The English Department is excited to announce a 12-15 credit ESL certificate program, open to all undergraduate majors interested in teaching English as a second or other language. The program will focus on the following:
Understanding the structures and uses of English;
Exploring the role of socio-cultural contexts in language learning and acquisition;
Connecting theory to practice and the use of authentic materials in the classroom
For students interested in studying linguistics or teaching abroad, the 12-credit, all-online program will give a foundation to study in TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) and applied linguistics.
Teacher candidates already becoming certified in a primary area can add the ESL certificate program to become dual certified by the state of Pennsylvania. This 15-credit program will prepare teacher candidates to teach English as a second or other language in K-12 public schools, an occupation which is currently in and includes a three-credit field experience.
Students interested in the program can begin by registering for ENGL 442 - Cross Cultural Communication, a new online class for spring 2021. This class is open to non-education majors and will focus on major trends, issues, research, and exploration in cross-cultural communication.
To apply for the ESL certificate program, fill out the . For questions, please contact Emily Wender at and Gloria Park at