How has the public responded to the COVID-19 pandemic? Please join Professor John Drury from the University of Sussex, United Kingdom, on September 17 at 12:20 p.m. for a Zoom lecture discussing psychological perspectives on collective resilience and vulnerability in coping with the COVID-19 pandemic.

In the absence of a vaccine, behavior by the public is key to the response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Some have expressed doubts about the extent to which the public are able to engage effectively with the required behavior: Will they over-react or under-react? Will selfishness prevail over the required solidarity? Research on other types of crises and emergencies demonstrates the role of group processes in determining the answers to these questions.

This presentation will analyze the role of group processes in the COVID-19 pandemic in two key domains: adherence by the public to the required public health behaviors; and determinants of community mutual aid. If the public response to the pandemic is a function of variables and conditions rather than psychological fixed tendencies, then change is possible. Therefore, properly understanding the role of group processes means we can help design more effective interventions to support collective resilience in the public the face of the pandemic and other threats.

Professor Drury will draw upon the recent research evidence and his own experience of government advisory groups to discuss the most and least effective public health interventions in the pandemic.

For a Zoom invitation, please send an email to Krys Kaniasty at

About the Speaker

John Drury is internationally known for his cutting-edge research on crowd psychology, with specific focus on collective resilience in mass emergencies and disasters. Most currently he has been involved in several COVID-19 studies and has been collaborating with governmental and academic task forces.

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Department of Psychology