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Aikins՜.+,D՜.+,|  Ddp$  dMGMT 405 Organizational Staffing, number change (was MGMT 305)(course revision dual list with grad) Title0 (0<|     |  Ddp$  dMGMT 405 Organizational Staffing, number change (was MGMT 305)(course revision dual list with grad) TitlePXd p x    (EktContentID64EktContentLanguageEktFolderId64 EktQuickLinkEktContentTypeEktFolderName EktCmsPath EktExpiryType EktDateCreated EktDateModified EktTaxCategory EktCmsSizeEktSearchableEktEDescriptionekttaxonomyenabledEktShowEvents c 'DownloadAsset.aspx?id=69987e@Wƫ@t UWUCC Minutes of March 10, 2009  bjbj 42 1111<m$1dGlllG G G G G G GIK Gll GG)))G)G))3=?}2ū1aO>"F4G0dGq>L[LD?L?l0")lll G G llldGLlllllllll :  Minutes University Wide Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Tuesday, March 10, 2009 16A Leonard Hall Call to Order Present: Boser (for Intemann), Carranza, Craig, Hannibal, Lewis, Numan, Peterson, Potts, Scandrett, Sechrist, Turner Excused: McCombie, Mensch, Sadler Minutes from February 17, 2009 Curriculum Committee Meeting approved on a Hannibal/Potts motion. Co-Chairs Report Sechrist reported that at the Feb. 23 TECC meeting no curricular proposals were approved because the TECC curriculum committee has asked for additional revisions for the Methods classes. The dean of Education stated that some of these proposals may not get approved until the fall. Sechrist met with Wendy Carse from English over break to determine what is left to do toward the English BA program revisions. There are 7 new courses to be approved yet--4 are on todays agenda (Total of 9 new courses). There are 33 minor revisions to titles, numbers, or Catalog Descriptions (5 of which still need approval and are on todays agenda. There are 4 course revisions (two of which still need approval) and then the program revisions themselves. We discovered that two items were added to the docket twice: The Bachelors of Arts English program revision creating new tracks listed as 44a and 7272 will be reassigned to another proposal. 08-70b ENGL 313 Rhetorical Trends and Traditions that was on our last agenda was previously approved as 44c on 11-18. Items for Review/Possible Action: Honors College Committee Report: No report Liberal Studies Committee Report: Approved LBST 499 Toxic Tales: Social Justice and the Environment in Literature and Film, Dr. Susan Comfort English Department Approved LBST 499 Defining Humanness, Dr. Beverly Chiarulli, Anthropology Department Approved prefix change and title for BTED/COSC/IFMG 101 Microbased Computer Literacy to BTED/COSC/MIS 101 Computer Literacy UWUCC voted to receive the Liberal Studies report. 08-60 EDEX 301 Instruction of Students with Disabilities in Inclusive Secondary Classrooms, distance education. Approved on a Peterson/Potts motion. 08-39g ENGL 308 Critical Theory (was ENGL 401 Advanced Literary Theory and Criticism), course revision, course number and title change, catalog description change Provisionally approved on a Hannibal/Lewis motion. Craig abstained. Objective 7 was reworded to be more general but that wording not on this revision. 08-39i ENGL 335 Literary Nonfiction (was The Essay), course revision, course title change, catalog description change Approved on a Peterson/Turner motion. Craig abstained. 08-39ff ENGL 344 Ethnic American Literature, catalog description change Approved on a Hannibal/Carranza motion. Craig abstained. 08-39gg ENGL 386 Regional Literature in English, catalog description change Approved on a Potts/Scandrett motion. Craig abstained. 08-39jj ENGL 434 Shakespeare, catalog description change Approved on a Scandrett/Hannibal motion. Craig abstained. 08-44e ENGL 385 Advanced Studies in Womens Literature (was Advanced Womens Literature), course title change, catalog description change Approved on a Peterson/Hannibal motion. Craig abstained. 08-69 PSYC 481 Special Topics: Psychology of Music, distance education Approved on a Scandrett/Turner motion. 08-70e ENGL 360 Editing and Publishing, new course Provisionally approved on a Carranza/Peterson motion. Craig abstained. Needs two more hours in the course outline to total 44 with the culminating activity. 08-70g ENGL 265 Law and Literature, new course Approved on a Potts/Turner motion. Craig abstained. 08-70h ENGL 484 Topics in English Studies, new course, program revision Returned on a Peterson/Lewis motion. Why only a minimum of 18 credits in major before taking a capstone course? The rationale suggests the capstone is immediately prior to graduation, but 18 credits in the major is only halfway through major coursework. 08-71 BTED/COSC/MIS 101 Computer Literacy (was Microbased Computer Literacy), course title change Approved on a Peterson/Lewis motion. 08-72 FSMR 480 Seminar: Fashion Merchandising, distance education Returned with one abstention. In looking at the paper copy, it is difficult to evaluate how the objectives will be met on-line in order to approve the distance education format. It would be helpful to have access to the course on-line or for you to provide additional information. P. 08-74a BA in Physics, program revision Returned awaiting clarification on numbers of mathematics courses and credits. Q. 08-74b BS in Physics, program revision, catalog description change Returned awaiting clarification on numbers of mathematics courses and credits. R. 08-74c Bachelor of Science Applied Physics, program revision Returned awaiting clarification on numbers of mathematics courses and credits. The course revisions attached to the back of two of the proposals did not include sufficient rationales for all of the changes listed. Adjourned 5:15 pm. Respectfully submitted, Chauna Craig BIKSYZjklyz   ! , 1 2 O ^ _ u v 庲tldl\T\h[CJaJhJhCJaJhCJaJh-CJaJhjmlhCJaJhwCJaJh CJaJhCJaJhQ:CJaJhjmlhQ:CJaJhyCJaJh^6OCJaJhjmlh^6OCJaJhsCJaJhcCJaJh4@"CJaJhaS7CJaJhjmlhyCJaJhzCJaJh CJaJBZklz  _ v w t  & Fgd6 & Fgd&W & F 8`gd&W^gdJh & F 8`gd[^gd & F 8`gdQ: & Fgd^6O$a$gdy gdyv w ! " - . 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