Navigate Emergency Information

亚色影库 is operating normally and there are no special advisories in effect.

In an emergency, call 911 or Campus Police at 724-357-2141.

Weather-Related Information

亚色影库 has聽established guidelines by which decisions will be made to cancel classes, to close the university and/or to cancel or postpone 亚色影库-sponsored or hosted activities or events during inclement weather conditions.

Sutton Hall with a view of the town of Indiana in the distance

Emergency Operations Plan

The Emergency Operations Plan is a step-by-step guide explaining the university's official course of action in the event of an emergency situation, incident, or disaster. The EOP has been developed as a guide for reacting to major emergencies and disasters that may have the potential to cause significant disruption to the normal operation of 亚色影库 campuses.

Active Shooter

The university community is encouraged to become familiar with how to respond to an “active shooter,” should such an event ever occur.

An active shooter is an individual actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a confined and populated area. In most cases, active shooters use firearms, and there is no pattern or method to their selection of victims.

As active shooter situations are unpredictable and evolve quickly, all employees should learn how to help prevent and prepare for potential active shooter situations.

Learn What to Do

A self-paced, independent study course titled “Active Shooter, What You Can Do” (IS-907) is offered through the Department of Homeland Security. This course will provide guidance on how to prepare for and respond to an active shooter crisis. The course is free of charge and takes approximately 45 minutes to complete.

This online training opportunity is available through the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) . The EMI will award 0.1 CEUs for completion of this course.

What Will Happen in the Event of an Active Shooter?

  • If an active shooter is identified (either by gunfire or by visual observation of an unauthorized person on a building roof, etc.), the University Police (724-357-2141) should immediately be notified.
    • Northpointe and Punxsutawney regional campuses and Pittsburgh East Center: call 911.
  • The university police will respond to the scene and immediately notify neighboring agencies.
  • During an active shooter situation, the safety of university employees and students and responding police officers is paramount; therefore, all decisions will be made with regard to their safety.
  • In the event that an active shooter is identified, every available communication means will be employed to notify students and employees to stay in their respective buildings, to seek cover inside buildings, or not to come to campus. Individual room doors should be locked; seek cover in the room.
  • A team of officers will proceed into the area in which the active shooter is located and take necessary action to stop the shooter.
  • All police radios will be switched to National Police Band.

Active Shooter Situation

After the tragic mass shooting in Aurora, Colorado, the City of Houston, Texas, Mayor's Office of Public Safety and Homeland Security released a video on surviving a shooter event. The video details the key steps individuals should take when encountering an active shooter: “Run. Hide. Fight.” This is titled for the three rules individuals should be aware of in order to increase the chances of safety and survival. Watch the video here:

When faced with an active shooter, evaluate the situation and:

  • RUN if a safe path is available. Always try to escape or evacuate, even if others insist on staying.
  • Encourage others to leave with you, but don't let the indecision of others slow down your own effort to escape.
  • Once you are out of the line of fire, try to prevent others from walking into the danger zone and call 724-357-2141 or 9-1-1.
  • If you can't get out safely, find a place to HIDE.
  • When hiding, turn out lights, remember to lock doors, and silence your ringer and vibration mode on your cell phone.
  • As a last resort, working together or alone, act with aggression; use improvised weapons and FIGHT.

Alcohol Emergency

  • Communicate with the person your concern for his or her safety.
  • Call for emergency assistance: If on campus, 7-2141 or 9-911; if off campus, 911 (police, EMT).
  • Northpointe and Punxsutawney regional campuses and Pittsburgh East Center: call 911.
  • Do not permit the person to go to sleep without someone to watch him or her until emergency workers arrive.
  • Do not permit person to leave or walk alone.
  • Do not permit person to drive—take keys if possible.
  • Time is a factor; obtain assistance from police as soon as possible.

