Constitution and Bylaws of the Academic Computing Policy Advisory Committee of 亚色影库

Adopted May 21, 2002
Revised December 18, 2006
Revised May 6, 2009

Revised October 20, 2010

I. Purpose

The Academic Computing Policy Advisory Committee (ACPAC) shall recommend, to the appropriate university unit, policy related to technology in support of the academic mission. These units include but are not limited to: the President, the Provost, the University Senate, the Deans' Council, and the Office of the CIO.

II. Membership

Members of ACPAC are appointed by college deans, vice presidents, or organizations being represented and serve until replaced because of changes in membership on the college technology committee, separation from the university, or other reasons. A majority of the membership of ACPAC consists of faculty members. ACPAC membership shall include the following:

  • Two faculty representatives from each academic college, at least one of which shall be a member of the college technology committee.
  • One faculty representative from the library.
  • One faculty representative from the University Senate who shall be a member of the Library and Educational Services committee.
  • One faculty member from Student Affairs.
  • One graduate faculty member representing the Graduate School.
  • One faculty member representing the Regional Campuses and who teaches at one of them.
  • One faculty member who teaches at Pittsburgh East.
  • Two Deans or Associate/Assistant deans.
  • One representative from Student Affairs.
  • One representative from the Graduate Student Assembly and one from Student Congress.
  • Two College Technology Managers, at least one of which is an Assistant Dean of Technology.
  • The Chief Information Officer.
  • The Coordinator for IRT from the Office of the CIO.
  • One at-large representative from the Office of the CIO.
  • Two at-large faculty members.

III. Officers and Duties

The officers of ACPAC shall be the Academic Co-chair and the Administrative Co-chair.

The Academic Co-chair shall be a faculty representative to ACPAC and shall be elected and installed at the end of the final meeting of the academic year. The term of office is two years with re-election possible, but for no more than two consecutive terms.

The ACPAC Administrative Co-chair shall be an Assistant Dean of Technology of a College, nominated by the Chief Information Officer and ratified by a majority vote of ACPAC members. The Administrative Co-chair shall serve for a term of two years, and this term can be repeated if he/she is nominated and ratified as above.

To provide continuity, the Academic Co-chair will normally be elected in the spring of odd numbered years, and the Administrative Co-chair will normally be ratified in the spring of even numbered years.

Duties of Elected Co-chair:

  • Set the meeting agenda.
  • Appoint committees and action teams when needed.
  • Appoint ACPAC representatives to other committees.
  • Communicate ACPAC actions to appropriate university constituents.

Duties of Administrative Co-chair:

  • Record the minutes of each meeting.
  • Maintain the ACPAC website.
  • Assist in preparing the meeting agenda.
  • Following ACPAC guidelines, manage monetary funds that have been allocated to support academic technology and provide a report at each meeting.

IV. Meetings and Actions

Meetings are normally held once per month during the academic year. The co-chairs may call additional meetings as needed.

All formal actions of the committee must be approved by a majority vote of the members present when a quorum of at least one-third of the membership is present.

Most action teams are created to address a specific issue, and reports from the current action teams become standing agenda items. Action teams are created and disbanded by a majority vote of members present.

V. Elections

A nominating committee shall be formed to produce a slate of candidates from the faculty representatives for the position of the Elected Co-chair and shall be presented at the last meeting of the year.

A paper ballot vote shall be conducted at the last meeting of the year with the winner selected by a majority vote of ACPAC members present.

VI. Amendments and Bylaws

Proposed amendments must be distributed at least one month prior to the scheduled vote.

Approval requires a two-thirds majority of the membership, which may be accomplished in person at a meeting, electronically, or by paper ballot.