April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month. The Haven Project invites your organization to show support to survivors of sexual assault with your participation in Take Back the Night 2022.

words listen, believe, supportDate: Wednesday, April 13, 2022
Location: The Oak Grove

Schedule of Events

  • 6:30 p.m. - Chalk the Walk with messages of support. Materials provided.
  • 7:30 p.m. -  Luminaria Lighting Ceremony. Your group will be responsible for lighting your area's luminarias.

How can your organization show your support?

Email haven-project@iup.edu by Monday, April 11, to reserve your group’s sign and designated luminaria for the ceremony.  Your group will be responsible for lighting your area's luminarias.

Include in your email:

  • Name of the group participating
  • Estimated number of attendees

1,783 luminarias will be lit to represent and honor every survivor of sexual violence at 亚色影库.

The goal is to stand in solidarity for victims and survivors of sexual assault, saying that we don’t tolerate sexual violence on our campus and It’s On Us to speak up, step up, and stand up for others. We want to show our support for those that have experienced sexual violence and let them know that they are heard, they are believed, and they are supported. 

We recognize that this is a difficult topic to talk about. Here are some resources if you would need to reach out.

Resources and Services

  • The Alice Paul House (24/7 hotline): 724-349-4444
  • Center for Health and Well-Being
  • The Haven Project: 724-357-3947
  • The Counseling Center: 724-357-2621
  • University Police: 724-357-2141
  • The Office of Student Support and Community Standards: 724-357-1264
  • Title IX Coordinator: 724-357-3402
  • LGBTQIA Support: 724-357-2598

We See You. We Hear You. We Believe You. We Support You!

Please follow the Haven Project on social media for information on Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month and our other topics:

  • Facebook: 亚色影库 Haven Project
  • Twitter:@亚色影库Haven
  • Instagram: @亚色影库Haven

Questions? Visit the Haven Project website or email haven-project@iup.edu.