Anthrax or Suspected Biological Incident

If you suspect you have observed or come into contact with a questionable substance—call University Police at 7-2141 or 724-357-2141 if using a non-university phone. Northpointe and Punxsutawney regional campuses and the Pittsburgh East Center, call 911.

  • Avoid exposure to material in question.
  • Do not walk into or touch spilled material.
  • Avoid inhalation by holding breath as long as possible.
  • Outdoors: Move upwind a minimum of 300 feet.
  • Indoors: Close door and evacuate building.
  • If contact occurs, wipe skin immediately, remove contaminated clothing, and flush with water if possible for 20 minutes or until emergency personnel arrive.
  • Await emergency personnel and be sure they are aware of your contact with the material in question.
  • Inform emergency personnel of EXACT location of the material.

Suspicious Package or Envelope

  • Remain calm.
  • DO NOT walk with letter/package or shake it.
  • DO NOT merely discard the letter/package.
  • DO NOT open, smell, or taste the powder.
  • DO NOT shake or empty the envelope.
  • Isolate the specific area where the package or envelope rests so that no one else disturbs the item.
  • Do not evacuate the entire work area. Call University Police at 7-2141 or 724-357-2141 from cell phone.
  • Tell the emergency responder what you have received and what you have done with it. Indicate whether or not the item contains any visible powder and if any powder was released.
  • Do not allow anyone who may have touched the item to leave the office.
  • Keep a list of everyone who was in the area with you when you received the item.
  • University Police and the Safety Office will determine what other agencies need to be involved based on the condition of the item and the information provided.
  • Wash your hands with warm soapy water for at least a minute.


Behavioral and Mental Health Crisis

Behavioral and mental health emergencies occur when individuals are no longer able to appropriately interact with the world, due to various psychological, emotional, and environmental factors. Most people in psychological distress are neither violent nor intent on harm; yet they may be easily confused and unable to respond appropriately to various situations.

People experiencing mental health emergencies and crises may exhibit behaviors that are unsettling and can potentially put themselves or others in dangerous or threatening situations.

Be alert for behaviors or comments that are so unusual or threatening as to place the individual or another's safety in danger. If observed, call the police.

If on the Indiana campus: notify the University Police Department of the situation.

  • Call 7-2141 from a campus line.
  • Call 724-357-2141 from a non-university phone.

If off campus (including the Indiana community and branch campuses):

  • Call 911.

Clearly state that you need immediate assistance; give your name, exact location, and the nature of the incident.

Do not attempt to handle a behavioral or mental health emergency or crisis on your own. Law enforcement, psychological professionals, and/or medical professionals are available for immediate response.

People experiencing mental health issues or concerns may exhibit behaviors that are unsettling or disturbing without imminent danger to self or others.

Report to/consult with a university official immediately if you are concerned about unsettling or disturbing behaviors that you observe in others. For a list of members of 亚色影库's Concern and Response Team (CART), visit the Standing CART Membership page.

To consult with a university mental health professional about psychological issues, call the 亚色影库 Counseling Center: 724- 357-2621, 8:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m. M-F.

Other hours, call the Indiana/Armstrong Mental Health Crisis line: 1-877-333-2470 (located at the Open Door).

Bomb Threat

Receipt of Call

  • Remain calm and attempt to obtain as much information as possible from the caller.
  • Listen closely to the voice of the caller to determine voice quality, gender, age, accents, or words used repeatedly. Obtain as much information as possible from the bomb threat checklist below.
    • Where is the bomb right now?
    • When is the bomb going to explode?
    • What does it look like?
    • What kind of bomb is it?
    • Did you place the bomb?
    • Why?
    • What is your address?
    • What is your name?
    • Any names of persons, agencies, or offices?
    • Note the date and time of the call.
    • If your phone has Caller ID, note the number of the caller.
  • Do not hang up the phone.
  • Note background noises such as a motor running, music, train, whistle, siren, airplanes, etc., which could indicate the location of the caller.

