At ÑÇÉ«Ó°¿â, some of our most substantial or innovative research has been done in the areas of energy and environment, health care, education, business, microbiology, and safety sciences.

Studying World War II Crash Sites

Our Anthropology faculty directed a five-week field school in Germany to discover artifacts at the crash site of a WWII airplane.

Discovering Armored Dinosaur

Biology professor Shundong Bi was part of a team that found the remains in the Yuxi region of Yunnan province in China.

Unearthing Black Settlers’ Stories

Applied Archaeology master's students excavated historic Pandenarium, where 63 free African Americans settled in 1854.

Reducing Workplace Slips, Trips, Falls

Safety Sciences researchers examined how construction workers adjust the biomechanics of walking to compensate for fall risks.

Advising the State Crime Commission

Faculty worked with the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency to provide research, evaluation, and advisory services.

System-Wide Geoscience Learning Ecosystem

Geoscience faculty helped create new ways of teaching geosciences to increase students' workforce and graduate school preparedness.

Producing Sustainable Coffee

Biology professor Jeff Larkin puts his conservation expertise into action in a team discovering innovative ways to avoid widespread deforestation from destructive farming methods. 

Researchers uncovered an unseen health hazard inside electronics recycling facilities. Recycling electronic parts could create 1.5 million jobs.

Professor of Physics Gregory Kenning developed a sensor that can mimic the decay of milk and other products.

Researchers developed a program that equips emergency first responders to have successful encounters with people with autism spectrum disorder.