Mark your calendars, and come join your friends in the CAE community for a Tech Talk. CAE Tech Talks are free and conducted live in real-time over the internet, so no travel is required. Capitol Technology University hosts the presentations using Zoom, which employs slides, VOIP, and chat for live interaction. Just log in as"Guest"and enjoy the presentation(s). No password required.

Topic: Agent-based Modeling of Entity Behavior in Cyberspace

Date: May 20, 2021

Time: 1:00-1:50 p.m. ET


Presenter(s): Dr. Guillermo Francia, III, Faculty Scholar and Professor, UWF Center for Cybersecurity

Description: The talk presents the results of an ongoing research project, which utilizes agent-based models and scenarios to simulate the effect of user trust, adversary sophistication, user training, and system defenses on cybersecurity. These independent simulations utilize software agents which assume certain pre-defined attributes to emulate their physical counterparts on an environment that represents cyberspace.

Topic: Healthcare Virtualization

Date: May 20, 2021

Time: 2:00-2:50 pm ET


Presenter(s): Dr. Byrian Ramsey, University of the Cumberland

Description: Cloud computing and services is the now and future of technology. Healthcare organizations continue to struggle with using cloud computing and services due to security concerns and the reliability of having access to data. With the implementation of layers of redundancy, virtualization introduces new levels of reliability with cloud computing and services; therefore, healthcare organizations continue to evolve to implement these services. Many executive leadership team members are concerned with having "all their eggs in one basket". Now, through the redundancy of services, possessing all these in one system is very low if any risk. Also, research shows that cloud computing and services increase the healthcare of patients with the readiness of data. This talk will bring to light these issues and how we can move forward improving healthcare through cloud computing and services

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A recording of the live presentation will be available within 48 hours of the presentation.

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