Immediately After Receipt of Call, Set Up Trace Before Making or Receiving Another Call

  • Immediately activate a call trace. This must be done before making or receiving another call. The number of the last call will be reported to the local telephone company.
  • To set up the trace, after the threat caller has hung up from the threatening call, pick up the receiver, wait for the dial tone, then dial *57 and listen to the instructions. (You do not need to press a leading 7 or 9 on a campus phone.)

After the Trace, What to Do Next

  • Call the University Police at 724-357-2141.
  • For Northpointe and Punxsutawney regional campuses and the Pittsburgh East Center: Call 911.
  • Notify your immediate supervisor that you have received a bomb threat and have called the police. Do not state the nature of the call to anyone else.
  • Complete the bomb threat checklist. Remain at your location until the police arrive. The officer will interview you regarding the call and take the checklist.

Receipt of Note

  • Refrain from handling the note as much as possible for evidence purposes.
  • Contact University Police at 724-357-2141 or call 911.
  • Northpointe and Punxsutawney regional campuses and the Pittsburgh East Center: Call 911.

Receipt of E-mail or Text Message

  • Do not delete the e-mail or text message.
  • Contact University Police at 724-357-2141 or call 911.
  • Northpointe and Punxsutawney regional campuses and the Pittsburgh East Center: Call 911.


  • The director of Public Safety will determine if an evacuation is necessary and coordinate the evacuation of the building. Do not evacuate until told to do so by the police—evacuation routes may be unsafe. Follow police instructions.
  • Police officers will allow no one to enter a building in which a bomb threat is suspected except authorized personnel. The director of Public Safety will decide when reentry is permitted.

Search Procedures

  • The director of Public Safety will be in charge of the search. The University Police will conduct the search or other individuals authorized by the director of Public Safety.
  • Under no circumstance should faculty, staff, or students touch a suspected bomb. Notify the police officer in charge of the search in your location of any suspicious objects.
  • Do not use cell phones.

Fire Emergencies

  • DO NOT PANIC. Remain calm, but remember that fire spreads quickly, and your prompt, appropriate response is essential.

  • Upon observing fire or smoke anywhere in the building, activate the alarm, shut all doors and windows, and evacuate the building through the safest possible route.

  • Do not permit fire to come between you and the exit; know the location of fire extinguishers.

  • Call 9-911 on a campus phone or 911 on a public or non-university phone. If possible, call University Police at 7-2141 from a campus phone or 724-357-2141 from a non-university phone.

  • Northpointe and Punxsutawney regional campuses and Pittsburgh East Center: call 911.

  • Do not attempt to go up the stairwells to a higher level unless you are located in a basement and that is the only way out of the building.

  • Help those who are injured or with disabilities to the nearest stairwell.

  • DO NOT USE ELEVATORS. If you are unable to use stairs or if you have helped a disabled person into the stairwell, remain there with stairwell doors closed. The doors are designed to keep fire and smoke out of the stairwell. Notify or ask someone to notify University Police that there are people in the stairwell for assistance.

  • Check doors and handles before opening—if they are hot, do not open; stay low and call out for help.

  • If there is smoke leading to exit, use alternate exit route or crawl on hands and knees.

  • If there is smoke in the exit way, crawl on your hands and knees or stay close to the floor—this will improve visibility and reduce the toxicity caused by smoke.

  • If exits are blocked, go back to your room, close the door, and call University Police at 7-2141 to report your location. Seal the cracks around the doors with tape or towels to prevent smoke from entering the room, and hang a brightly colored cloth or bed sheet from the window to alert rescue personnel of your location. If smoke gets into your room, remain low where the air is clear.


Medical Emergencies

Providing Aid: Initial Response

Check the scene for safety. Check the victim for consciousness.

