hh||     ;======2!j=555=  R5  ;5;:,S u#?v 'h0R!]j!S!S0"8T== 5555!| : Minutes University Wide Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Tuesday, September 16, 2008 16A Leonard Hall Call to Order Present: Carranza, Craig, Hannibal, Lewis, McCombie, Mensch, Numan, Peterson, Potts, Sadler, Scandrett, Sechrist Excused: Intemann, Turner Approval of Minutes from September 2, 2008 Curriculum Committee Meeting. On a Potts/ Hannibal motion, the minutes were approved with minor revisions. Co-Chairs Report Revised Handbook Distribution: Sechrist asked for input as to how to distribute the revised handbooks. The committee agreed that we should provide one complete paper copy to each department, which would have a new cover sheet that could be slipped into the pocket on the outside of the notebooks. An email notifying departments of the changes could be sent out this week with the message that the paper copies will follow. Distance Education Discussion with Representatives from Graduate Committee Sechrist reported that Hannibal, Sadler, and herself met with Jim Lenze and Susan Boser to discuss issues about Distance Education that pertain to both the Graduate and Undergraduate committees. A suggestion that came out of that meeting was the possibility of creating a joint committee consisting of a few members from the UWUCC and a few from the Graduate Committee whose sole charge would be to review distance education proposals. They could meet in a computer lab and hopefully be able to access the websites of proposers. UWUCC felt that the idea of a specific screening committee that would just consider distance education proposals was a good idea (2-3 members), but was not in favor of giving them an approval role. If they would just serve as a screening committee instead of an approval body, it was unclear why the UWUCC representatives would need to meet with graduate representatives, except for dual level DE proposals. . IV. Review/Possible Action Honors College Committee Report: None Liberal Studies Committee Report UWUCC approved the committees motion to approve: Dr. B.Gail Wilson, Communications Media Department, for Type I Writing StatusProfessor Commitment UWUCC approved the committees motion to approve the revised Liberal Studies component for the following programs: Bachelor of ScienceBiochemistry Bachelor of Science in EducationChemistry Bachelor of ScienceChemistry/PreMed Track Bachelor of ScienceChemistry Bachelor of ArtsChemistry 08-14b CHEM B.S. in Chemistry/PreMed Track, program revision: The committee, on a Lewis/Scandrett motion, gave this proposal provisional approval pending minor revisions, i.e. correcting LBST electives listing, adding all course titles, fixing errors in footnotes. 08-14c CHEMB.S. in Chemistry, program revision: The committee, on a Hannibal/Carranza motion, gave this proposal provisional approval pending minor revisions, i.e. adding all course titles, fixing footnotes, substituting elective for electives under Controlled Electives on the side-by-side. 08-14d CHEM B.A. in Chemistry, program revision: The committee, on a McCombie/Peterson motion, gave this proposal provisional approval pending minor revisions, i.e. adding all course titles. 08-19 HPED 460Law and Issues in Managing Sport, distance education course: On a Craig/Sadler motion, this proposal was given provisional approval pending minor changes for clarification of student discussion requirements (the numbers do not currently match). 08-20a B.A. Spanish, 08-20b B.A. Spanish for International Trade; and 08-20c BSEDSpanish Education K-12, catalog description change of footnote: On a McCombie/Scandrett motion, the B.A. degree parts of the proposal were approved. The change to the footnote for BSEDSpanish Education K-12 was tabled. The committee suggested it be included with other revisions to the program which are being done this year since this change requires TECC approval first. 08-22 PHYS 101Energy and Our Environment, distance education course: On a Hannibal/Carranza motion, this proposal was given provisional approval. The proposer needs to list hardware/software requirements in the online syllabus, differentiate the catalog description from the description and make the prefix match the current 4 letter designation, and explain if there is a specific time or time window for the on-line quizzes, i.e. will this work for students in different time zones, etc.? Adjourned 5:07 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Chauna Craig w  + 4 b  * 8 N ! 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