Dana Driscoll (English, Jones White Writing Center), with colleagues Jennifer Reid (Marquette University), Matthew Pavesich (John Hopkins University), Andrea Efthymiou (Hofstra University), and Heather Lindenman (Elon University), published on their larger nationwide self-sponsored writing project in a new edited collection, Writing Beyond the University.

Their chapter, titled "Writing to Learn Beyond the University: Preparing Lifelong Learners for Lifewide Writing," explores how adults in the United States use writing in order to learn in contexts outside of work and school --which the authors term "self-sponsored writing to learn"-- and how individuals navigate the boundaries between school, work, and non-obligatory contexts. Through three case studies of writers from their larger nationwide study of self-sponsored writing, the article explores how universities can support students becoming lifelong writers and use writing for a variety of personal and professional benefits. 

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