  1. Checking the unconscious victim:
    • Tap and shout to see if the person responds.
    • If no response, have someone call for an ambulance.
    • Look, listen, and feel for breathing for about five seconds.
    • If no breathing, position victim on back while supporting head and neck.
    • Tilt head back and lift chin.
    • Look, listen, and feel for breathing for about five seconds.
    • Check for severe bleeding.
    • Care for life-threatening conditions if you have the proper training.
  2. If the victim is conscious:
    • Watch for changes in breathing and consciousness.
    • Help the victim rest comfortably.
    • Keep the victim from getting chilled or overheated.
    • Reassure the victim.
    • Do not move seriously injured persons unless they are in danger of further injury.

When to Call an Ambulance

Call 911 and notify the university police if the victim:

  • Is unconscious
  • Has trouble breathing
  • Has a chest pain or pressure
  • Is bleeding severely
  • Has pressure or pain in the abdomen that does not go away
  • Is vomiting or passing blood
  • Has repeated seizures or a seizure that lasts for more than a few minutes
  • Has a severe headache or slurred speech
  • Appears to have been poisoned
  • Has injuries to the head, neck, or back
  • Has possible broken bones

Nuclear Power Plant Emergencies

Because the Northpointe campus is approximately 35 miles from a nuclear power plant, the university must be prepared to deal with a release of nuclear material into the environment.

First Reaction

  • Remain calm.
  • Stay indoors and await further instructions.
  • Listen for emergency instructions through radio and TV broadcasts, public address system, voice mail and e-mail, and emergency responders.
  • If the decision is made to evacuate the campus and move away from the vicinity of the nuclear incident, follow instructions given by the emergency service personnel on scene.

Shelter in Place

There may be instances in which you will be asked to remain where you are for safety reasons, such as during an airborne hazardous materials release. If this occurs:

  • Remain in the building you are in or, if outdoors, get into the nearest building and stay there.
  • Close all doors behind you and all windows in rooms.
  • Turn off heaters/air conditioners, bathroom and kitchen exhausts, and any other device that may draw in outside air or circulate inside air.
  • Seal any cracks around windows and doorways with tape, rolled-up towels, etc.; or seal doors and windows with plastic taped over them.
  • Do not stand by windows or doors. Go to an inside room away from windows or doors if possible.
  • Stay tuned to local television or radio for more information, or visit the 亚色影库 website at for updates.
  • DO NOT leave the building until told to do so by police or emergency personnel.
  • Avoid tying up the telephone lines; use phone only for emergency calls.

Shelter in place has been shown to be a safe response to an airborne hazardous materials release.

It is imperative that you stay indoors, especially if you can see a cloud, vapor, or smoke from the materials outdoors or smell the materials indoors. You will be safer indoors.

Severe Weather Emergencies

See also the university's Inclement Weather Policy.

In the event of an emergency, information will be posted on the 亚色影库 Emergency Information web page.

Winter Storms

  • Listen to the radio or television for emergency weather broadcasts. Remain indoors during severe weather conditions.

    • Indiana Campus: call the inclement weather hotline at 7-1213 from a university phone or 724-357-1213 from a non-university phone.

    • Punxsutawney Campus and 亚色影库 Pittsburgh East: call the inclement weather hotline at 724-357-7538.

    • Northpointe: Call724-357-1213.


  • If you must go outdoors, wear multiple layers of protective clothing rather than one layer of heavy clothing. The outer garments should be tightly woven and water repellent. Let others know where you are going and when you expect to arrive.

  • Move away from trees, overhead power lines and other utilities that may collapse due to ice and snow accumulation. Keep dry and walk carefully on snowy and icy walkways to avoid falling.

  • If you become trapped in a vehicle, remain there, but turn off engine to avoid carbon monoxide poisoning. Do not try to walk to safety unless you can see a building close by; disorientation occurs quickly in wind-driven snow.

Flooding and Lightning

  • Move inside a building to the highest floor for greater protection and stay there. Close all windows and doors; draw blinds and/or shades over windows. Unplug electrical appliances and stay away from flooded areas like a basement to avoid electrocution.

  • Do not attempt to cross flooded streams or fast-moving water either on foot or in a car. The water may be deeper than you anticipate, and you could be swept away.

