Do you want to take your online course materials to the next generation of interactivity? Instructional Design Services can assist you in developing interactive course materials, work with you to create and leverage the use of instructional design practices and media production services, and take advantage of Articulate Rise 360. By using Articulate, you will be able to create interactive and engaging content designed to engage your learners.

Instructional Design Service can provide you with royalty-free images, icons, music, and animations from our library. Content designed using articulate allows learners to view that content on a computer, laptop, tablet, or mobile device with ease. You have the opportunity to add video, photos, charts, animations, hot spots, interactive assessments, and scenarios to name a few.

Instructional Design Services can help you create exciting, full-course elements or incorporate activities in your courses for students. Check out the sample course and see if you're ready to "Rise to the Interactivity."

If you are interested in this service, contact Instructional Design Services via to explore opportunities to engage your learners.