PASSHE Board of Governors policies 1999-02-A: TUITION and 1989-05-A: STUDENT FEES outline various charges that may be assessed by institutions, including tuition, the technology fee, instructional fees, user fees, and activity fees.

Instructional Fees at 亚色影库 include the Educational Services Fee (ESF) and the Graduate Fee. All students pay the base Educational Services Fee, which is indexed at 10 percent of tuition. The Graduate Fee is also indexed at 5 percent of tuition for master's students and 10 percent for doctoral students.

The vice president for Administration and Finance administers 65 percent of the base 10 percent fee that all students pay. The provost and vice president for Academic Affairs is responsible for the remaining 35 percent.

In Academic Affairs, an ESF Advisory Committee appointed by the provost recommends an annual spending plan in support of academic colleges and other units, central university functions (e.g., Libraries and IT Services), and special initiatives. By convention, an allocation model established by the Council of Deans distributes funds across the colleges. The ESF spending plan benefits undergraduate and graduate students. The spending plan for the Graduate Fee is the responsibility of the dean of the School of Graduate Studies and Research, in consultation with the Council of Deans. Since only graduate students contribute to these funds, these funds are used exclusively to support graduate education.

Board of Governors policy 1989-05-A: STUDENT FEES specifies that "instructional fees may be used to support general instructional operations and academic facilities needs. These fees may be used to cover unusual costs of certain special programs such as music instruments, practica, instructional equipment, required course/university tests and examinations, laboratory supplies, course-required field trips, student teaching, clinical experiences, or related activities."

At 亚色影库, all expenditures from ESF and Graduate Fee sources must adhere to this policy.

July 2015