  • Move away from trees, power lines, and other tall objects; stay low to prevent lightning strikes.

Tornado or Earthquake

  • If you are indoors, seek refuge on the lowest level of the building.

  • Go to the basement or move to the stair tower, crawl under a sturdy wooden table or desk, or stand in a doorway. These are places to seek shelter from falling objects and flying debris and are some of the strongest structural components of a building.

  • Stay away from glass windows and doors, shelves, and appliances.

  • If you are outdoors, move quickly away from buildings, utility poles, and other structures; avoid power or utility lines, as they may be energized.

  • If in a vehicle, stop in the safest place available away from power lines and trees. If necessary, stay in the vehicle for shelter during an earthquake. In a tornado, get out of the vehicle and seek shelter in a culvert or other low-lying area.

Swatting: False Threats To Safety

“Swatting” , with incidents reported to have taken place all over the nation at both K-12 schools and at colleges and universities. In March 2023, there was a swatting incident reported .

According to the School Safety Center, swatting is defined as a false report of an ongoing emergency or threat of violence intended to prompt an immediate tactical law enforcement response.

Swatting is not a new threat; it has evolved over the last decade or so and includes a range of tactics and techniques used to cause false public alarm and divert law enforcement resources to a hoax threat.

Swatting scenarios include bomb threats, active shooter scenarios, threats of an imminent shooting rampage, hostage scenarios, and threats involving chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, or explosives agents.

亚色影库 takes all threats, including threats posted on social media, very seriously. Every threat is thoroughly investigated by University Police, working closely with agencies throughout the region, including the Pennsylvania State Police.

If a threat is received, information and recommended action to keep you safe will be sent through the campus emergency communication system (text messages, voice calls, emails). Please follow the directions in these messages.

As more information is known, additional messages will be sent until the situation is resolved.


Biological, Chemical, or Radiation Incident

  • If you suspect you have observed or come into contact with a questionable substance, call University Police at 7-2141, or 724-357-2141 from a non-university phone.
  • Northpointe and Punxsutawney regional campuses and the Pittsburgh East Center: Call 911.
  • Avoid exposure to material in question.
  • Do not walk into or touch spilled material.
  • Avoid inhalation by holding breath as long as possible.
    • Outdoors - Move upwind as far as possible.
    • Indoors - Close door and evacuate building.
  • If contact occurs, wipe skin immediately, remove contaminated clothing, and flush with water if possible for 20 minutes.
  • Await emergency personnel and be sure they are aware of your contact with the material.
  • Inform emergency personnel of EXACT location of the material.

What You Can Do

  • Be vigilant.
  • If you suspect or see suspicious activity, contact University Police at 7-2141, or 724-357-2141 from a non-university phone.
  • Make a kit of emergency supplies and have it ready in the event of an emergency.
  • Make a plan of what you will do in an emergency situation.
  • Be informed about what might happen. Stay aware of the current Homeland Security Advisory System condition:
    • Low Condition - Green
    • Guarded Condition - Blue
    • Elevated Condition - Yellow
    • High Condition - Orange
    • Severe Condition - Red
  • Get involved. Find out more about terrorism, Homeland Security, and what you can do by visiting these websites:

Utility Failure

Gas Leak

  • Report any suspected gas leaks immediately to University Police at 7-2141, or call 724-357-2141 from a non-university phone.
  • Do not use open flames near an area with a suspected gas leak.
  • Leave the area until it is inspected for safety.
  • If in a building, open windows if possible and quickly leave the area.
  • Activate fire alarms if you believe there is potential danger to building occupants.

Power Outage

  • All university buildings are equipped with an emergency generator. Hallways and stairwells in academic buildings will remain lighted while generator is operating.
  • Open window draperies if during daylight hours.
  • Be sure to have an emergency flashlight and fresh batteries.
  • DO NOT use candles or open flames.
  • Resident Students: Remain in your hall; the emergency generators will operate hallway lights, restroom lights, and stairwell lights.
  • Listen at elevator doors for people trapped, and call University Police if you hear voices.
  • Do not go near power lines that are down.


