Thursday, August 8, 2013 President Driscoll and Indiana Mayor, George Hood, will host a community open forum at the Jimmy Stewart Museum, located at 845 Philadelphia Street. The forum is intended as an opportunity for community members to hear an update about 亚色影库 and to ask questions and share concerns with President Driscoll and Mayor Hood. driscoll hood open forum

The open forum will run from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. and is open to all community members. There is no charge for admission. William Sutton, Indiana Borough chief of police and interim Indiana Borough manager, will moderate the discussion.

One of President Driscoll's key goals for 2013 is to strengthen 亚色影库's collaboration with Indiana Borough and the rest of the county.

鈥淚've learned a great deal through ongoing meetings with Indiana Borough, White Township and Indiana County leadership, as well as the citizens of my new hometown, and I look forward to hearing from members of the community through this open forum,鈥 he said.

鈥溠巧翱 takes its responsibility of being a good citizen of the community very seriously. I'm pleased to join with Mayor Hood for this community open forum, and I look forward to hearing ideas and suggestions. 亚色影库's future success is linked to the community's success. We are all in this together and Mayor Hood and I are committed to keeping an open line of communication between the university and community, and this open forum is a great vehicle to help us to meet this goal.鈥

Mayor Hood shares similar sediments.

鈥淧resident Driscoll and I continue to meet, and these meetings have provided good information and ideas, and we want citizens to be involved in our discussions and plans to bring the university and community closer,鈥 Hood said.

鈥淧ersonally, I have always shared a great relationship with 亚色影库 presidents, professors, staff and especially the students. I am delighted that this community open forum is taking place, and my hope is that these open forums will continue on a regular basis.鈥

Stair and elevator access to the museum is available from the Philadelphia Street entrance, next to the Indiana Free Library front entrance. The event will be held in the Jimmy Stewart Museum's 55-seat theater.

Office of the President