  • If you are trapped in an elevator, do not attempt to pry open the doors to climb up or down from an elevator between floors. If the elevator moves, you could be crushed.
  • Remain calm. Stay in the elevator until help arrives.
  • Ring the emergency button (alarm) and call for help. If the elevator has an emergency phone, pick it up (it will automatically ring to University Police). Tell the dispatcher the building and floor where you are trapped.

Plumbing Failure/Flooding

  • Cease using all electrical items.
  • Attempt to shut off water at its source.
  • Call University Police at 7-2141 (724-357-2141 from a non-university phone) or Facilities Maintenance at 7-2710 (724-357-2710 from a non-university phone).

At Pittsburgh East Center, call the assistant dean at 724-357-4742.

Violent Criminal Behavior

Reporting an Incident

  • If on campus, contact University Police at 7-2141 (724-357-2141 from a non-university phone) or call 911 (9-911 from a university phone)
  • If off campus, but in Indiana Borough, contact Indiana Borough Police at 724-349-2121 or call 911.
  • If off campus and outside Indiana Borough, contact the State Police at 724-357-1960 or call 911.
  • Northpointe and Punxsutawney regional campuses and the Pittsburgh East Center: Call 911
  • Provide the dispatcher with as much information as possible: nature and location of the incident, description of persons and property involved, and whether any weapons were involved.

Crime in Progress

  • Do not attempt to apprehend except for self-protection.
  • Note the criminal's description.
  • Go to a safe location and call the police at 911.

Victim of a Robbery or Assault

  • Cooperate to the fullest extent possible.
  • Give the person exactly what is asked for.
  • Do not negotiate over jewelry or money.
  • Do not attempt to apprehend or fight back except for self-protection.
  • Note the criminal's description.
  • As soon as possible go to a safe place and call the police at 911 immediately.

What to Do if Taken Hostage

  • Be patient. Time is on your side. Avoid drastic action. The initial few minutes are the most dangerous.
  • Follow instructions, be alert, and stay alive.
  • The captor is emotionally unbalanced. Don't make mistakes which could be hazardous to your well-being.
  • Don't speak unless spoken to and then only when necessary.
  • Don't talk down to the captor, who may be in an agitated state.
  • Avoid appearing hostile; avoid arguments; expect the unexpected.
  • Maintain eye contact with the captor at all times, but do not stare.
  • Try to rest.
  • Comply with instructions as best you can.
  • Be observant. You may be released or have an opportunity to escape. The personal safety of others may depend on your memory.
  • Be prepared to answer the police on the phone.
  • Be patient; wait.
  • Attempt to establish rapport with the captor.

a close up of a university police officers shoulder showing his uniform and  亚色影库 Police shoulder patch

University Police

Our fully trained and certified police officers focus on crime prevention as well as law enforcement. The University Police are based in the Office of Public Safety, which is open 24 hours, seven days per week, year-round.

Additional Emergency Phone Numbers

Indiana, PA: On-Campus Services

Name Number
University Police 724-357-2141
University Safety Office 724-357-2141
Facilities Management/Maintenance 724-357-2710
Health Services 724-357-2550

Indiana, PA: Local Services

Name Number
Fire Department 9-911
Off-Campus 911
Cell 911
Indiana Borough Police 724-349-2121
Indiana Regional Medical Center 724-357-7121
State Police 724-357-1960
Sheriff's Department 724-465-3930

Regional Campuses

Name Number
Buffalo Township Police 724-295-5220
Richard Muth 724-294-3300
Punxsutawney Regional Campus
Punxsutawney Borough Police 814-938-6220
Richard Muth 814-938-6711
Pittsburgh East
Fire/Police/Ambulance/EMA 911
Assistant Dean 724-357-4742